Community Videochat v.6.0
Installation/Integration manual

Home Admin console

Videochat admin console

To access videochat admin console you should enter the chat as administrator and click "admin console" button on the top:

By default administrator login/password are admin/admin. We recommend that you change the password once you entered admin console for the first time.

Chat rooms management

In order to add a new room to the chat, click "create room" button .You will see a window as shown on the picture below:

Field name Description
Room Name* The name of the room, which appears in the select drop down box.
Max Users Determines the maximum number of users allowed for this room (optional).
Access Specifies whether the room is public or password protected
Password Password for the Password protected room
Description Some text, which describes the room (optional).

Once you’ve filled in all the required fields, click Submit button to add a new room.

Administrators/Moderators management

In order to manage chat administrators/moderators enter Admin section. You will see a screen similar to the one bellow:

The difference between chat administrator and moderator is a possibility to access admin console. Only administrator can access it, when moderators can only moderate chat users (kick, ban, warn, etc.)

To add a chat administrator/moderator click Create Admin button on the top:


Field name Description
Admin Name* Name of the user you want to make an administrator.
Password* Password which is used by the user to enter the admin panel
Level* Level of the administrative control, assigned to the user.
Description Some text, which describes the administrator (optional).

Deleting users from VideoChat administrator panel has no effect on your current user’s database. Deleted users will still be able to log-into chat, but as regular users.

Remember: at least one user with administrator rights must be listed in the admin panel, otherwise you will not be able to enter the admin console.

Bans management

To manage chat ban list enter the corresponding section of the admin console.

In this section admin can manage bans by user name, IP address or IP range.

To add a ban select, click Create ban  button:


Field name Description
Type Ban type: IP range, User name, User IP
From IP/To IP Ban IP range (if type is set to IP range)
IP Banned user IP address (if type is set to IP address)
User name Banned user's login name (if type is set to user name)
Ends at Ban ends date and time
Description Some text, which describes the ban reason (optional)

Chat settings

This section allows you to manage different video chat settings.

Integration settings
Parameter name Description
Auto Login If enabled, the chat calls authorization handler and if user is logged in on the main site he/she enters the chat automatically.
Chat Auth Enables/Disables chat authorization. I.e. a user will be offered to enter his username and password on the chat login screen.
Guest Mode Indicates if non registered users (guests) can enter the chat.

Avatar mode
Parameter name Description
Avatar mode Video chat avatar mode (gender, avatar, photo)
Photo size The image size (width/height) in pixels. (only in photo mode)

Admins/moderators settings
Parameter name Description
Admin apply color If enabled Admins are highlighted with their color in the users list
Moderator apply color If enabled Moderators are highlighted with their color in the users list
Moderator allow invisible mode If enabled Moderators can join chat room in invisible mode
Moderator allow see whisper messages If enabled Moderators can see whisper messages

Input settings
Parameter name Description
Whisper messages Enable/Disable whisper messages in the chat
Allow drawing If enabled users can use drawing plugin and send drawings to the chat area
Allow send an image If enabled users can send image files from their computer to the chat area

Status settings
Parameter name Description
Auto away Enables/Disables auto away user status
Auto away time Auto away time (in seconds)
Auto logout Enables/Disables auto logout user status
Auto logout for admins Enables/Disables auto logout user status form admins
Auto logout for moderators Enables/Disables auto logout user status for moderators
Auto logout time Auto logout time (in seconds)
Auto logout URL A page URL to which users will be redirected on auto logout

Max length settings
Parameter name Description
Message Maximum message length. Longer messages are cut to the set number of characters.
Room name Maximum length of the room title. Longer titles are cut to the set number of characters.
User name Maximum length of the user name. Longer names are cut to the set number of characters.

Other settings
Parameter name Description
User max videos Maximum number of video windows, which user can open simultaneously
User create room If enabled users are allowed to create rooms
Allow password protected rooms If enabled users are allowed to create password protected rooms
Guest suffix Guest-users are displayed with guest-suffix, added to their names.
Parse links Text formatted like or, entered by user,
is automatically converted into clickable links.

Video settings

In this section you can specify available video/audio quality presets (i.e. dialup, dsl, lan) which users will be able to choose from in the video quality settings.

videoWidth/videoHeight settings specifies the scale of video cam catch; approximately it is similar to the opened video window dimensions. Increasing this number you get video of the better quality and bigger load on media server. 

defaultPreset name specifies default video preset name.  

You can also add/edit/remove available audio/video quality presets where:

Parameter name Description
fps (frames per seconds) Web camera frame rate
bandwidth Allowed video stream size
quality Video frame quality (similar to JPEG compression)
audioRate Sound quality


In this section you can manage different aspects of the chat interface.


Input toolbar settings
Parameter name Description
Select smile Hide / show Smiles button
Output settings Hide / show Output Settings button
Sounds alerts Hide / show Sound Alert button
Select avatar Hide / show Select Avatar button
Chat background Hide / show Change Background button
Change skin Hide / show Change Skin button
Predefined messages Hide / show Predefined Messages button
My colour Hide / show My Color  selector

Right panels
Parameter name Description
Who's watching Hide / show  Who's Watching panel
Friend / block list Hide / show Friend / Block panel

Main buttons
Parameter name Description
Open chat rooms Hide / show Open Chat Rooms button
Settings Hide / show Settings button
Help Hide / show  Help button

Login screen
Parameter name Description
Select rooms Hide / show  Rooms dropdown
Select language Hide / show Language dropdown
Select skin Hide / show  Skin  dropdown


This section shows chat license information and allows to send system messages to all chat users in all rooms.


Word filtering

This console section allows you to setup and manage chat word filters.


The quick check area on the top is designated to do a quick check of the word or phrase.

To add a new filter click Create filter button, where

Word Filtering
Parameter name Description
Filter key Specified key is exposed for filtration.
Replace Resulting output of filtration.
Ignore case Enable / disable case sensitivity


Asterisk (*) symbol allows you to filter different word forms.

1. (*) is placed at the beginning. In this case filter is being applied to all words which end with a filter key.

2. (*) is placed at the end. In this case all words which start with a key, will be filtered.

3. The key is enclosed  between asterisks [ *badword* ] - all words which contain key will be filtered