Community Videochat v.6.0
Installation/Integration manual

Home Installation

Video Chat installation

Copy the entire Flashcoms directory from the archive to the HTTP root folder on your server (the Flashcoms folder should be located in the HTTP root folder i.e.

DLL files from “bin” folder should be copied to the root “bin”, if separate application was created for flashcoms directory in IIS then “bin” should reside in the root of “flashcoms” folder. 

Setting server environment variables:

Edit flashcoms/common/server/php/settings.php file set server environment variables, where:

FLASHCOMS_ROOT is a server path to the flashcoms folder (i.e. C:/IIS/ windows server, /home/ UNIX server)
FLASHCOMS_HTTP_ROOT is an http address of the flashcoms folder on your server i.e.
FILES_DIR Path to the temporary file storage directory. Make sure that write permissions for this directory are granted.

define("FLASHCOMS_ROOT", "/path/to/flashcoms/");
define("FLASHCOMS_HTTP_ROOT", "http://www.yourdomain/flashcoms/");
define("FILES_DIR", FLASHCOMS_ROOT."files/");

If you install trial version you also have to specify your media server(FMS/WOWZA/RED5) name - FLASHCOMS_RTMP_ROOT

//RTMP server name
define("FLASHCOMS_RTMP_ROOT", "rtmp://");

Edit web.config file and specify the path to temp files folder, http root path and time limit (in seconds) for storing temp files sent via “Send a file” user option.

<add key="FLASHCOMS_HTTP_ROOT" value="http://www.yourdomain/flashcoms/"/>
<add key="FLASHCOMS_FILES_DIR" value="C:\\flashcoms\files\" />

If you install trial version you also have to specify your media server(FMS/WOWZA/RED5) name - FLASHCOMS_RTMP_ROOT

<add key="FLASHCOMS_RTMP_ROOT" value="rtmp://"/>

Community video chat utilizes .LSS files to load admin panel, by default IIS doesn’t process files with such extension, you should manually add new mime type as text/xml.

Media server application installation

FMS Edition
Copy the directory flashcoms/_install/fms/flashcoms_6_0_videochat to '<fms_root>/applicactions/' directory

Wowza Edition

1. Copy the following directories to your Wowza root directory:


2. Navigate to <wowza_root_directory>/conf/flashcoms_5_1_videochat/
and apply the following changes to the 'application.xml' file:

Change the information in the <properties> xml node, corresponding to your Wowza configuration:

node 'fcWriteLog' – true/false
//Enable/Disable application logging

node 'fcLogFile'
//Specify the full server path to the log file i.e. ( /tmp/flashcoms6_videochat.log)

node 'fcSettingsPath'
//Specify the full server path to the application configuration files' directory i.e.

node 'fcDirectoryUsersLists'
//Specify the full server path to directory, where users' black/friends lists are stored

3. Restart Wowza media server

Red5 Edition

1. Copy the directory flashcoms/_install/red5/flashcoms_6_0_videochat to '<red5_root>/webapps/' directory

2. Navigate to <red5_root>/webapps/flashcoms_6_0_videochat/WEB-INF/
and apply the following changes to the '' file:

Change the following properties adequate to your red5 configuration:

webapp.fcWriteLog – true/false
//Enable/Disable application logging

//Specify the full server path to the log file i.e. ( /tmp/flashcoms_6_0_videochat.log)

//Specify the full server path to the application configuration files' directory i.e.

//Specify the full server path to directory, where users' black/friends lists are stored

3. Restart Red5 media server

Flash security policy.

Flash player has got a strong security policy. It doesn’t load any resources (including xml-files) from an alien domain. The proper domain is the one the swf file is loaded from. Please note that the domain names and are different domain names for the Flash player.

A universal solution is to redirect users from one domain to another, so that the domain name concurs with the one which is hard-coded into the application. If a user opens, then he must be redirected to (or vice-versa).

Application test

Please open the following page in your browser: (PHP Version) (ASPX Version)

Choose Flashcoms Videochat from the menu on the left and if you have installed the application correctly, you will see the following screen, as shown below:

Click on Test Flashcoms Videochat button. A new popup window with a Flashcoms Video Chat instance will appear.