Community Videochat v.6.0
Installation/Integration manual

Home Handlers

Languages management

To manage video chat language packs you should edit languages section of the main settings file which is located at /flashcoms/videochat/settings/main.xml


<defaultLanguage id="en" />

<language id="en" url="{ROOT}videochat/languages/lang.en.xml">English</language>
<language id="fr" url="{ROOT}videochat/languages/">French</language>


To set the default language, you should assign a correspondent language id value to the defaultLanguage entry:

<defaultLanguage id="en" />

To add/remove language pack, please add/remove a correspondent language entry, where

id Language id
name Language name which will be displayed in the language selection menu
url Path to the current language settings file

By default language files are located at /flashcoms/videochat/languages/. Editing language file you can change any chat label text.

<language id="en" name="English">
<msg key="_ok">OK<msg/>
<msg key="_cancel">Cancel<msg/>

Some of the messages have system markers i.e. {ROOM} {USER_NAME } which should not be removed or modified.

Adding a new language pack

To add a new language pack, you should add new <language> section to main.xml file. For example, you want to add German language:

<language id="de" name="Deutsch" url="{ROOT}videochat/languages/" />

Then create videochat/languages/ file which contains the translation of all the messages to German, for example:

<language id="de" name="Deutsch">

<!-- main -->
<msg key="_ok">Jawohl</msg>
<msg key="_cancel">Nein</msg>
<msg key="_alert">Alarm</msg>
<msg key="_confirm">Bestatigen</msg>

<mesg key="WinAdmin_time_525600">1 Jahr</msg>

Help files

Help content files are located in /flashcoms/videochat/languages/ directory. They are named in accordance with the language key.


For the example given above this file will have the following form:

Help content file is an XML file, which contains the settings and markers for Help Menu.

helpContent baseUrl  - contains the path to the directory with the help articles for given language.
defaultPage – help page, which is displayed by default, when user opens Help section.

<node> </node> section  - indicates drop down Help Menu item
<label> </label> section – specifies the name of the given menu item
<id></id> section – specifies the file name of the article located  in helpContent baseUrl directory, that will be displayed when menu item is clicked. Article file must correspond with XML specification.
<items></items> section – combines several menu items into sub-menu
<item></item> section – contains sub-menu item description

Help content file is supplied with the video chat package, so you will be able to open it in any text editor and view its structure example.