-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version -- http://www.phpmyadmin.net -- -- Host: -- Generation Time: Mar 11, 2010 at 02:56 AM -- Server version: 5.0.86 -- PHP Version: 5.2.8 SET SQL_MODE="NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; -- -- Database: `checkme12` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `hotbeauty_admin` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hotbeauty_admin`; CREATE TABLE `hotbeauty_admin` ( `AdminID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `EmailID` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Password` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `LastLogin_IP` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `LastLogin_Time` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Status` enum('Y','N') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`AdminID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=3 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hotbeauty_admin` -- INSERT INTO `hotbeauty_admin` (`AdminID`, `EmailID`, `Password`, `LastLogin_IP`, `LastLogin_Time`, `Status`) VALUES (1, 'admin@admin.com', 'manager', '', 'Tue, March 9, 2010, 6:23 am', 'Y'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `hotbeauty_adminemail` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hotbeauty_adminemail`; CREATE TABLE `hotbeauty_adminemail` ( `AdminEmailID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `AdminEmail` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Status` enum('Y','N') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`AdminEmailID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=2 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hotbeauty_adminemail` -- INSERT INTO `hotbeauty_adminemail` (`AdminEmailID`, `AdminEmail`, `Status`) VALUES (1, 'jmissano@aol.com', 'Y'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `hotbeauty_articles` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hotbeauty_articles`; CREATE TABLE `hotbeauty_articles` ( `ArticleID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Description` text NOT NULL, `Date` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Status` enum('Y','N') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ArticleID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=10 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hotbeauty_articles` -- INSERT INTO `hotbeauty_articles` (`ArticleID`, `Title`, `Description`, `Date`, `Status`) VALUES (6, 'Natural Fine Hair Care Tips', 'People with fine hair often complain about how difficult their hair is to style and maintain. Oftentimes they abuse their hair with a lot of artificial ingredients and procedures to make it conform to fashion/media expectations. Fine hair is fragile hair. But it''s often labeled as flat and limp. Commercial shampoos are made specifically for this hair type, many of them containing silicones, such as: dimethicone or cyclomethicone,. While silicones [or any word ending in "cone"] are added to products like shampoo, conditioners, and hair serums to enhance shine, people with fine hair don''t need them at all. Your hair is naturally shiny! If your hair is dull or you think it''s in need of taming, silicones may work initially, but over time there is a build up which can weigh down your hair and dry it out, creating a cycle of damage that can result in hair loss.

\r\n\r\nTo maintain fine hair, it''s important to be kind to it. Healthy hair is that which is grown from a healthy scalp. Here are some ways to help your fine hair become healthier.

\r\n\r\nCombs - Invest in a good wide tooth comb. Whether it''s made of wood, horn [bone], or sturdy plastic. The edge of each tooth must be flat so as to avoid damaging your hair. Wash your comb frequently as clean combs help keep your scalp clean.

\r\n\r\nBrushes – these are recommended for those of you who have straight to wavy hair. Boar bristles are best as they''re durable. Mason Pearson makes some of the best on the market. Depending on how oily your hair is, brush at least once a day, but do so very gently. Brushing stimulates the sebum, which acts as a protective barrier and moisturizer. Brushing also stimulates the scalp, which encourages hair growth. It''s also as important to keep your brush as clean as your hair. Never bush wet hair, as that''s when it''s at its weakest. Wash your brush with a shampoo bar at least once a week, or more frequently if necessary.

\r\n\r\nAir dry/towel dry – using hairdryers or blowdryers, even on low settings, can cause breakage to fine hair. In the summertime, air drying is a lot easier. You can also use a microfiber towel or turban which cuts down on drying time. When using a towel, don''t yank or massage too vigorously.

\r\n\r\nSilk or satin pillowcase – sleeping on one helps avoid tangled hair and even breakage. Cotton pillowcases have a rougher texture and can cause hair to get snagged on the fibers. Satin or silk allows the hair to slide over its slippery surface. Another option is to buy a satin or silk hair covering, (sometimes called a sleep cap or sleep bonnet) or scarf.

\r\n\r\nVitamins, Minerals, Herbs – the following will help your hair thrive. Hair care formulations, vitamin A, zinc, vitamin E, vitamin C, flaxseed oil, MSM [Methyl Sulfonyl Methane], silica, horsetail, biotin, B vitamin complex. Consult with your health care practitioner before taking supplements. \r\n

\r\n\r\nYour hair is a reflection of your physical state Get plenty of rest. Drink enough water and exercise to suit your lifestyle. Eat fruits, vegetables, cereals, eggs, milk, and bread. Organic food is always a healthier option.

\r\n\r\nScalp massage - An inexpensive method for helping hair growth/regrowth is to massage the scalp. Whether you buy a wood or rubber scalp massager, or opt for your ten fingers, you can invigorate and help cleanse your scalp either before shampooing, or whenever you shampoo. By stimulating your scalp you encourage the circulation, think of it as scalp aerobics, and this allows your scalp''s natural oils, sebum, to be distributed. When using your fingers, never use your nails, only your fingertips. Always massage gently, and start at the crown of your head and work your way lower.

\r\n\r\nOils - In the book, "Aromatherapy Handbook for Beauty, Hair, and Skin Care," author Erich Keller writes: "Since the hair is made of keratin cells, which consist almost exclusively of protein, it is particularly important to supply it with protein in the form of milk products, fish, soy products, nuts, seeds, and the essential fatty acids contained in cold-pressed vegetable oils."

\r\n\r\nWhile eating healthy food is advisable, the author touches on the subject of how cold pressed vegetable oils are vital for the hair. Choosing the proper oil sometimes is a matter of experimentation. A light oil should be used for thin, fine hair, but there are those who can use a heavier oil like olive. There are various grades of vegetable oils available from unrefined to heavily refined. Unrefined oils retain their natural vitamins and minerals and are considered healthier, but their aromas can be somewhat pungent. For example, sesame seed oil, an excellent skin and hair loving oil that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, retains a darker color and nuttier aroma in its unrefined state. However, once it''s been refined, the color is lighter and there is no discernible odor.

\r\n\r\nThere are many oils that are available whether in your kitchen cupboard, at your grocery store, health food store, or your favorite online shop. Experimenting with oils and their applications is necessary, sometimes you''ll discover what works for you within the first attempt, other times you may have to try out several different oils and application methods. You''ll find that organic jojoba and organic virgin coconut oil are suitable for most people with fine hair.

\r\n\r\nOil Applications:

\r\n\r\nLeave In – This involves a very small amount of oil and you can control whether it''s applied throughout your hair or only on the ends. Simply comb or brush through your dry hair.

\r\n\r\nOiling Dry Hair – To use this method, you allow the oil to remain on your scalp and hair for approximately 20 minutes, and shampoo it out.

\r\n\r\nOiling Damp Hair – Investing in a spray mister is a great way to easily add enough distilled or spring water so that you can dampen your hair easily. Apply the oil and comb through.

\r\n\r\nWhether oiling dry or damp hair, make sure it''s free from tangles, so either combing or brushing before applying is necessary. You can choose to comb it through your hair or remain as is – it does depend upon what you''ve added. While some people feel that 20 minutes isn''t enough, others opt for an hour, and there are people who feel as though allowing the oil to remain on overnight is beneficial.

\r\n\r\nOther Applications - C lay, Dead Sea Mud, Powdered Herbs, Protein Powder, Eggs, Honey, Yogurt, Milk, Henna [neutral or colored], or Mashed Fruits – all the listed products can be used to create a hair mask which will increase its strength, encourage growth, enhance shine, and tame curls. Any of these ingredients, both singly or in combination, can be healthfully used. Read labels before purchase. If you have very fine hair, be careful about using eggs and make sure you rinse with cold water to avoid scrambled eggs!

\r\n\r\nShampoos - To use a more natural and cost effective shampoo, consider a shampoo bar. They are simple to use, can clean your face and body, and they are easy to pack and don''t spill. All shampoo bars are formulated for fine hair. Additionally, they work in soft water and hard water areas. Shampoo bars contain no added colorants or preservatives.

\r\n\r\nWhile I''ve been experimenting with making solid shampoo since 2002, it wasn''t until early 2007 that I tried making a shampoo bar with a different combination of ingredients which was the prototype for what I''m now offering for sale. It took several more batches to come up with a blend that worked well enough for me, I''m extremely fussy, and had a winning combination of latherability, cleansing, and detangling abilities. Currently, there are three varieties, with a fourth one making its debut later this summer.

\r\n\r\nConditioners - These were invented for people with medium to coarse hair types, and for those who use harsh detergent type of shampoos. Shampoo bars naturally condition your hair with the gentle ingredients. The need for conditioners will probably go away, and many people with fine hair can''t use them as they weigh down the hair.

\r\n\r\nVinegar hair rinse – nothing works better to balance the pH than a vinegar diluted in water rinse. Any kind of vinegar can be used from apple cider, white, wine, or rice. I prefer rice vinegar myself due to the fact that it doesn''t smell quite as strong. I also add a combination of pure essential oils which are balancing for the scalp and can cover the vinegar smell. The odor of vinegar (and any added essential oils) don''t linger in dry hair.

\r\n\r\nLisa Maliga has been designing natural bath & body products since 1998 and this year has launched her company, Everything Shea Aromatic Creations. Her love of shea butter, which is added to all the soaps, prompted her to name her company after the moisturizing and skin-soothing ingredient that comes from the nut of the African shea tree. Learn more about shea butter, whipped shea butter, custom handmade promotional Mini SoapCakes, moringa seed oil products, fine hair care, and more at: http://www.everythingshea.com

', '10-21-2009', 'Y'), (7, 'Natural Dry Hair Solutions For a Healthy, Glossy Shine', 'Dry hair is not a condition you should be embarrassed about, nor is it one to go fretting over either, as it is treatable. Dry hair happens duly to lack of moisture and oil. Without these two essential elements then the hair will not show sheen or give feel of softness. Do the tongue test to see what we mean. When no water has passed your lips for a time, stick your tongue out and note the course sand paper texture of it, but once liquid swirls over it; it moistens back to a healthy pink tongue. This applies to the hair in a similar manner. If the hair is deprived of particular needs you cannot expect it to give the same results of hair that has had it`s needs met.

\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\nHair lacking vital moisture and oils will become brittle making it easy to break. For example a bone dry stick will snap in two more easily than a moist one. Loss of moisture can be the outcome of poor sebum or hair oils. This is a common problem and one at some point we will all suffer from, due to climate or other. Over exposure to scorching heat, wind and chlorinated swimming pools is a couple to mention of things that can damage the hair. If you want fabulous healthy shiny hair then you need to focus on the causes of dryness and do your best to avoid them.\r\n

\r\n\r\nChronic dry hair not caused by natural environmental issues can signify an underlying health problem. If there is no sign of improvement after you have tried every trick in the book to remedy your dry hair then speak to your GP. Too much of a good thing can be bad. Washing the hair excessively can be damaging. Hair-care in general, and hair products used within moderation is harmless, however if you overdo and maybe go further than what is suggested on hair care packaging it can have severe consequences. Dry hair can stem from regular habits of your own but in many cases of this happening it is usually unbe-known to that person. Let us look at them so you can put a limit on use, or conduct treatments differently to protect your hair from becoming dry.

\r\n\r\nHeat from blow dryers and curling tongs can cause dryness. Continual washing of the hair can strip it off its protective oils. A couple of times a week using a gentle shampoo and a quality conditioner are all the hair needs to keep it healthy and shiny. Heat and chemical treatments drain hair of essential moisture, again, breaking down and ruining molecular bonds that allow for suppleness. Styling items can steam or dry, water out of the follicle shaft. Moisture can be put back with conditioners developed to instill moisture into the cells. Hair conditioner containing vegetable proteins will help reconstruct dry damaged hair. Mayonnaise is supposedly supposed to make a superb conditioner. Apparently you rub it in your hair and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse out. Never tried it myself so cannot give it the thumbs up. Protecting your hair from the sun by wearing a sun hat will certainly help it from drying out and also wearing a bathing cap when swimming.

\r\n\r\nIf you suffer from an eating disorder like Anorexia then your body is denied of important nutrients. And nutrients are much needed to achieve luster, sheen and softness. Dry hair/skin is recognized as one common symptom of anorexia. If you have an eating disorder you need to seek help right away because Anorexia and Bulimia are serious conditions indeed.

\r\n\r\nDry hair can also be the result of eating an unhealthy diet. Your diet needs to have the omega-3 essential fatty acids. Include salmon and fish oil, walnuts and flax seeds to your eats and this will help you maintain an overall healthy body and a healthy head of hair.

\r\n\r\nFor hair to be in tip top condition it needs treating with natural and organic hair-care products. Using chemical based products will leave your hair under threat of long term damage. Hair products that contain wheat germ, jojoba, and/or coconut oil, keratin, vitamins such as biotin, vitamin A, E and essential oils are most ideal nourishments. When washing your hair massage the scalp with shampoo, as this activates circulation and energy flow, and stimulates hair at the roots. Women tend to forget the importance of getting to the scalp. The scalp is the hair base and needs looking after so it can produce healthy hair growth.

\r\n\r\nHealthy hair derives from how you treat it. Eating a well balanced diet and nutrition is the answer to fabulous hair. The way you brush your hair is important. Using the wrong technique can cause serious damage.

\r\n\r\nUse shampoo that is pH balanced and that is formulated for dry hair. Rinsing hair with cool water after washing will give extra shine. Healthy hair will come to the fore if permitted to dry naturally other than that of using a hairdryer. Thoroughly dry your hair with a towel before brushing it. Brushing saturated hair is not good because the hair is now stretchy, and dragging brush strokes can snap it. Use a wide toothed comb to avoid hair damage.

\r\n\r\nMake time for brushing your hair before going to bed. Stoop forward from the waist, head down, brushing your hair from the back to front. Thorough brushing will remove dirt, pollutants and damaging particles from the hair. Benefits from brushing it helps stimulate circulation which will augment natural oils for added glossy luster and oxygen to the hair and scalp.\r\n

\r\n\r\nDry hair always looks drab lifeless and dull. Dull hair is usually the outcome of a build-up of shampoos, conditions, and hard-water particles which is not good, in fact unhealthy. Use a shampoo specially created for getting rid of build-up or you can use a solution of plain apple-cider vinegar and water which will restore the acid mantle. After washing, rinse hair through with the apple-cider solution then rinse out and apply conditioner. Do this every 14 days.

\r\n\r\nTips for dry brittle hair

\r\n\r\nBrush hair using even strokes to minimize pressure on the ends.\r\nDon`t use shampoos that contain alkaline or alcohol. \r\nTrim split ends or dead hair when necessary. Hair free of dead and/or split ends (rats'' tails) will help new hair grow faster.\r\nMake up a solution of jojoba oil and rosemary and use on your hair once every 7 days. \r\nIn a nutshell dry hair is a condition caused by heat, an open cuticle, chemicals coming in contact with the hair, and poor upkeep. Address these issues and you have the formula for treating hair dryness. If you blow dry your hair, consider letting it dry naturally every now and again. But if you must dry your hair this way then use a cool setting. Color, perms, and specific chemicals rob the hair of humectants. Humectants attract and keep moisture in the cortical layer of the hair. Try to use low ammonia -low peroxide color. Do not leave neutralizer on too long with perms. Home perms can be disastrous if you don`t know what you are doing. Have your perm done in the salon by a hair stylist, it`s a lot safer.

\r\n\r\nThe best moisturizer for dealing with this problem should contain essential fatty acids like safflower oil. The scalp makes the finest EFA''s called sebum. The scalp can however protect the roots close to the scalp itself but when the hair reaches the neck it is too far in proximity to benefit from the scalps natural oils which results in it not being utilized throughout the hair shaft. You can fix this problem yourself.

\r\n\r\nRub 1 or 2 drops of safflower oil into your hands (not too much,) apply small amounts to the ends of your hair first working upwards to the scalp and leave. The amount suggested may not seem a lot but done every time it is needed will ensure your dry hair will have the correct amount of humectants to help retain moisture. If you take more care in what products you use and how you use them will have you seeing a major improvement to your problem dry hair.

', '10-21-2009', 'Y'), (8, 'Natural Hair Growth Tips', 'Having a naturally healthy head of hair is something many of us aspire to achieve but find it difficult to do in this age of stress, environmental pollution and sickness. Perhaps you once had a lot of good hair days and nights, but lately they’re increasingly difficult to attain. Or your once luxuriant locks are thinner and frailer due to genetic factors, under or overactive thyroid, illness, aging, stress, or hair abuse such as perming, coloring, relaxing, blowdrying, curlers, curling irons, rough handling/neglect, and using harsh, synthetic shampoos and conditioners.\r\n

\r\n\r\n\r\nWhether you seek to grow or regrow your hair, keep in mind that you only have one head of hair – so take care of it! Rethink your current hair care routine, and learn more about what works/doesn’t work for your hair type, length, and lifestyle.\r\n

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nScalp Massage:\r\nAn inexpensive method for helping hair growth/regrowth is to massage the scalp. Whether you buy a wood or rubber scalp massager, or opt for your ten fingers, you can invigorate and help cleanse your scalp either before shampooing, or whenever you shampoo. By stimulating your scalp you encourage the circulation, think of it as scalp aerobics, and this allows your scalp’s natural oils, sebum, to be distributed. When using your fingers, never use your nails, only your fingertips.

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nOils:\r\nIn the book, “Aromatherapy Handbook for Beauty, Hair, and Skin Care," author Erich Keller writes: “Since the hair is made of keratin cells, which consist almost exclusively of protein, it is particularly important to supply it with protein in the form of milk products, fish, soy products, nuts, seeds, and the essential fatty acids contained in cold-pressed vegetable oils."

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWhile eating healthy food is advisable, the author touches on the subject of how cold pressed vegetable oils are vital for the hair, and, if it’s meant internally, then think of the benefits of adding oil directly to your hair. Choosing the proper oil sometimes is a matter of experimentation. A light oil should be used for thin, fine hair, whilst someone with naturally curly and coarse hair might find a heavier oil preferable. There are various grades of vegetable oils available from unrefined to heavily refined. Unrefined oils retain their natural vitamins and minerals and are considered healthier, but their aromas can be somewhat pungent. For example, sesame seed oil, an excellent skin and hair loving oil that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, retains a darker color and nuttier aroma in its unrefined state. However, once it’s been refined, the color is lighter and there is no discernible odor. Here’s a selection of the most utilized vegetable oils:

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLight Oils – Apricot Kernel, Peach Kernel, Sesame Seed, Meadowfoam Seed, Grapeseed, Evening of Primrose.

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nMedium Oils – Sweet Almond, Jojoba, Rosehip Seed, Camellia, Virgin Coconut, Monoi de Tahiti.

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nHeavy Oils – Avocado, Olive, Hempseed, Castor, Moringa Seed, Palm, Red Palm, Canola.

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThere are many more oils that are available whether in your kitchen cupboard, at your grocery store, health food store, or your favorite online shop. Experimenting with oils and their applications is necessary, sometimes you’ll discover what works for you within the first attempt, other times you may have to try out several different oils and application methods.\r\n

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nOil Applications:\r\nLeave In – This involves a very small amount of oil and you can control whether it’s applied throughout your hair or only on the ends. Simply comb or brush through your dry hair.

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nPrewash conditioner – To use this method, you allow the oil to remain on your scalp and hair for approximately 20 minutes, and shampoo it out. Prewash conditioners can contain a single oil, a mixture of oils and butters and they can range from organic to those filled with lots of additives and preservatives. Some prewash conditioners are applied and massaged into the scalp, while others concentrate only on the length of the hair.

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nAdditionally, these conditioners may be applied to wet, damp or dry hair. One thing that is agreed upon is the fact that the hair should be free from tangles and snarls, so either combing or brushing before applying is necessary. Once the prewash conditioner has been applied, you can choose to comb it through your hair or remain as is – it does depend upon what you’ve added. While some people feel that 20 minutes isn’t enough, others opt for an hour, and there are people who feel as though allowing the oil to remain on overnight is beneficial. Even if you’re using a light or organic oil, please keep in mind that too much oil can be as harmful as too little.

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nHot oil treatment – This time-tested method allows you to apply heated oil, which you supply yourself or buy prepackaged, apply to your scalp and hair, cover with either a plastic bag, clingwrap, and/or towel, and let remain on for about 20 minutes. If you want to soak in a hot bath during your hot oil treatment you’ll be further improving the treatment by the added warmth and relaxation. You can find thermal heat caps, which are warmed in the microwave, for less than $15 if you feel that you want something more professional.

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nTo make your own hot oil treatment, choose your favorite oil[s], pour into a small glass bottle, and let sit in a hot water bath for a few minutes until the oil is to your preferred temperature. Remember, what’s hot for one person is scalding to another!

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nOther Applications:\r\nClay, Dead Sea Mud, Powdered Herbs, Protein Powder, Eggs, Henna [neutral or colored], Essential Oils – all the listed products can be used to create a hair mask which will increase its strength, encourage growth, enhance shine, and tame curls. Any of these ingredients, both singly or in combination, can be healthfully used. Doing an Internet search or waiting for a future article can find recipes.

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nShampoos & Conditioners:\r\nThese products are so varied and numerous that only a very brief description of what to look for can be covered here. It’s interesting to note that some people with extremely beautiful thick, luxuriant hair can use products that are found in dollar stores and are full of synthetic ingredients while others who have fragile, beat up looking hair use only organic shampoos and conditioners and nothing improves. Reading the label is important, as is going with an ingredient list that contains fewer sudsing elements, preservatives, fragrances and colorants. To use a more natural and cost effective shampoo, consider a shampoo bar, especially one that is specially formatted for your hair type. Shampoo bars are easy to use, made with few preservatives as they contain no water, and are easy to pack for travelers.

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nImportant Shampoo Tip - Protect your hair from getting too dry or unmanageable by washing in warm to lukewarm water, and, if possible, rinsing with cool water.

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nConditioners – It’s important to read labels and decide whether you want to have your hair made shinier with silicones [look for any word ending in “cone"], or stay as natural as possible. Conditioners contain many artificial ingredients and one of the reasons that oiling has been mentioned is that by having healthier hair you’ll need to use far less conditioner. Some conditioners are rinsed out while others are left in, so you need to decide which is preferable.

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nVitamins & Minerals:\r\nFor growth, a good multi-vitamin, B vitamin complex, vitamin C and biotin are considered very helpful. MSM, [Methyl Sulfonyl Methane], a form of sulfate which is not only good at soothing joints but increasing hair growth, is easy to find in your local health food store or drug store. Silica is also recommended for improving hair’s strength. According to health and beauty expert and author, Letha Hadady, in her book, “Healthy Beauty" she describes: “A Traditional Chinese Medicine-inspired line of hair products, including pills, shampoo, and a topical liquid for thinning hair, is called Shen Min. Shen Min hair nutrient pills made by Biotech for men and women provide concentrated he shou wu herb along with herbs designed to improve overall health." On the market are other products to encourage hair growth, whether you’re simply looking for longer locks, or need to improve the quantity and quality.

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nBrushes & Combs:\r\nThe boar bristle brush has been used for hundreds of years and today is easier than ever to find one that is right for your hair type. The thinner and finer the hair, the more important it is to find a brush with softer bristles so as not to cause damage. Coarser, thicker hair can handle nylon tufts, and normal hair can withstand either all boar bristle or mixed boar and nylon. A good brush cleans your hair, stimulates your scalp and causes the oils to spread down to the thirsty ends. Brushing is the most natural way to distribute your oil. Keep your brush clean, wash at least once a week in cold water with your shampoo or with baking soda.

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nImportant Brush Tip – DON’T brush wet hair! This is very damaging and causes more breakage, as hair is weaker when wet.\r\n

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nSome people will only use wooden combs, while others can’t be without their wide tooth combs. No matter what type of comb you buy, make sure that you comb/detangle your hair before brushing it. Also, you might first fingercomb your hair before you even start combing it to avoid too much pulling and tugging.

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWatch for my next article, “Natural Hair Growth Recipes" and, in the meantime, take good care of your hair.

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nhttp://www.everythingshea.com ~ Everything Shea Aromatic Creations offers a fragrant selection of designer shea butter glycerin soaps, lip balms, scented/unscented shea butter, exclusive Whipped Shea Butter, Shea Comfort, Moringa, Baby Celebrations & unique SoapCakes to personalize for gifts or promotions. Discover 300+ fragrances, designer duplicates and essential oils!

', '10-21-2009', 'Y'), (9, 'Best Sexy Stylish Short Hairstyles', 'What does a sexy stylish short hairstyle look like? I am afraid there is no such thing as a sexy stylish short hairstyle. Hairstyle yes we have, sexy and stylish we don''t. have. Hairstyle simply means styling the hair on your head in different ways. And if one particular hairstyle is worn by many, then this is deemed as a trend. Sexy and stylish is about you and the way you deliver yourself with your new hairdo which gives the impression that it is the hairstyle doing this. Knowing this opens up a whole new chapter in relation to hairstyles. Every style whether it is long hair/short hair will appear sexy and stylish if you fulfil your part of the bargain so as to speak, and that is to flutter the eyelids, wiggle that butt and pout those lips.

\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\nShort curly hair is deemed sexy and there shouldn''t be any reason why you can''t have them even if you have short hair. Short sassy curls never go out of fashion.

\r\n\r\nWhat you need to consider if you sport long hair is that you''re limiting the amount of options you have for which way to wear your hair once it''s cut. Its unfortunate how short hair is taken for granted. Women tend to think washing with shampoo is the be all and end all of it. Wrong, for short curly hair to appear sexy and stylish it needs more than lathering with bubbles. It is essential to use the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. Quality products provide excellent results giving you''re hair shine bounce and most importantly helps keep it healthy. Short hair is not everyone''s cup of tea but for them that it is, you have many short styles to choose from. Nevertheless before cutting you''re hair you have to think things through like taking on board your face shape as well as the body and condition of your hair for a specific style to work for you.

\r\n\r\nHaving short hair has its benefits. Maintenance is quick and easy t aking only a couple of minutes to wash rinse and style. Styling short hair is far more manageable than long hair. Although options decrease on what you can do with short hair because of length you can however style it, gel it, pomade it, and other. Become a trend-setter in your own right and create a style that appears to be a short sexy stylish hairstyle. One of the fabulous things about short hair that goes in your favor is that it''s appropriate for any occasion. Short hairstyles can be sexy and stylish for the office and for night clubbing too. Remember that sexy stylish only comes with that additional extra that you''re responsible for. If you''re a sporty person short hair is more ideal because it will not interfere with what it is you do. Not having to tie your hair back in a pony tail or pinning it up in bun saves time. A short hairstyle attracts more attention to the face so spend more time highlighting your facial features with make up and neck jewelry (chocker, pendant or necklace.) \r\n

\r\n\r\nStyling short hair is simple and less complicated than styling long hair. A professional hair cut is advisable for anyone wanting a short hair style to look right. Snips here and there can only lead to different lengths resulting in disaster. Another disaster in relation to hair care and a costly one is - women tend to have more hair care products in the bathroom cabinet of which only half of them are ever used. In the average woman''s hair care stock you may find hairspray, mousse, volumizer, styling gel, paste, putty, pomade, finishing gloss, frizz and curl control items. If you happen to be a woman with the above mentioned on her bathroom shelf then you need to single out the ones best for your hair type, that is, if you want a specific style you have in mind to happen. \r\n

\r\n\r\nWhen curling short hair use a frizz/curl control product to settle wild curls, and finishing glosses to add a fabulous sheen. If you''re using curling tongs then use a heat-activated styling product beforehand because without protection the hair can suffer severe heat damage. Use a bodifying foam or mousse to help create a head of curls.

\r\n\r\nDepending on condition (fine hair) select a volumizer, mousse, gel or paste to give your hair body and lift. Once body and lift is achieved fine hair betters in health. For treating and maintaining fine hair use lighter weight products so the style doesn''t drag down, and don''t go over the top with hair products, follow instructions on packaging religiously. Misuse of hair treatments can cause serious problems.

\r\n\r\nProducts to use on thick hair should be selected largely on the style you want to achieve. Thick and coarse hair usually lack control and best benefit from an interior layered hair cut. A short bob that levels with the jaw will distribute the weight on sides making styling easy. Gels, putties, pomades and mousse are popular hair items specially formulated for copious hair. \r\n

\r\n\r\nTo create a perfect hairstyle you will need the right hair styling tools, and know what style you want beforehand because last minute decisions just don''t work.

\r\n\r\nStyling Tips and Tools

\r\n\r\nOnce a selection of hair styling products has been made, it''s then time to seriously go to work on styling your short hair.

\r\n\r\nWith today''s ceramic flat irons, within minutes you can have healthy looking hair styled in a way to give you a young looking appearance. To avoid hair damage use good-quality tools and apply them correctly.

\r\n\r\nStyling tools include your every day brush and comb. These come in various designs and made from a variety of materials. It is essential that these hair tools are chosen with care. Synthetic materials create static or electric charges on the hair. A good quality hairbrush will help remedy this problem permitting you to style your hair the way you want without it looking like you have just seen a ghost (standing on end.) The ideal hairbrush for short thick/coarse hair is one made of natural bristles, and for soft thin/ fine hair the longer the bristles the better as this helps make the hair more manageable for styling. Long bristles gently stimulate the scalp and helps dispense natural oil.

\r\n\r\nHair dryers are versatile hair care gadgets and it is good for you to know this so you don''t miss out. Hair dryers are not designed just too dry hair as the vast majority of us believe; they take care of other hair needs. Hair dryers are an essential beauty hair care item in your styling toolkit. For example, use several large round brushes with a blow dryer to get immediate body and lift. Inter-mix a body-enhancing product with your dryer and fingers to get that informal, tussed-up look.

\r\n\r\nRight Hair Cut and style

\r\n\r\nThe first step in finding the right hair style will depend on the shape of your face. Once this has been determined your well on your way to finding the best short hairstyle to suit the shape. Each face has its own unique structure. To narrow down your options you need to consider a consultation with your hair stylist. The hairdresser can tell you what style will work best for your hair and you.

\r\n\r\nYou can only have but one face shape i.e. Oval Oblong Heart Round Square Heart - Triangular

\r\n\r\nNo matter what shape face you have been blessed with there will be hairstyle to suit that particular shape. But if the hairstyle is to appear as a sexy stylish one then you have to use the means that you were also blessed with to make it so.

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B', '93950', 'Pacific Grove', 'CA', 'US', '831-372-8256', 'Y'), (35, '', 'Nancy', 'Bryant', 'nancy.bryant2@verizon.net', '2606 Normanstone Ln NW', '', '20008', 'Washington', 'DC', 'US', '202-265-4702', 'Y'), (36, '', 'Pamela', 'Burkhart', 'cpjburk@sbcglobal.net', 'P.O. Box 128', '', '76230', 'Bowie', 'TX', 'US', '940-872-6207', 'Y'), (37, '', 'Pamela', 'Burkhart', 'cpjburk@sbcglobal.net', 'P.O. Box 128', '', '76230', 'Bowie', 'TX', 'US', '940-872-6207', 'Y'), (38, '', 'Pamela', 'Burkhart', 'cpjburk@sbcglobal.net', 'P.O. Box 128', '', '76230', 'Bowie', 'TX', 'US', '940-872-6207', 'Y'), (39, '', 'Lyndsay', 'Katauskas', 'lyndsayfred007@yahoo.com', '3 E Perry Circle', '', '21402', 'Annapolis', 'MD', 'US', '310-686-4194', 'Y'), (40, '', 'Sally', 'Garber', 'sallygarber@comcast.net', '13451 Sunrise Dr', '', '17214', 'Blue Ridge Summit', 'PA', 'US', '7177942144', 'Y'), (41, '', 'betty', 'dukes', 'bettydukes670@gmail.com', '63 coleman rd.', '', '33880', 'winter haven', 'FL', 'US', '8632991434', 'Y'), (42, '', 'craig', 'seitz', 'veryfurry12@yahoo.com', 'box 249', '', '92885', 'yorba linda', 'CA', 'US', '310 9900079', 'Y'), (43, '', 'Ann', 'Wieber', 'tjw4@cornell.edu', '416 N Sheldon Rd', '', '48170', 'Plymouth', 'MI', 'US', '7344550859', 'Y'), (44, '', 'sherry', 'lavin', 'slavin35@hotmail.com', '10505 east cactus rd', '', '85259', 'scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '4808073758', 'Y'), (45, '', 'ali', 'pickens', 'blondyap177@yahoo.com', '6124 lakehurst ave', '', '75230', 'dallas', 'TX', 'US', '4692364845', 'Y'), (46, '', 'ali', 'pickens', 'blondyap177@yahoo.com', '6124 lakehurst ave', '', '75230', 'dallas', 'TX', 'US', '4692364845', 'Y'), (47, '', 'ali', 'pickens', 'blondyap177@yahoo.com', '6124 lakehurst ave', '', '75230', 'dallas', 'TX', 'US', '4692364845', 'Y'), (48, '', 'Carol Lee', 'Wax', 'clwax@aol.com', '834 Marion', '', '60035', 'Highland Park', 'IL', 'US', '847-682-4640', 'Y'), (49, '', 'Kristin', 'Jenkins', 'kmjen66@gmail.com', '2716 Mulberry Drive', '', '44870', 'Sandusky', 'OH', 'US', '4196256879', 'Y'), (50, '', 'NIna', 'Doxey', 'gedoxey@gmail.com', '5544 S 3050 W', '', '84067', 'Roy', 'UT', 'US', '8015254641', 'Y'), (51, '', 'Ellen', 'McLean', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', '1313 Aspen Drive', '', '21804', 'Salisbury', 'MD', 'US', '410-334-6280', 'Y'), (52, '', 'Ellen', 'McLean', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', '1313 Aspen Drive', '', '21804', 'Salisbury', 'MD', 'US', '410-334-6280', 'Y'), (53, '', 'Ellen', 'McLean', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', '1313 Aspen Drive', '', '21804', 'Salisbury', 'MD', 'US', '410-334-6280', 'Y'), (54, '', 'Xiaoying', 'Lu', 'xylu05chem@yahoo.com', '1257 Gibbs Ave', '', '55108', 'Saint Paul', 'MN', 'US', '6124625747', 'Y'), (55, '', 'Xiaoying', 'Lu', 'xylu05chem@yahoo.com', '1257 Gibbs Ave', '', '55108', 'Saint Paul', 'MN', 'US', '6124625747', 'Y'), (56, '', 'juliet', 'schwartzman', 'ajahk9@verizon.net', '918 breezewick cr', '', '21286', 'towson', 'MD', 'US', '410-377-0638', 'Y'), (57, '', 'juliet', 'schwartzman', 'ajahk9@verizon.net', '918 breezewick cr', '', '21286', 'towson', 'MD', 'US', '410-252-6055', 'Y'), (58, '', 'Ellen', 'McLean', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', '1313 Aspen Drive', '', '21804', 'Salisbury', 'MD', 'US', '410-334-6280', 'Y'), (59, '', 'antoinette', 'termini', 'chebe4567@aol.com', '375 Ayer road', '', '14221', 'williamsville', 'NY', 'US', '716-553-5280', 'Y'), (60, '', 'Amy', 'Burkett', 'burkettinc@hotmail.com', '950 17th Street, Ste. 900', '', '80202', 'Denver', 'CO', 'US', '303-898-5879', 'Y'), (61, '', 'allyson', 'glass', 'paccpj@aol.com', '33 forest drive', '', '77320', 'huntsville', 'TX', 'US', '9362938780', 'Y'), (62, '', 'allyson', 'glass', 'paccpj@aol.com', '33 forest drive', '', '77320', 'huntsville', 'TX', 'US', '9362938780', 'Y'), (63, '', 'Karen', 'McCuddin', 'karenm964@charter.net', '17646 Iberia Avenue', '', '55044', 'Lakeville', 'MN', 'US', '952-236-9402', 'Y'), (64, '', 'Jodie', 'Kurilic', 'jodie@gardnerinsurance.com', '503 E Stoneway Drive', '', '44870', 'Sandusky', 'OH', 'US', '419-626-8373', 'Y'), (65, '', 'christine', 'stonisch', 'tinastonisch@hotmail.com', '545 west brown st', '', '48009', 'birmingham', 'MI', 'US', '248-723-9342', 'Y'), (66, '', 'Robert', 'Price', 'xrprice@gmail.com', '1214 NW 19th Terrace', '', '33445', 'Delray Beach', 'FL', 'US', '561-445-3285', 'Y'), (67, '', 'Karissa', 'Johnsen', 'joka0303@gmail.com', '4721 West Braddock Road', '', '22311', 'Alexandria', 'VA', 'US', '763-559-1071', 'Y'), (68, '', 'joy', 'wall', 'jwall63@embarqmail.com', '405 arlington street', '', '27030', 'mount airy', 'NC', 'US', '3367865940', 'Y'), (69, '', 'Pamela', 'Marrache', 'pmarrache@yahoo.com', '347 Eighth Street', '', '54952', 'Menasha', 'WI', 'US', '920-729-6437', 'Y'), (70, '', 'Lynn', 'Miller', 'lyntel@bellsouth.net', '4388 Hwy 49 W', '', '37181', 'Vanleer', 'TN', 'US', '615-763-0275', 'Y'), (71, '', 'Jason', 'Riley', 'jjr12564@gmail.com', '109 Overdale Road', '', '15221', 'Pittsburgh', 'PA', 'US', '412-626-1094', 'Y'), (72, '', 'Michelle', 'Calhoun', 'calhounmi@yahoo.com', '7216 Brae Court', '', '60031', 'Gurnee', 'IL', 'US', '847-856-8096', 'Y'), (73, '', 'Marylou', 'Louro', 'maryloulouro@yahoo.com', '1250 San Dieguito Dr', '', '92024', 'Encinitas', 'CA', 'US', '760-753-2140', 'Y'), (74, '', 'Jamie', 'Duke', 'jmendave@aol.com', '2190 Gibraltar Glen', '', '92029', 'Escondido', 'CA', 'US', '760-739-1595', 'Y'), (75, '', 'Jamie', 'Duke', 'jmendave@aol.com', '2190 Gibraltar Glen', '', '92029', 'Escondido', 'CA', 'US', '760-739-1595', 'Y'), (76, '', 'Jamie', 'Duke', 'jmendave@aol.com', '2190 Gibraltar Glen', '', '92029', 'Escondido', 'CA', 'US', '760-739-1595', 'Y'), (77, '', 'Jamie', 'Duke', 'jmendave@aol.com', '2190 Gibraltar Glen', '', '92029', 'Escondido', 'CA', 'US', '760-739-1595', 'Y'), (78, '', 'Jamie', 'Duke', 'jmendave@aol.com', '2190 Gibraltar Glen', '', '92029', 'Escondido', 'CA', 'US', '760-739-1595', 'Y'), (79, '', 'Jamie', 'Duke', 'jmendave@aol.com', '2190 Gibraltar Glen', '', '92029', 'Escondido', 'CA', 'US', '760-739-1595', 'Y'), (80, '', 'mary', 'davis', 'madawh@suddenlink.net', '216 fairlawn', '', '75771', 'hideaway', 'TX', 'US', '903 881 8822', 'Y'), (81, '', 'Michelle', 'Fitzgerald', 'Fitzmabel@aol.com', 'P. O. Box 35', '', '03284', 'Springfield', 'NH', 'US', '603-763-7349', 'Y'), (82, '', 'Alina', 'Driver', 'alina.driver@yahoo.com', '2700 S. Oakland Forst Drive', '', '33309', 'Fort Lauderdale', 'FL', 'US', '301-922-5130', 'Y'), (83, '', 'Bea', 'Cote', 'abellacooper@gmail.com', '5922 Bayswater Lane', '', '28212', 'Charlotte', 'NC', 'US', '704-535-8481', 'Y'), (84, '', 'Wade', 'Fleming', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', '4 Cedar Ave', '', '20877-1913', 'Gaithersburg', 'MD', 'US', '301.461.5818', 'Y'), (85, '', 'Wade', 'Fleming', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', '4 Cedar Ave', '', '20877-1913', 'Gaithersburg', 'MD', 'US', '301.461.5818', 'Y'), (86, '', 'Wade', 'Fleming', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', '4 Cedar Ave', '', '20877-1913', 'Gaithersburg', 'MD', 'US', '301.461.5818', 'Y'), (87, '', 'Wade', 'Fleming', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', '4 Cedar Ave', '', '20877-1913', 'Gaithersburg', 'MD', 'US', '301.461.5818', 'Y'), (88, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', 'Y'), (89, '', 'Sandra', 'Borges', 'sandrastar84@comcast.net', '191 Pleasant street', '', '01852', 'Lowell', 'MA', 'US', '9787104560', 'Y'), (90, '', 'Irene', 'ostrovsky', 'valandirene@gmail.com', '2052 east 63rd st', '', '11234', 'Brooklyn', 'NY', 'US', '9175663565', 'Y'), (91, '', 'David', 'LaFountain', 'dlafountain@kc.rr.com', '6429 Jefferson', '', '64113', 'Kansas City', 'MO', 'US', '816-523-6474', 'Y'), (92, '', 'Marianne', 'Burkhead', 'marianneburkhead@comcast.net', '322 Hanover Ave', '#310', '94606', 'Oakland', 'CA', 'US', '510-325-0570', 'Y'), (93, '', 'Jeri', 'Mosnick', 'jeri.delvecchio-mosnick@novartis.com', '32 Amendola Drive', '', '07857', 'Netcong', 'NJ', 'US', '973-769-6290', 'Y'), (94, '', 'Joe', 'Godlewski', 'cjem14@comcast.net', '4524 Todd Pt La', '', '21219', 'Balto.', 'MD', 'US', '4104774362', 'Y'), (95, '', 'Patricia', 'Suastegui', 'psuastegui@verizon.net', '10052 Sideview Dr.', '', '90240', 'Downey', 'CA', 'US', '562-923-8130', 'Y'), (96, '', 'Lori', 'Wright', 'Lori.Hoeffner@gmail.com', '315 N Jefferson St #202', '', '60661', 'Chicago', 'IL', 'US', '3125750017', 'Y'), (97, '', 'Lizbeth', 'Overton', 'meofcours@comcast.net', '10184 Gatemont Circle', '', '95624', 'Elk Grove', 'CA', 'US', '916-897-9567', 'Y'), (98, '', 'Colleen', 'Hawes', 'cocohawes@hotmail.com', '6427 NE 129th Place', '', '98034', 'Kirkland', 'WA', 'US', '425.823.5329', 'Y'), (99, '', 'Judith', 'Englehardt', 'jude9090@live.com', '9090 Brandy Lane', '', '33467', 'Lake Worth', 'FL', 'US', '5619651281', 'Y'), (100, '', 'Corrie', 'Houp', 'clhoup@comcast.net', '4 Houp Ln', '', '15601', 'Greensburg', 'PA', 'US', '7242442911', 'Y'), (101, '', 'Domenica', 'Benacquista', 'domenica12@comcast.net', '40050 Saddlewood', '', '48313', 'Sterling Heights', 'MI', 'US', '5864191303', 'Y'), (102, '', 'santa', 'Quintana', 'cocomarcobia@gmail.com', '9964 nob hill ct', 'same', '33351', 'sunrise', 'FL', 'US', '754-422-6938', 'Y'), (103, '', 'Micah', 'Alvarez', 'mja73@ymail.com', 'P.O. Box 49', '', '78154', 'Schertz', 'TX', 'US', '210-365-3296', 'Y'), (104, '', 'Lynne', 'Jones', 'shelito123@yahoo.com', '1270 East 51 Street', 'Apt 4E', '11234', 'Brooklyn', 'NY', 'US', '718-763-3114', 'Y'), (105, '', 'Chuck', 'Rizzie', 'charlieblue86@comcast.net', 'Snip & Tip Salon', '1866 Highway 35 South', '07748', 'Middletown', 'NJ', 'US', '732-706-5322', 'Y'), (106, '', 'alison', 'wood', 'awood96@aol.com', '5 mill court', '', '10502', 'ardsley', 'NY', 'US', '914-393-0555', 'Y'), (107, '', 'Robert', 'White', 'WhiteRandL@aol.com', '809 Carson Ave.', '', '20745', 'Oxon Hill', 'MD', 'US', '301-404-7141', 'Y'), (108, '', 'Dean', 'Lawrence', 'dwlskier@kc.rr.com', '7623 NW Westside Dr', '', '64152', 'Weatherby Lake', 'MO', 'US', '816-741-9929', 'Y'), (109, '', 'Carolyn', 'Pope', 'carolynmillerpope@gmail.com', '17210 Lechlade lane', '', '75252', 'Dallas', 'TX', 'US', '214 384 3044', 'Y'), (110, '', 'Lizbeth', 'Overton', 'meofcours@comcast.net', '10184 Gatemont Circle', '', '95624', 'Elk Grove', 'CA', 'US', '916-897-9567', 'Y'), (111, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', 'Y'), (112, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', 'Y'), (113, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', 'Y'), (114, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', 'Y'), (115, '', 'judith', 'fobes', 'judy.fobes@yahoo.com', '144 bruce rd', '', '03104', 'manchester', 'NH', 'US', '6038671042', 'Y'), (116, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', 'Y'), (117, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', 'Y'), (118, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', 'Y'), (119, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', 'Y'), (120, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', 'Y'), (121, '', 'Michelle', 'Ohala', 'milesmaxo@aol.com', '3019 Scenic Valley Way', '', '89052', 'Henderson', 'NV', 'US', '702-306-2781', 'Y'), (122, '', 'denise', 'Stefan', 'denisestefan@aol.com', '222 E. Chestnut Street', '15B', '60611', 'Chicago', 'IL', 'US', '312-498-2199', 'Y'), (123, '', 'Jennifer', 'Baldenegro', 'jenbaldenegro@gmail.com', '1747 Live oak BLVD STE F', '', '95991', 'Yuba City', 'CA', 'US', '530-392-0821', 'Y'), (124, '', 'Trang', 'Vo', 'trang.vo1@gmail.com', '12612 Taylor Court', '', '20904', 'Silver Spring', 'MD', 'US', '3016223975', 'Y'), (125, '', 'Trang', 'Vo', 'trang.vo1@gmail.com', '12612 Taylor Court', '', '20904', 'Silver Spring', 'MD', 'US', '3016223975', 'Y'), (126, '', 'Patricia', 'Harnly', 'glorymom48@aol.com', '3910 Pace Blvd', '', '68502', 'Lincoln', 'NE', 'US', '4028054106', 'Y'), (127, '', 'Daryl', 'Howard', 'dbirkie@cfl.rr.com', '9028 SW 103 Ave', '', '34481', 'Ocala', 'FL', 'US', '352 237 7604', 'Y'), (128, '', 'Michele', 'Gunn', 'Michele.Gunn@gs.com', '700 High Street', '', '08861', 'Perth Amboy', 'NJ', 'US', '732-324-0340', 'Y'), (129, '', 'Jeanne', 'Sanko', 'jeannesanko@hotmail.com', '63 Yale Place', '', '11570', 'Rockville Centre', 'NY', 'US', '516-510-7075', 'Y'), (130, '', 'jerry', 'smith', 'smthhague@aol.com', '4556 e carob dr', '', '85298', 'gilbert', 'AZ', 'US', '4809885899', 'Y'), (131, '', 'Mari Ann', 'Lauron', 'Marilauron@hotmail.com', '5007 9th Ave W', '', '98203', 'Everett', 'WA', 'US', '4252570851', 'Y'), (132, '', 'Dawn', 'Berg', 'dberg001@cfl.rr.com', '485 Lake Bridge Drive', '', '32174', 'Ormond Beach', 'FL', 'US', '386-562-6166', 'Y'), (133, '', 'michelle', 'garliss', 'michellehg@comcast.net', '35 Treadwell Ct.', '', '21093', 'Lutherville', 'MD', 'US', '410 560-6339', 'Y'), (134, '', 'Lisa Belle', 'Kaufman', 'kaufman_lisabelle@Hotmail.com', '810 Fountain Ave', '', '93940', 'Monterey', 'CA', 'US', '8312242224', 'Y'), (135, '', 'susan', 'osborne', 'ozzies322@verizon.net', '322 green briar lane', '', '19083', 'havertown', 'PA', 'US', '6107896626', 'Y'), (136, '', 'Denice', 'Weil', 'dd_charette@comcast.net', '12707 NE 76th Street', '', '98682', 'Vancouver', 'WA', 'US', '360-771-5030', 'Y'), (137, '', 'Lisa', 'Hensley', 'hensleyfamily@bellsouth.net', '120 High Forest Drive', '', '38801', 'Tupelo', 'MS', 'US', '662-840-7636', 'Y'), (138, '', 'Joan', 'Serr', 'joan_serr@hotmail.com', '14653 Redhill Ave', '', '92780', 'Tustin', 'CA', 'US', '714-259-7971', 'Y'), (139, '', 'Darrel', 'Willet', 'dvwillet@aol.com', 'P.O. Box 4027', '', '71361', 'Pineville', 'LA', 'US', '318-613-8864', 'Y'), (140, '', 'steven', 'mariucci', 'degostyl@aol.com', '1509 dennis st', '1222 simonton st.', '33040', 'key west', 'FM', 'US', '305-293-2780', 'Y'), (141, '', 'Melanie', 'Doulames', 'mdoulames@comcast.net', '677 Trull Road', 'Leave at Front Door', '01876', 'Tewksbury', 'MA', 'US', '9788517915', 'Y'), (142, '', 'lockie', 'markusen', 'lbmarkusen@aol.com', '4617 townes cir', '', '55424', 'edina', 'MN', 'US', '952-920-8116', 'Y'), (143, '', 'Bonnie', 'Mcclellan', 'bbmcclellan64@yahoo.com', '19155 w. Middletown rd.', '', '44609', 'Beloit', 'OH', 'US', '330-584-1953', 'Y'), (144, '', 'chris', 'sauer', 'chrissauer@msn.com', '4119 sw tualatin ave', '', '97239', 'portland', 'OR', 'US', '503-295-3607', 'Y'), (145, '', 'Grace', 'Yalong', 'graceyalong@yahoo.com', '3509 Watercrest Drive', '', '75093', 'Plano', 'TX', 'US', '2016475033', 'Y'), (146, '', 'Sue', 'Vonderheide', 'slovejazz@aol.com', '2857 Soles Lane', '', '32539', 'Crestview', 'FL', 'US', '850-423-0024', 'Y'), (147, '', 'Michelle', 'Patterson', 'mowglibones@yahoo.com', '500 E. Grant St. #1902', '', '55404', 'Minneapolis', 'MN', 'US', '518-330-7492', 'Y'), (148, '', 'laura', 'von glahn', 'lavonglahn@yahoo.com', '4-5 atlanta ct', '', '07728', 'freehold', 'NJ', 'US', '732 780 5392', 'Y'), (149, '', 'Amy', 'Braem', 'amybraem@aol.com', '2 Via Zaragoza', '', '93940', 'Monterey', 'CA', 'US', '503-888-6663', 'Y'), (150, '', 'kristy', 'cheslick', 'kristy.cheslick@sbcglobal.net', '18655 andrew lane', '', '48164', 'New Boston', 'MI', 'US', '734-612-5317', 'Y'), (151, '', 'Zohra', 'khwaja', 'zohrakhwaja@aol.com', '6203 Salisbury Dr', '', '22553', 'Spotsylvania', 'VA', 'US', '540-842-4688', 'Y'), (152, '', 'Debby', 'McLaughlin', 'debbymclaughlin@comcast.net', '329 Monte Vista Lane', '', '94952', 'Petaluma', 'CA', 'US', '707 781-7181', 'Y'), (153, '', 'Roxanne', 'Edelen', 'redelen@pacbell.net', '3927 Rincon Ridge Drive', '', '95404', 'Santa Rosa', 'CA', 'US', '7075456684', 'Y'), (154, '', 'Catherine', 'Evans', 'countesskat2@aol.com', '719 Southbranch Parkway', '', '01118', 'springfield', 'MA', 'US', '413-736-3509', 'Y'), (155, '', 'JUNE', 'BATULIS', 'SBATULIS@OPTONLINE.NET', '39 JOSEPH COURT', '', '10950', 'MONROE', 'NY', 'US', '8457814122', 'Y'), (156, '', 'TAMMY', 'VANCE', 'DOGSROCKBAR122@MSN.COM', '2105 HALLMARK AVE N', '', '55128', 'OAKDALE', 'MN', 'US', '651 770 0969', 'Y'), (157, '', 'JENNY', 'LI', 'JAB8859@YAHOO.COM', '108W 25TH AVE', '', '94403', 'SAN MATEO', 'CA', 'US', '650-345-4220', 'Y'), (158, '', 'J M', 'Jones', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', '761 W Hollis St', '', '03062', 'Nashua', 'NH', 'US', '6038839622', 'Y'), (159, '', 'J M', 'Jones', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', '761 W Hollis St', '', '03062', 'Nashua', 'NH', 'US', '6038839622', 'Y'), (160, '', 'J M', 'Jones', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', '761 W Hollis St', '', '03062', 'Nashua', 'NH', 'US', '6038839622', 'Y'), (161, '', 'J M', 'Jones', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', '761 W Hollis St', '', '03062', 'Nashua', 'NH', 'US', '6038839622', 'Y'), (162, '', 'J M', 'Jones', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', '761 W Hollis St', '', '03062', 'Nashua', 'NH', 'US', '6038839622', 'Y'), (163, '', 'Robert E.', 'Silva', 'buckygd@netzero.net', '793 Blakemore Rd.', '', '37055', 'Dickson', 'TN', 'US', '(615)740-9994', 'Y'), (164, '', 'Susie', 'Ellwood', 'sellwood@dnps.com', '38313 Golf View Drive', '', '48331', 'Farmington Hills', 'MI', 'US', '248-848-1072', 'Y'), (165, '', 'Jennifer', 'Hoffman', 'jenjlk15@comcast.net', '910 Daniel Street', '', '17042', 'Lebanon', 'PA', 'US', '717-926-8014', 'Y'), (166, '', 'Linda', 'Stanojevic', 'shrstou@gmail.com', '7947 Redondo Lane', '', '60462', 'Orland Park', 'IL', 'US', '708-209-5353', 'Y'), (167, '', 'Kathleen', 'Moraff', 'kcmoraff@live.com', '7210 Mandan Rd.', '', '20770', 'Greenbelt', 'MD', 'US', '301-345-4458', 'Y'), (168, '', 'Andrew', 'Ford', 'ajfpk3@att.net', '5347 Bristol Parke Dr.', '', '48348', 'Clarkston', 'MI', 'US', '248 922-0453', 'Y'), (169, '', 'Leanora', 'Long', 'leanora@nc.rr.com', '8313 Eden Park Drive', '', '27613', 'Raleigh', 'NC', 'US', '919-607-7980', 'Y'), (170, '', 'Karen', 'Weldon', 'kdweldon@aol.com', '725 Iris Gardens Ct.', '', '95125', 'San Jose', 'CA', 'US', '4089985007', 'Y'), (171, '', 'Melanie', 'Carnes', 'swellmel1000@msn.com', '471 Downs Court', '', '92225', 'Blythe', 'CA', 'US', '760-922-0017', 'Y'), (172, '', 'SUSAN', 'RASMUSSEN', 'srasatx@att.net', '14812 AVERY RANCH BLVD', '#42', '78717', 'AUSTIN', 'TX', 'US', '512-243-7594', 'Y'), (173, '', 'Sandra', 'Luce', 'sandyluce@verizon.net', '1151 Manzanita Ln.', '', '90266', 'Manhattan Beach', 'CA', 'US', '310-469-2850', 'Y'), (174, '', 'Anna', 'Lieberman', 'alieberman54@msn.com', '8101 Greenspring Way #C', '', '21117', 'Owings Mills', 'MD', 'US', '410-960-7657', 'Y'), (175, '', 'Starla', 'Ritchey', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', '602 W Main', '', '59457', 'Lewistown', 'MT', 'US', '406-538-9412', 'Y'), (176, '', 'Starla', 'Ritchey', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', '602 W Main', '', '59457', 'Lewistown', 'MT', 'US', '406-538-9412', 'Y'), (177, '', 'Starla', 'Ritchey', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', '602 W Main', '', '59457', 'Lewistown', 'MT', 'US', '406-538-9412', 'Y'), (178, '', 'Starla', 'Ritchey', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', '602 W Main', '', '59457', 'Lewistown', 'MT', 'US', '406-538-9412', 'Y'), (179, '', 'Starla', 'Ritchey', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', '602 W Main', '', '59457', 'Lewistown', 'MT', 'US', '406-538-9412', 'Y'), (180, '', 'Carolyn', 'DiPasquale', 'carolyndipasquale@yahoo.com', '22 Manor Rd. North', '', '11740', 'Greenlawn', 'NY', 'US', '631 754-1951', 'Y'), (181, '', 'Carolyn', 'DiPasquale', 'carolyndipasquale@yahoo.com', '22 Manor Rd. North', '', '11740', 'Greenlawn', 'NY', 'US', '631 754-1951', 'Y'), (182, '', 'Lynette', 'Guardado', 'lynneguardado@gmail.com', '9588 E. Sutherland Way', '', '85262', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480 361-5820', 'Y'), (183, '', 'joyce', 'crowe', 'joyce.crowe@wellsfargo.com', '11920 Oden Court', '', '20852', 'Rockville', 'MD', 'US', '301 230-2625', 'Y'), (184, '', 'sandra', 'marconi', 'roni898@comcast.net', '2998 sunrise lakes dr e #111', '', '33322', 'sunrise', 'FL', 'US', '9545330337', 'Y'), (185, '', 'Julie', 'MacDougall', 'juliecypress@earthlink.net', '526 SW 26th Terrace', '', 'FL', 'Cape Coral', 'FL', 'US', '239-699-1000', 'Y'), (186, '', 'Vertelle', 'Kanyama', 'vkanyama@yahoo.com', '1427 E 60th 424A', '', '60637', 'Chicago', 'IL', 'US', '773-702-7899', 'Y'), (187, '', 'Vertelle', 'Kanyama', 'vkanyama@yahoo.com', '1427 E 60th 424A', '', '60637', 'Chicago', 'IL', 'US', '773-702-7899', 'Y'), (188, '', 'Vertelle', 'Kanyama', 'vkanyama@yahoo.com', '1427 E 60th 424A', '', '60637', 'Chicago', 'IL', 'US', '773-702-7899', 'Y'), (189, '', 'Nicole', 'Bolster', 'silverlenses@aol.com', '1447 Bellevue Avenue', '', '90026', 'Los Angeles', 'CA', 'US', '3105589584', 'Y'), (190, '', 'valerie', 'mcconville', 'vemcconville@netzero.net', '4015 West 212', '', '44126', 'Fairview Park', 'OH', 'US', '440 333 1780', 'Y'), (191, '', 'Carol', 'Solomon', 'cbs1019@aol.com', '1864 Felicity Lane', '', '18055', 'Hellertown', 'PA', 'US', '646-555-1312', 'Y'), (192, '', 'Jessica', 'Dueno', 'lijessy@aol.com', 'PO Box 2917', '', '02539', 'Edgartown', 'MA', 'US', '6318363882', 'Y'), (193, '', 'Jessica', 'Dueno', 'lijessy@aol.com', 'PO Box 2917', '', '02539', 'Edgartown', 'MA', 'US', '6318363882', 'Y'), (194, '', 'Jessica', 'Dueno', 'lijessy@aol.com', 'PO Box 2917', '', '02539', 'Edgartown', 'MA', 'US', '6318363882', 'Y'), (195, '', 'Jessica', 'Dueno', 'lijessy@aol.com', 'PO Box 2917', '', '02539', 'Edgartown', 'MA', 'US', '6318363882', 'Y'), (196, '', 'Jessica', 'Dueno', 'lijessy@aol.com', 'PO Box 2917', '', '02539', 'Edgartown', 'MA', 'US', '6318363882', 'Y'), (197, '', 'Grace', 'Landy', 'gslandy@yahoo.com', '100 Myrtle Ave', 'Apt 309', '02382', 'Whitman', 'MA', 'US', '508-521-8296', 'Y'), (198, '', 'Grace', 'Landy', 'gslandy@yahoo.com', '100 Myrtle Ave', 'Apt 309', '02382', 'Whitman', 'MA', 'US', '508-521-8296', 'Y'), (199, '', 'Grace', 'Landy', 'gslandy@yahoo.com', '100 Myrtle Ave', 'Apt 309', '02382', 'Whitman', 'MA', 'US', '508-521-8296', 'Y'), (200, '', 'Mike', 'Webb', 'ncsu8695fan@yahoo.com', '203 Hanover Street', '', '27892', 'Williamston', 'NC', 'US', '252-741-0239', 'Y'), (201, '', 'Judi', 'Jennetten', 'jjennetten@yahoo.com', '7674 Bordeaux Drive', '', '62025', 'Edwardsville', 'IL', 'US', '6183075383', 'Y'), (202, '', 'Judi', 'Jennetten', 'jjennetten@yahoo.com', '7674 Bordeaux Drive', '', '62025', 'Edwardsville', 'IL', 'US', '6183075383', 'Y'), (203, '', 'Judi', 'Jennetten', 'jjennetten@yahoo.com', '7674 Bordeaux Drive', '', '62025', 'Edwardsville', 'IL', 'US', '6183075383', 'Y'), (204, '', 'susan', 'ocampo', 'socampo@gaaslabs.com', '28013 arastradero road', '', '94022', 'los altos', 'CA', 'US', '6507144717', 'Y'), (205, '', 'Sandra', 'Woolard', 'deltaville1@aol.com', '331 Heritage Point Road', '', '23043', 'Deltaville', 'VA', 'US', '804-776-0941', 'Y'), (206, '', 'Sue', 'Matherne', 'sue@vipinc.com', '16725 Lena Lane', '', '70733', 'French Settlement', 'LA', 'US', '225-753-8575', 'Y'), (207, '', 'Alyson', 'Driscoll', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', '3413 Melissa Country Way', '', '33559', 'Lutz', 'FL', 'US', '813-843-4273', 'Y'), (208, '', 'Alyson', 'Driscoll', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', '3413 Melissa Country Way', '', '33559', 'Lutz', 'FL', 'US', '813-843-4273', 'Y'), (209, '', 'Alyson', 'Driscoll', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', '3413 Melissa Country Way', '', '33559', 'Lutz', 'FL', 'US', '813-843-4273', 'Y'), (210, '', 'Alyson', 'Driscoll', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', '3413 Melissa Country Way', '', '33559', 'Lutz', 'FL', 'US', '813-843-4273', 'Y'), (211, '', 'Maureen', 'Davis', 'ollerubmat@aol.com', '7 King Street', '', '08753', 'Toms River', 'NJ', 'US', '732-349-7788', 'Y'), (212, '', 'catherine', 'leopold', 'lcatsrule@roadrunner.com', '3481 exley dr', '', '16415', 'fairview', 'PA', 'US', '8144741058', 'Y'), (213, '', 'lorraine', 'colella', 'lolo26543@aol.com', '183 shiel ave', '', '10309', 'staten island', 'NY', 'US', '7182278399', 'Y'), (214, '', 'Margaret', 'Maynard', 'pmaynard6@comcast.net', '152 Rockland Ave', '', '19004', 'Belmont Hills', 'PA', 'US', '3219178989', 'Y'), (215, '', 'Margaret', 'Maynard', 'pmaynard6@comcast.net', '152 Rockland Ave', '', '19004', 'Belmont Hills', 'PA', 'US', '3219178989', 'Y'), (216, '', 'Angela', 'Smith', 'roserj1731@yahoo.com', '2157 Ridgewood Circle', '', '78362', 'Ingleside', 'TX', 'US', '3617761838', 'Y'), (217, '', 'Pamela', 'Westerberg', 'pwesterberg@mchsi.com', 'PO Box 2941', '', '60690', 'Chicago', 'IL', 'US', '612 799 5930', 'Y'), (218, '', 'travis', 'gillen', 'tj.gillen@hotmail.com', '311 eel river', '', '73080', 'purcell', 'PW', 'US', '4056041124', 'Y'), (219, '', 'travis', 'gillen', 'tj.gillen@hotmail.com', '311 eel river', '', '73080', 'purcell', 'PW', 'US', '4056041124', 'Y'), (220, '', 'travis', 'gillen', 'tj.gillen@hotmail.com', '311 eel river', '', '73080', 'purcell', 'PW', 'US', '4056041124', 'Y'), (221, '', 'julie', 'ross', 'julieross@comcast.net', '4035 taylor avenue', '', '19026', 'drexel hill', 'PA', 'US', '6106264862', 'Y'), (222, '', 'Christye', 'VanHorn', 'jvanhorn@bellsouth.net', '539 Sawyer Rd', '', '38967', 'Winona', 'MS', 'US', '662-283-4650', 'Y'), (223, '', 'kathy', 'gastaldo', 'kathg@insight.rr.com', '5629 st george ave', '', '43082', 'westerville', 'OH', 'US', '6148183583', 'Y'), (224, '', 'jeannine', 'welton', 'jeanninewelton@comcast.net', '2721 buckingham', '', '93611', 'clovis', 'CA', 'US', '5599700612', 'Y'), (225, '', 'Nisha', 'Patel', 'nishapatel85@gmail.com', '13239 orchard harvest drive', '', '77407', 'richmond', 'TX', 'US', '832-363-2388', 'Y'), (226, '', 'Patti', 'Kurak', 'twcorp@comcast.net', '15001 Sunfish Lake Blvd NW', '', '55303', 'Ramsey', 'MN', 'US', '763-422-9843', 'Y'), (227, '', 'Patti', 'Kurak', 'twcorp@comcast.net', '15001 Sunfish Lake Blvd NW', '', '55303', 'Ramsey', 'MN', 'US', '763-422-9843', 'Y'), (228, '', 'Amanda', 'Williamson', 'williamson.amanda.s@gmail.com', '4384 Mountain Dale Road', '', '35213', 'Birmingham', 'AL', 'US', '205 454-1261', 'Y'), (229, '', 'Belinda', 'Moton', 'lovely247@comcast.net', '2619 Havasu Trace', '', '30071', 'Norcross', 'GA', 'US', '678-691-5746', 'Y'), (230, '', 'Nancy', 'Pollak', 'nancypollak@me.com', '4 Ridge Farm Road', '', '60527', 'Burr Ridge', 'IL', 'US', '630 301-2091', 'Y'), (231, '', 'Kathy', 'Toews', 'nc_toews@earthlink.net', '202 Orchard Lane', '', '27510', 'Carrboro', 'NC', 'US', '9199675423', 'Y'), (232, '', 'Christine', 'Stafford', 'cstafford5@yahoo.com', '1112 Cornwell Avenue', '', '11510', 'Baldwin', 'NY', 'US', '516-639-6828', 'Y'), (233, '', 'Jayne', 'Hums', 'jaynehums@yahoo.com', '1 Oak Terrace', '', '10940', 'Middletown', 'NY', 'US', '845-412-5258', 'Y'), (234, '', 'Baharak', 'Amiri', 'bbamiri@hotmail.com', '20 Castaic Ct.', '', '95678', 'Roseville', 'CA', 'US', '530-979-7595', 'Y'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `hotbeauty_brand` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hotbeauty_brand`; CREATE TABLE `hotbeauty_brand` ( `BrandID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `BrandName` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Status` enum('Y','N') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`BrandID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=24 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hotbeauty_brand` -- INSERT INTO `hotbeauty_brand` (`BrandID`, `BrandName`, `Status`) VALUES (23, 'Vectra', 'Y'), (22, 'Marche''', 'Y'), (21, 'Battalia', 'Y'), (20, 'Spornette', 'Y'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `hotbeauty_category` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hotbeauty_category`; CREATE TABLE `hotbeauty_category` ( `CategoryID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `CategoryName` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `CategotyType` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Status` enum('Y','N') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`CategoryID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=12 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hotbeauty_category` -- INSERT INTO `hotbeauty_category` (`CategoryID`, `CategoryName`, `CategotyType`, `Status`) VALUES (10, 'Men', '', 'Y'), (8, 'Make-Up', '', 'Y'), (7, 'Skin', '', 'Y'), (6, 'Hair', '', 'Y'), (11, 'Nails', '', 'Y'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `hotbeauty_customer` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hotbeauty_customer`; CREATE TABLE `hotbeauty_customer` ( `CustomerID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `Fname` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Lname` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Address` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Address2` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `City` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Zipcode` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `State` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Country` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Phone` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Email` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `UserName` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Password` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Joindate` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Status` enum('Y','N') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`CustomerID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=220 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hotbeauty_customer` -- INSERT INTO `hotbeauty_customer` (`CustomerID`, `Fname`, `Lname`, `Address`, `Address2`, `City`, `Zipcode`, `State`, `Country`, `Phone`, `Email`, `UserName`, `Password`, `Joindate`, `Status`) VALUES (1, 'Suman', 'Nandy', '78, Bansdroni', '', 'Mountain View', '94043', 'NY', 'US', '000-000-0000', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', '12345678', '10-13-2009', 'Y'), (2, 'john', 'missano', '2828 robert lane', '', 'bellmore', '11710', 'ny', 'US', '516-728-7288', 'Jmissano@aol.com', 'Jmissano@aol.com', 'whatshotbeauty', '11-22-2009', 'Y'), (3, 'john', 'missano', '2828 Robert Lane', '', 'No. Bellmore', '11710', 'NY', 'US', '5162214340', 'jjjcc@aol.com', 'jjjcc@aol.com', 'tweezerman', '11-25-2009', 'Y'), (4, 'Michael', 'Ayalon', '401 Cedar Lane', '', 'East Meadow', '11554', 'NY', 'US', '516-538-0933', 'michael@petwebdesigner.com', 'michael@petwebdesigner.com', 'fireball', '11-27-2009', 'Y'), (6, 'Michael', 'Ayalon', '401 Cedar Lane', '', 'East Meadow', '11554', 'NY', 'US', '516-538-0933', 'mayalon@yahoo.com', 'mayalon@yahoo.com', 'fireball', '11-27-2009', 'Y'), (7, 'john', 'missano', '2828 Robert Lane', '', 'No. Bellmore', '11710', 'NY', 'US', '5162214340', 'jmissano', 'jmissano', 'spornette', '11-27-2009', 'Y'), (8, 'Janet', 'Missano', '2828 Robert Lane', '', 'No. Bellmore', '11710', 'NY', 'US', '5162214340', 'jjjcc', 'jjjcc', 'tokybon', '11-27-2009', 'Y'), (9, 'JEFF', 'TRICHON', '25 TIOGA DR', '', 'JERICHO', '11753', 'NY', 'US', '5169314985', 'DIAMONDBEAUTY', 'DIAMONDBEAUTY', 'isles271', '11-28-2009', 'Y'), (10, 'Michael', 'Ayalon', '401 Cedar Lane', '', 'East Meadow', '11554', 'NY', 'US', '516-538-0933', 'info@petwebdesigner.com', 'info@petwebdesigner.com', 'fireball', '11-30-2009', 'Y'), (11, 'Danielle', 'Helinski', '20 Linden Avenue', '', 'Kings Park', '11754', 'New York', 'US', '631-835-0875', 'dhelinski41@gmail.com', 'dhelinski41@gmail.com', 'coordinator', '12-02-2009', 'Y'), (12, 'manish', 'keshari', '10/79', 'Bijoy Garh', 'kolkata', '700032', 'West Bengal', 'IN', '9330817140', 'manish.keshari45@gmail.com', 'manish.keshari45@gmail.com', '12345678', '12-02-2009', 'Y'), (13, 'gargi', 'keshari', '10/79', 'Bijoy Garh', 'kolkata', '700032', 'West Bengal', 'IN', '9330817140', 'gargi.phil@gmail.com', 'gargi.phil@gmail.com', '12345678', '12-02-2009', 'Y'), (14, 'jhghg', 'jkhjkk', 'kjkljklj', 'jkkjk', 'gdfgfdg', '4645654', 'gdfgfdg', 'fgdfgdfg', '436345345', 'willtech.manish@gmail.com', 'willtech.manish@gmail.com', '123456789', '12-02-2009', 'Y'), (15, 'manish', 'keshari', '10/79', 'Bijoy Garh', 'Kolkata', '5645654', 'dgdfgdf', 'gdfgdfg', '5466456', 'manish_with_you2003@yahoo.co.in', 'manish_with_you2003@yahoo.co.in', '123456789', '12-02-2009', 'Y'), (16, '1', '1', '1', '', '1', '11', '1', 'US', '1', '1', '1', '11', '12-02-2009', 'Y'), (17, 'Raymond E', 'Johns', '6472 West Appomattox Lane', '', 'Homosassa', '34448-1646', 'FL', 'US', '3526282841', 'shellfox31@hotmail.com', 'shellfox31@hotmail.com', 'aj77sbkt', '12-05-2009', 'Y'), (18, 'CHRISTINE', 'GALLEGOS', '4601 MESA ENCANTADA CT', '', 'ALBUQUERQUE', '87120', 'NM', 'US', '5052282305', 'CHRISTINESGOLDCANDLES@YAHOO.COM', 'CHRISTINESGOLDCANDLES@YAHOO.COM', 'JEWELS32', '12-05-2009', 'Y'), (19, 'LUCIA', 'KEMOKAI', '420 E OHIO ST., APT.13A ', '', 'CHICAGO', '60611', 'IL', 'US', '3123074305', 'FLORYVYANU', 'FLORYVYANU', 'frumusete', '12-06-2009', 'Y'), (20, 'LUCIA', 'KEMOKAI', '420 E OHIO ST., AP.13A', '', 'CHICAGO', '60611', 'IL', 'US', '3123074305', 'FLORYVYANU@GMAIL.COM', 'FLORYVYANU@GMAIL.COM', 'frumusete', '12-06-2009', 'Y'), (21, 'dirce', 'veloso', '9 yale ave', '', 'pawtucket', '02860', 'RI', 'US', '401 7253209', 'www.helenadirce@yahoo.com', 'www.helenadirce@yahoo.com', 'jacira18', '12-06-2009', 'Y'), (22, 'Lynn', 'Watson', '1105 County Road 480', '', 'Poplar Bluff', '63901', 'MO', 'US', '573 686-1760', 'lwatson5@hughes.net', 'lwatson5@hughes.net', 'hairhair', '12-06-2009', 'Y'), (23, 'Danielle', 'Helinski', '445 Broad Hollow Rd', 'Suite 25', 'Melville', '11747', 'NY', 'US', '631-881-0800', 'receptionist@iomelville.com', 'receptionist@iomelville.com', '6318810800', '12-07-2009', 'Y'), (24, 'Virginia ', 'Mendez', '2914 Shadow Bend', '', 'San Antonio', '78230', 'TX', 'US', '210-264-2840', 'vmendezjp@gmail.com', 'vmendezjp@gmail.com', 'singsong', '12-07-2009', 'Y'), (25, 'Deb', 'Newell', '18 Winding River Lane', '', 'Inglis', '34449', 'FL', 'US', '352-302-0153', 'catndogs@comcast.net', 'catndogs@comcast.net', 'choodles', '12-08-2009', 'Y'), (26, 'Stephanie', 'Frink', '1629 Calabasa Drive', '', 'Lincoln', '95648', 'CA', 'US', '916-316-8416', 'stephaniefrink@att.net', 'stephaniefrink@att.net', 'BabyKitty1', '12-08-2009', 'Y'), (27, 'laura', 'potgeter', '9367 shady creek lane', '', 'West Olive', '49460', 'MI', 'US', '616-892-4545', 'laurapotgeter', 'laurapotgeter', 'laura4532', '12-08-2009', 'Y'), (28, 'Virginia', 'Krause', '725 Rodman Ave', '', 'Jenkintown', '19046', 'PA', 'US', '215-886-3297', 'gkrause4@verizon.net', 'gkrause4@verizon.net', 'gigi11', '12-11-2009', 'Y'), (29, 'antoinette', 'termini', '1940 N.e. 5th ave.', '', 'boca raton', '33431', 'FL', 'US', '716 553-5280', 'chebe4567@aol.com', 'chebe4567@aol.com', 'termini01', '12-12-2009', 'Y'), (30, 'Agnes', 'Krauss', 'po. box 1721', '', 'New York', '10150', 'NY', 'US', '212 633 6964', 'miracles1@aol.com', 'miracles1@aol.com', '102470', '12-12-2009', 'Y'), (31, 'PAUL', 'ANDREWS', '3565 58TH AVE.N.LOT141', '', 'ST.PETERSBURG', '33714', 'FL', 'US', '727 525-0015', 'MAINLINE1955@YAHOO.COM', 'MAINLINE1955@YAHOO.COM', 'CABOOSE55', '12-14-2009', 'Y'), (32, 'Constance', 'Andrews', '4546 S. Warren Rd', '', 'Springfield', '65810', 'MO', 'US', '417-429-0349', 'rjfandrews@sbcglobal.net', 'rjfandrews@sbcglobal.net', 'nexus237', '12-16-2009', 'Y'), (33, 'aviva', 'kane', '200 lexington ave', 'apt 4f', 'oyster bay', '11771', 'NY', 'US', '5167702321', 'kanenator@gmail.com', 'kanenator@gmail.com', 'reddwarf', '12-17-2009', 'Y'), (34, 'Benita', 'Low', '124 Fountain Ave.', 'Apt. B', 'Pacific Grove', '93950', 'CA', 'US', '831-372-8256', 'Benita@email.com', 'Benita@email.com', '1234qwer', '12-17-2009', 'Y'), (35, 'Nancy', 'Bryant', '2606 Normanstone Ln NW', '', 'Washington', '20008', 'DC', 'US', '202-265-4702', 'nancy.bryant2@verizon.net', 'nancy.bryant2@verizon.net', '2654buck', '12-17-2009', 'Y'), (36, 'Pamela', 'Burkhart', '1305 N. Mill St.', '', 'Bowie', '76230', 'TX', 'US', '940-872-6207', 'cpjburk@sbcglobal.net', 'cpjburk@sbcglobal.net', 'abyz1000', '12-17-2009', 'Y'), (37, 'Lyndsay', 'Katauskas', '3 E Perry Circle', '', 'Annapolis', '21402', 'MD', 'US', '310-686-4194', 'lyndsayfred007@yahoo.com', 'lyndsayfred007@yahoo.com', 'ba6ykat08', '12-18-2009', 'Y'), (38, 'Sally', 'Garber', '13451 Sunrise Dr', '', 'Blue Ridge Summit', '17214', 'PA', 'US', '7177942144', 'sallygarber@comcast.net', 'sallygarber@comcast.net', 'dancewithme1st', '12-18-2009', 'Y'), (39, 'sandra', 'johnson', '2538 pine drive', 'po box 711', 'arnold', '95223', 'CA', 'US', '209-795-3041', 'swan92@comcast.net', 'swan92@comcast.net', 'swan1992', '12-19-2009', 'Y'), (40, 'betty', 'dukes', '63 coleman rd.', '', 'winter haven', '33880', 'FL', 'US', '8632991434', 'bettydukes670@gmail.com', 'bettydukes670@gmail.com', 'dukes1937', '12-21-2009', 'Y'), (41, 'craig', 'seitz', '5209 konic ct', '', 'riverside', '92509', 'CA', 'US', '310 9900079', 'veryfurry12@yahoo.com', 'veryfurry12@yahoo.com', 'cs526269', '12-22-2009', 'Y'), (42, 'patrick ', 'morris', '3216 donald drive', '', 'louisville', '40216', 'KY', 'US', '502-509-2678', 'poisoncidr@yahoo.com', 'poisoncidr@yahoo.com', 'tips9017', '12-22-2009', 'Y'), (43, 'Ann', 'Wieber', '416 N Sheldon Rd', '', 'Plymouth', '48170', 'MI', 'US', '7344550859', 'tjw4@cornell.edu', 'tjw4@cornell.edu', 'timothy1', '12-23-2009', 'Y'), (44, 'sherry', 'lavin', '10505 east cactus rd', '', 'scottsdale', '85259', 'AZ', 'US', '4808073758', 'slavin35@hotmail.com', 'slavin35@hotmail.com', 'wellness1', '12-24-2009', 'Y'), (45, 'ali', 'pickens', '223 s garfield st', '', 'stillwater', '74074', 'OK', 'US', '4692364845', 'blondyap177@yahoo.com', 'blondyap177@yahoo.com', 'bbap177', '12-24-2009', 'Y'), (46, 'Laurie', 'Filtzkowski', '10300 Wildhawk Drive', '', 'Sacramento', '95829', 'CA', 'US', '916-705-8412', 'lfiltzkowski@citlink.net', 'lfiltzkowski@citlink.net', 'edward10', '12-24-2009', 'Y'), (47, 'Carol Lee', 'Wax', '834 Marion', '', 'Highland Park', '60035', 'IL', 'US', '847-682-4640', 'clwax@aol.com', 'clwax@aol.com', 'clwax3553', '12-26-2009', 'Y'), (48, 'Kristin', 'Jenkins', '2716 Mulberry Drive', '', 'Sandusky', '44870', 'OH', 'US', '4196256879', 'kmjen66@gmail.com', 'kmjen66@gmail.com', 'brenNa1207', '12-26-2009', 'Y'), (49, 'NIna', 'Doxey', '5544 S 3050 W', '', 'Roy', '84067', 'UT', 'US', '8015254641', 'gedoxey@gmail.com', 'gedoxey@gmail.com', 'sinclair9', '12-26-2009', 'Y'), (50, 'Xiaoying', 'Lu', '1257 Gibbs Ave', '', 'Saint Paul', '55108', 'MN', 'US', '6124625747', 'xylu05chem@yahoo.com', 'xylu05chem@yahoo.com', 'xylu1229', '12-27-2009', 'Y'), (51, 'Ellen ', 'McLean', '1313 Aspen Drive', '', 'Salisbury', '21804', 'MD', 'US', '410-334-6280', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', 'divorce', '12-27-2009', 'Y'), (52, 'Leonora', 'Foels', '1326 Holly Hill Drive', '', 'Franklin', '37064', 'TN', 'US', '615-790-6500', 'leonorae@bellsouth.net', 'leonorae@bellsouth.net', 'Touche130', '12-28-2009', 'Y'), (53, 'kathleen', 'schwartzman', '74 oakway rd', '', 'lutherville', '21093', 'MD', 'US', '410-252-6055', 'ajahk9@verizon.net', 'ajahk9@verizon.net', 'maharajah', '12-28-2009', 'Y'), (54, 'idit', 'nemet', '250 e 54th st #15b', '', 'new york', '10022', 'NY', 'US', '212 758 8089', 'iznn@aol.com', 'iznn@aol.com', 'mondrian', '12-28-2009', 'Y'), (55, 'jaclyn', 'bORGES', '881 thomas ave', '#11', 'san diego', '92109', 'CA', 'US', '562 2434587', 'jaclyn.borges@gmail.com', 'jaclyn.borges@gmail.com', 'marieb3!', '12-28-2009', 'Y'), (56, 'antoinette', 'termini', '1940 n.e. 5th ave', '', 'boca raton', '33431', 'FL', 'US', '716553-5280', 'chebe45678@aol.com', 'chebe45678@aol.com', 'antoinette', '12-29-2009', 'Y'), (57, 'antoinette', 'termini', '1940 NE 5th ave', '', 'boca raton', '33431', 'FL', 'US', '716-553-5280', 'whatshotbeauty', 'whatshotbeauty', 'imisscody', '12-29-2009', 'Y'), (58, 'Amy', 'Burkett', '24286 Chokecherry Lane', '', 'Golden', '80401', 'CO', 'US', '303-898-5879', 'burkettinc@hotmail.com', 'burkettinc@hotmail.com', 'shannon11', '12-31-2009', 'Y'), (59, 'allyson', 'glass', '33 forest drive', '', 'huntsville', '77320', 'TX', 'US', '9362938780', 'paccpj@aol.com', 'paccpj@aol.com', 'beautiful', '12-31-2009', 'Y'), (60, 'Karen ', 'McCuddin', '17646 Iberia Avenue', '', 'Lakeville', '55044', 'MN', 'US', '952-236-9402', 'karenm964@charter.net', 'karenm964@charter.net', 'harley907', '01-01-2010', 'Y'), (61, 'Jodie', 'Kurilic', '503 E Stoneway Drive', '', 'Sandusky', '44870', 'OH', 'US', '419-626-8373', 'jodie@gardnerinsurance.com', 'jodie@gardnerinsurance.com', 'password', '01-03-2010', 'Y'), (62, 'christine', 'stonisch', '545 west brown st', '', 'birmingham', '48009', 'MI', 'US', '248-723-9342', 'tinastonisch@hotmail.com', 'tinastonisch@hotmail.com', 'stonisch5', '01-03-2010', 'Y'), (63, 'eileen', 'padilla', '3303 stonegate falls dr', '', 'land o lakes', '34638', 'FL', 'US', '813-546-7536', 'eilajo@hotmail.com', 'eilajo@hotmail.com', 'eilajofink', '01-03-2010', 'Y'), (64, 'Robert', 'Price', '1214 NW 19th Terrace', '', 'Delray Beach', '33445', 'FL', 'US', '561-445-3285', 'xrprice@gmail.com', 'xrprice@gmail.com', 'pacogallo7', '01-03-2010', 'Y'), (65, 'Karissa', 'Johnsen', '4721 West Braddock Road', '', 'Alexandria', '22311', 'VA', 'US', '763-559-1071', 'joka0303@gmail.com', 'joka0303@gmail.com', 'eric123#', '01-03-2010', 'Y'), (66, 'REBECCA', 'JORDAN', '6612 SIXS FORKS RD', '1205 WAKEFIELD FARM RD', 'RALEIGH', '27612', 'NC', 'US', '9194042627', 'WWW.HAIRAFTER6112@AOL.COM', 'WWW.HAIRAFTER6112@AOL.COM', 'SHAMPOO4', '01-04-2010', 'Y'), (67, 'Lynn', 'Miller', '4388 Hwy 49 W', '', 'Vanleer', '37181', 'TN', 'US', '615-763-0275', 'lyntel@bellsouth.net', 'lyntel@bellsouth.net', '07072000', '01-04-2010', 'Y'), (68, 'joy', 'wall', '405 arlington street', '', 'mount airy', '27030', 'NC', 'US', '3367865940', 'jwall63@embarqmail.com', 'jwall63@embarqmail.com', 'jessica123', '01-04-2010', 'Y'), (69, 'Pamela', 'Marrache', '347 Eighth Street', '', 'Menasha', '54952', 'WI', 'US', '920-729-6437', 'pmarrache@yahoo.com', 'pmarrache@yahoo.com', '130conboy', '01-05-2010', 'Y'), (70, 'Jason', 'Riley', '109 Overdale Road', '', 'Pittsburgh', '15221', 'PA', 'US', '412-626-1094', 'jjr12564@gmail.com', 'jjr12564@gmail.com', 'flyfishing1', '01-06-2010', 'Y'), (71, 'Julia', 'Richardson', '60 Burton Street', '', 'Belmont', '28012', 'NC', 'US', '704-822-1000', 'juliarichardson068@gmail.com', 'juliarichardson068@gmail.com', 'andy2639', '01-07-2010', 'Y'), (72, 'Michelle', 'Calhoun', '7216 Brae Court', '', 'Gurnee', '60031', 'IL', 'US', '847-856-8096', 'calhounmi@yahoo.com', 'calhounmi@yahoo.com', 'dexter123', '01-08-2010', 'Y'), (73, 'Wade', 'Fleming', '4 Cedar Ave', '', 'Gaithersburg', '20877-1913', 'MD', 'US', '301.461.5818', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', 'mercedes', '01-10-2010', 'Y'), (74, 'Elaine', 'Abdel-Khalik', '2555 Sumter Drive', '', 'Garner', '27529', 'NC', 'US', '919-630-4213', 'evanselle@gmail.com', 'evanselle@gmail.com', 'Elaine10', '01-11-2010', 'Y'), (75, 'Marylou', 'Louro', '1250 San Dieguito Dr', '', 'Encinitas', '92024', 'CA', 'US', '760-753-2140', 'maryloulouro@yahoo.com', 'maryloulouro@yahoo.com', 'harley', '01-11-2010', 'Y'), (76, 'Jamie', 'Duke', '2190 Gibraltar Glen', '', 'Escondido', '92029', 'CA', 'US', '760-739-1595', 'Jmendave@aol.com', 'Jmendave@aol.com', 'djel8288', '01-11-2010', 'Y'), (77, 'mary', 'davis', '216 fairlawn', '', 'hideaway', '75771', 'TX', 'US', '903 881 8822', 'madawh@suddenlink.net', 'madawh@suddenlink.net', 'hair@101', '01-12-2010', 'Y'), (78, 'Michelle', 'Fitzgerald', 'P. O. Box 35', '', 'Springfield', '03284', 'NH', 'US', '603-763-7349', 'Fitzmabel@aol.com', 'Fitzmabel@aol.com', 'monfrere', '01-12-2010', 'Y'), (79, 'Alina', 'Driver', '1010 Seminole Drive #903', '', 'Fort Lauderdale', '33304', 'FL', 'US', '301-922-5130', 'alina.driver@yahoo.com', 'alina.driver@yahoo.com', 'Maneater1', '01-13-2010', 'Y'), (80, 'Bea', 'Cote', '5922 Bayswater Lane', '', 'Charlotte', '28212', 'NC', 'US', '704-535-8481', 'abellacooper@gmail.com', 'abellacooper@gmail.com', 'levity12', '01-13-2010', 'Y'), (81, 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', 'Scottsdale', '85260', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'zoeylovato', '01-14-2010', 'Y'), (82, 'Sandra', 'Borges', '191 Pleasant Street', '', 'Lowell', '01852', 'MA', 'US', '9787104560', 'sandrastar84@comcast.net', 'sandrastar84@comcast.net', 'candido1', '01-15-2010', 'Y'), (83, 'Irene', 'Ostrovsky', '2052 East 63rd Street', '', 'Brooklyn', '11234', 'NY', 'US', '9175663565', 'valandirene@gmail.com', 'valandirene@gmail.com', 'together77', '01-15-2010', 'Y'), (84, 'David ', 'LaFountain', '6429 Jefferson', '', 'Kansas City', '64113', 'MO', 'US', '816-523-6474', 'dlafountain2kc.rr.com', 'dlafountain2kc.rr.com', 'jefferson', '01-16-2010', 'Y'), (85, 'Marianne', 'Burkhead', '322 Hanover Ave.', '#310', 'Oakland', '94606', 'CA', 'US', '510-325-0570', 'marianneburkhead@comcast.net', 'marianneburkhead@comcast.net', 'burkhead', '01-16-2010', 'Y'), (86, 'Jeri', 'Mosnick', '32 Amendola Drive', '', 'Netcong', '07857', 'NJ', 'US', '973-769-6290', 'jeri.delvecchio-mosnick@novartis.com', 'jeri.delvecchio-mosnick@novartis.com', 'amendola32', '01-16-2010', 'Y'), (87, 'oyuackmvkx', 'oyuackmvkx', 'aRcQlesUKelnDlG', 'qnOahmrbEe', 'cflcMqXUnOOdj', '22264', 'NV', 'US', 'BrYPVOLusGg', 'msihpn@jvppkj.com', 'msihpn@jvppkj.com', '', '01-17-2010', 'Y'), (88, 'Joe', 'Godlewski', '4524 Todd Pt La', '', 'Balto.', '21219', 'MD', 'US', '4104774362', 'cjem14@comcast.net', 'cjem14@comcast.net', 'hulahula', '01-17-2010', 'Y'), (89, 'Patricia', 'Suastegui', '10052 Sideview Dr.', '', 'Downey', '90240', 'CA', 'US', '562-923-8130', 'psuastegui@verizon.net', 'psuastegui@verizon.net', 'psuastegui', '01-17-2010', 'Y'), (90, 'Lori ', 'Wright', '315 N Jefferson St #202', '', 'Chicago', '60661', 'IL', 'US', '3125750017', 'Lori.Hoeffner@gmail.com', 'Lori.Hoeffner@gmail.com', 'Lorilh044', '01-17-2010', 'Y'), (91, 'Lizbeth', 'Overton', '10184 Gatemont Circle', '', 'Elk Grove', '95624', 'CA', 'US', '916-897-9567', 'meofcours@comcast.net', 'meofcours@comcast.net', 'letmein2', '01-18-2010', 'Y'), (92, 'Colleen', 'Hawes', '6427 NE 129th Place', '', 'Kirkland', '98034', 'WA', 'US', '425.823.5329', 'cocohawes@hotmail.com', 'cocohawes@hotmail.com', 'bellyup', '01-18-2010', 'Y'), (93, 'debi', 'russell', '395 12th ave', '', 'indian rocks beach', '33785', 'FL', 'US', '7274571647', 'debirussell@live.com', 'debirussell@live.com', '11089pher', '01-19-2010', 'Y'), (94, 'Judith', 'Englehardt', '9090 Brandy Lane', '', 'Lake Worth', '33467', 'FL', 'US', '5619651281', 'jude9090@live.com', 'jude9090@live.com', 'rocky1412', '01-19-2010', 'Y'), (95, 'Carla', 'DeLorenzo', '90 West St', 'Apt 4J', 'New York', '10006', 'NY', 'US', '607-727-3317', 'cgdelorenzo@yahoo.com', 'cgdelorenzo@yahoo.com', 'redsox1974', '01-20-2010', 'Y'), (96, 'Corrie', 'Houp', '4 Houp Ln ', '', 'Greensburg', '15601', 'PA', 'US', '7242442911', 'clhoup@comcast.net', 'clhoup@comcast.net', 'bailleychase', '01-20-2010', 'Y'), (97, 'Domenica', 'Benacquista', '40050 Saddlewood', '', 'Sterling Heights', '48313', 'MI', 'US', '5864191303', 'domenica12@comcast.net', 'domenica12@comcast.net', 'bianvinn2', '01-20-2010', 'Y'), (98, 'Angela', 'Gibson', '1305 Garden St', '', 'Hoboken', '07030', 'NJ', 'US', '917-822-1775', 'aharding@microsoft.com', 'aharding@microsoft.com', 'dreamjob', '01-20-2010', 'Y'), (99, 'santa', 'Quintana', '9964 nob hill ct', 'same', 'sunrise', '33351', 'FL', 'US', '754-422-6938', 'cocomarcobia@gmail.com', 'cocomarcobia@gmail.com', 'santamailin2859', '01-20-2010', 'Y'), (100, 'Micah', 'Alvarez', '3741 San Isidro N.W.', '', 'Albuquerque', '87107', 'NM', 'US', '210-365-3296', 'mja73@ymail.com', 'mja73@ymail.com', 'FairyDust', '01-20-2010', 'Y'), (101, 'Lynne', 'Jones', '1270 East 51 Street', 'Apt 4E', 'Brooklyn', '11234', 'NY', 'US', '718-763-3114', 'shelito123@yahoo.com', 'shelito123@yahoo.com', 'shelito1', '01-21-2010', 'Y'), (102, 'Eileen W', 'Orsini', '15 FALCONS RIDGE CIRCLE', '', 'HOLMDEL', '07733', 'NJ', 'US', '732 3320870', 'eworsini@comcast.net', 'eworsini@comcast.net', 'WINIFRED', '01-22-2010', 'Y'), (103, 'belkys', 'sanchez-de urrutia', 'p.o.box 28287', '', 'hialeah', '33002-8087', 'FL', 'US', '305-430-0135', 'bsandeu@gmail.com', 'bsandeu@gmail.com', '4who4me45', '01-22-2010', 'Y'), (104, 'alison', 'wood', '5 mill court ', '', 'ardsley', '10502', 'NY', 'US', '914-393-0555', 'awood96@aol.com', 'awood96@aol.com', '297400', '01-23-2010', 'Y'), (105, 'Terri', 'Ehrenbock', '11208 Tinsley Ct', '', 'Raleigh', '27614', 'NC', 'US', '919-846-9678', 'tlcares@nc.rr.com', 'tlcares@nc.rr.com', '171913tl', '01-24-2010', 'Y'), (106, 'qzzuive', 'qzzuive', 'sTuiLGNYqIx', 'FvBmJcgEfeomIFChgw', 'RIVqcwycw', 'FSrjSUPj', 'WV', 'US', 'gZpsiQOwFeAoRPY', 'kmwkgd@pudmwc.com', 'kmwkgd@pudmwc.com', '', '01-24-2010', 'Y'), (107, 'Robert', 'White', '809 Carson Ave.', '', 'Oxon Hill', '20745', 'MD', 'US', '301-404-7141', 'WhiteRandL@aol.com', 'WhiteRandL@aol.com', '08271955', '01-24-2010', 'Y'), (108, 'Dean', 'Lawrence', '527 West End St', 'Apt 2', 'Aspen', '81611-4123', 'CO', 'US', '970-925-2163', 'dwlskier@kc.rr.com', 'dwlskier@kc.rr.com', '641521537', '01-25-2010', 'Y'), (109, 'Hair Replacement Studio', 'Toni Hill', '2401 E 32nd St #10-223', '', 'Joplin', '64804', 'MO', 'US', '417-782-3998', 'rico7@cableone.net', 'rico7@cableone.net', '2getreal', '01-25-2010', 'Y'), (110, 'gayle', 'Himel', '649', '', 'Vernon Hills', '60061', 'IL', 'US', '847-362-0077', 'jghimel@aol.com', 'jghimel@aol.com', 'haylee4', '01-25-2010', 'Y'), (111, 'Carolyn', 'Miller Pope', '17210 Lechlade Lane', '', 'Dallas', '75252', 'TX', 'US', '214 384 3044', 'carolynmillerpope@gmail.com', 'carolynmillerpope@gmail.com', 'stacie61', '01-26-2010', 'Y'), (112, 'Kim', 'Adams', '800 N 26TH AVE', '', 'CORNELIUS', '97113', 'OR', 'US', '503-713-3337', 'bodysalonspa@gmail.com', 'bodysalonspa@gmail.com', 'body1', '01-26-2010', 'Y'), (113, 'Carmen M.', 'Mendoza', '2402 Wheeless Rd.', '', 'Augusta ', '30906', 'GA', 'US', '706-951-0648', 'milly39522@yahoo.com', 'milly39522@yahoo.com', 'mi3390', '01-26-2010', 'Y'), (114, 'judith', 'fobes', '144 bruce rd', '', 'manchester', '03104', 'NH', 'US', '6038671042', 'judy.fobes@yahoo.com', 'judy.fobes@yahoo.com', 'london04', '01-26-2010', 'Y'), (115, 'Michelle', 'Ohala', '3019 Scenic Valley Way', '', 'Henderson', '89052', 'NV', 'US', '702-306-2781', 'milesmaxo@aol.com', 'milesmaxo@aol.com', 'inkpen2645', '01-26-2010', 'Y'), (116, 'denise', 'Stefan', '222 E. Chestnut Street', '15B', 'Chicago', '60611', 'IL', 'US', '312-498-2199', 'denisestefan@aol.com', 'denisestefan@aol.com', '18121812', '01-27-2010', 'Y'), (117, 'Jennifer ', 'Baldenegro', '1747 Live oak BLVD STE F ', '', 'Yuba City ', '95991', 'CA', 'US', '530-392-0821', 'jenbaldenegro', 'jenbaldenegro', 'gronski2242', '01-27-2010', 'Y'), (118, 'Trang', 'Vo', '12612 Taylor Court', '', 'Silver Spring', '20904', 'MD', 'US', '3016223975', 'trang.vo1@gmail.com', 'trang.vo1@gmail.com', 'carambola', '01-27-2010', 'Y'), (119, 'Julia', 'Richardson', '60 Burton Street', '', 'Belmont', '28012', 'NC', 'US', '704-822-1000', 'juliarichardson@carolina.rr.com', 'juliarichardson@carolina.rr.com', '26392639', '01-28-2010', 'Y'), (120, 'Patricia', 'Harnly', '3910 Pace Blvd', '', 'Lincoln', '68502', 'NE', 'US', '4028054106', 'glorymom48@aol.com', 'glorymom48@aol.com', 'txcn2101', '01-29-2010', 'Y'), (121, 'Daryl', 'Howard', '9028 SW 103 Ave', '', 'Ocala', '34481', 'FL', 'US', '352 237 7604', 'dbirkie@cfl.rr.com', 'dbirkie@cfl.rr.com', '1125dlh', '01-29-2010', 'Y'), (122, 'Michele', 'Gunn', '700 High Street', '', 'Perth Amboy', '08861', 'NJ', 'US', '732-324-0340', 'Michele.Gunn@gs.com', 'Michele.Gunn@gs.com', '33mggunn', '01-29-2010', 'Y'), (123, 'Jeanne', 'Sanko', '63 Yale Place', '', 'Rockville Centre', '11570', 'NY', 'US', '516-510-7075', 'jeannesanko@hotmail.com', 'jeannesanko@hotmail.com', 'rvc193300', '01-30-2010', 'Y'), (124, 'jerry', 'smith', '4556 e carob dr', '', 'gilbert', '85298', 'AZ', 'US', '4809884899', 'smthhague@aol.com', 'smthhague@aol.com', 's1cooter', '01-30-2010', 'Y'), (125, 'Mari Ann ', 'Lauron', '5007 9th Ave W', '', 'Everett', '98203', 'WA', 'US', '4252570851', 'Marilauron@hotmail.com', 'Marilauron@hotmail.com', 'tomdoug123abc', '01-30-2010', 'Y'), (126, 'Dawn', 'Berg', '485 Lake Bridge Drive', '', 'Ormond Beach', '32174', 'FL', 'US', '386-562-6166', 'dberg001@cfl.rr.com', 'dberg001@cfl.rr.com', 'otisoscar', '01-30-2010', 'Y'), (127, 'michelle', 'garliss', '35 Treadwell Ct.', '', 'Lutherville', '21093', 'MD', 'US', '410 560-6339', 'michellehg@comcast.net', 'michellehg@comcast.net', 'ainsley1', '01-31-2010', 'Y'), (128, 'Lisa Belle', 'Kaufman', '810 Fountain Ave', '', 'Monterey', '93940', 'CA', 'US', '8312242224', 'kaufman_lisabelle@Hotmail.com', 'kaufman_lisabelle@Hotmail.com', 'lover123', '02-01-2010', 'Y'), (129, 'susan', 'osborne', '322 green briar lane', '', 'havertown', '19083', 'PA', 'US', '6107896626', 'ozzies322@verizon.net', 'ozzies322@verizon.net', 'dixie123', '02-02-2010', 'Y'), (130, 'Denice', 'Weil', '12707 NE 76th Street', '', 'Vancouver', '98682', 'WA', 'US', '360-771-5030', 'dd_charette@comcast.net', 'dd_charette@comcast.net', 'bearbear1', '02-03-2010', 'Y'), (131, 'peggy', 'mcmanus', '17 harness lane', '', 'levittown', '11756', 'NY', 'US', '2123354958', 'peggy.mcmanus@dlapiper.com', 'peggy.mcmanus@dlapiper.com', 'nicoleash', '02-03-2010', 'Y'), (132, 'Lisa', 'Hensley', '120 High Forest Drive', '', 'Tupelo', '38801', 'MS', 'US', '662-840-7636', 'hensleyfamily@bellsouth.net', 'hensleyfamily@bellsouth.net', 'mwnls5ofus', '02-03-2010', 'Y'), (133, 'Joan', 'Serr', '14653 Redhill Ave', '', 'Tustin', '92780', 'CA', 'US', '714-259-7971', 'joan_serr@hotmail.com', 'joan_serr@hotmail.com', 'Jwonderful', '02-03-2010', 'Y'), (134, 'Darrel', 'Willet', '8164 Titleist Drive', '', 'Pineville', '71360', 'LA', 'US', '318-613-8864', 'dvwillet@aol.com', 'dvwillet@aol.com', 'forest333', '02-03-2010', 'Y'), (135, 'steven', 'mariucci', '1222 simonton st.', '1509 dennis st. ', 'key west', '33040', 'FM', 'US', '305-293-2780', 'exoticats@aol.com', 'exoticats@aol.com', 'boris123', '02-04-2010', 'Y'), (136, 'steven', 'mariucci', '1222 simonton st.', '1509 dennis st. ', 'key west', '33040', 'FM', 'US', '305-293-2780', 'degostyl@aol.com', 'degostyl@aol.com', 'boris123', '02-04-2010', 'Y'), (137, 'Melanie', 'Doulames', '677 Trull Road', 'Leave at Front Door', 'Tewksbury', '01876', 'MA', 'US', '9788517915', 'mdoulames@comcast.net', 'mdoulames@comcast.net', 'diamond1', '02-04-2010', 'Y'), (138, 'lockie', 'markusen', '4617 townes cir', '', 'edina', '55424', 'MN', 'US', '952-920-8116', 'lbmarkusen@aol.com', 'lbmarkusen@aol.com', 'carolyn1', '02-04-2010', 'Y'), (139, 'Melanie', 'Carnes', '471 Downs Court', '', 'Blythe', '92225', 'CA', 'US', '760-922-0017', 'swellmel1000@msn.com', 'swellmel1000@msn.com', 'bruce471', '02-04-2010', 'Y'), (140, 'Bonnie', 'Mcclellan', '19155 w. Middletown rd.', '', 'Beloit', '44609', 'OH', 'US', '330-584-1953', 'bbmcclellan64@yahoo.com', 'bbmcclellan64@yahoo.com', 'madeline', '02-04-2010', 'Y'), (141, 'chris', 'sauer', '4119 sw tualatin ave', '', 'portland', '97239', 'OR', 'US', '503-7295-360', 'chrissauer@msn.com', 'chrissauer@msn.com', 'carlbom57', '02-05-2010', 'Y'), (142, 'Grace', 'Yalong', '3509 Watercrest Drive', '', 'Plano', '75093', 'TX', 'US', '2016475033', 'graceyalong@yahoo.com', 'graceyalong@yahoo.com', 'spornette', '02-06-2010', 'Y'), (143, 'Sue', 'Vonderheide', '2857 Soles Lane', '', 'Crestview', '32539', 'FL', 'US', '850-423-0024', 'slovejazz@aol.com', 'slovejazz@aol.com', 'tyler23', '02-06-2010', 'Y'), (144, 'Michelle', 'Patterson', '500 E. Grant St. #1902', '', 'Minneapolis', '55404', 'MN', 'US', '518-330-7492', 'mowglibones@yahoo.com', 'mowglibones@yahoo.com', 'alchemy1', '02-06-2010', 'Y'), (145, 'Mary', 'Pinckard', '8651 Denmark Street', '', 'Knoxville', '37931', 'TN', 'US', '865-692-9614', 'mk_pinckard@comcast.net', 'mk_pinckard@comcast.net', 'plough2k', '02-07-2010', 'Y'), (146, 'laura', 'von glahn', '4-5 atlanta ct', '', 'freehold', '07728', 'NJ', 'US', '732 780 5392', 'lavonglahn@yahoo.com', 'lavonglahn@yahoo.com', 'freehold', '02-08-2010', 'Y'), (147, 'Nicole', 'Shedler', '107 Pristine Ct', '', 'Summerville', '29485', 'SC', 'US', '843-832-2949', 'nshedler@sc.rr.com', 'nshedler@sc.rr.com', 'rolling green', '02-08-2010', 'Y'), (148, 'Amy ', 'Braem', '2 Via Zaragoza', '', 'Monterey', '93940', 'CA', 'US', '503-888-6663', 'amybraem@aol.com', 'amybraem@aol.com', 'amybraem1', '02-09-2010', 'Y'), (149, 'Miranda', 'Couch', '12328 S 28th St', '', 'Bellevue', '68123', 'NE', 'US', '8184454580', 'mirandamw@yahoo.com', 'mirandamw@yahoo.com', 'scarlett1216', '02-09-2010', 'Y'), (150, 'kristy', 'cheslick', '18655 andrew lane', '', 'New Boston', '48164', 'MI', 'US', '734-612-5317', 'kristy.cheslick@sbcglobal.net', 'kristy.cheslick@sbcglobal.net', 'scoobydoo', '02-09-2010', 'Y'), (151, 'Zohra', 'khwaja', '6203 Salisbury Dr', '', 'Spotsylvania', '22553', 'VA', 'US', '540-842-4688', 'zohrakhwaja@aol.com', 'zohrakhwaja@aol.com', 'aleshamay', '02-10-2010', 'Y'), (152, 'Debby', 'McLaughlin', '329 Monte Vista Lane', '', 'Petaluma', '94952', 'CA', 'US', '707 781-7181', 'debbymclaughlin@comcast.net', 'debbymclaughlin@comcast.net', '10161999', '02-10-2010', 'Y'), (153, 'Roxanne', 'Edelen', '3927 Rincon Ridge Drive', '', 'Santa Rosa', '95404', 'CA', 'US', '7075456684', 'redelen@pacbell.net', 'redelen@pacbell.net', 'bravo1950', '02-10-2010', 'Y'), (154, 'Catherine', 'Evans', '719 Southbranch Parkway', '', 'springfield', '01118', 'MA', 'US', '413-736-3509', 'countesskat2@aol.com', 'countesskat2@aol.com', 'allison15', '02-11-2010', 'Y'), (155, 'Louis', 'melancon', '3844 Shadow Bend Dr', '', 'Haughton', '71037', 'LA', 'US', '318-9493767', 'notarealdrummer@msn.com', 'notarealdrummer@msn.com', 'smacks12', '02-11-2010', 'Y'), (156, 'JUNE', 'BATULIS', '39 JOSEPH COURT', '', 'MONROE', '10950', 'NY', 'US', '8457814122', 'SBTULIS@OPTONLINE.NET', 'SBTULIS@OPTONLINE.NET', '17761776', '02-12-2010', 'Y'), (157, 'JUNE', 'BATULIS', '39 JOSEPH COURT', '', 'MONROE', '10950', 'NY', 'US', '8457814122', 'SBATULIS@OPTONLINE.NET', 'SBATULIS@OPTONLINE.NET', '17761776', '02-12-2010', 'Y'), (158, 'camille', 'tarone', '29 E cambridge Street', '', 'valhalla', '10595', 'NY', 'US', '914 9465694', 'tarone96@aol.com', 'tarone96@aol.com', 'cicio@627', '02-13-2010', 'Y'), (159, 'TAMMY', 'VANCE', '2105 HALLMARK AVE N', '', 'OAKDALE', '55128', 'MN', 'US', '651 770 0969', 'DOGSROCKBAR122@MSN.COM', 'DOGSROCKBAR122@MSN.COM', 'ILOVEMYDOGS4', '02-13-2010', 'Y'), (160, 'JENNY', 'LI', '108W 25TH AVE', '', 'SAN MATEO', '94403', 'CA', 'US', '650-345-4220', 'JAB8859@YAHOO.COM', 'JAB8859@YAHOO.COM', '2233232', '02-13-2010', 'Y'), (161, 'J M', 'Jones', '761 W Hollis St', '', 'Nashua', '03062', 'NH', 'US', '6038839622', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', '20sable1', '02-14-2010', 'Y'), (162, 'Robert E.', 'Silva', '793 Blakemore Rd.', '', 'Dickson', '37055', 'TN', 'US', '(615)740-9994', 'buckygd@netzero.net', 'buckygd@netzero.net', 'si8823re', '02-14-2010', 'Y'), (163, 'Susie', 'Ellwood', '38313 Golf View Drive', '', 'Farmington Hills', '48331', 'MI', 'US', '248-848-1072', 'sellwood@dnps.com', 'sellwood@dnps.com', 'smiles1125', '02-14-2010', 'Y'), (164, 'Jennifer', 'Hoffman', '910 Daniel Street', '', 'Lebanon', '17042', 'PA', 'US', '717-926-8014', 'jenjlk15@comcast.net', 'jenjlk15@comcast.net', 'smeefers', '02-14-2010', 'Y'), (165, 'Linda', 'Stanojevic', '7947 Redondo Lane', '', 'Orland Park', '60462', 'IL', 'US', '708-209-5353', 'shrstou@gmail.com', 'shrstou@gmail.com', 'caboquey', '02-15-2010', 'Y'), (166, 'Kathleen', 'Moraff', '7210 Mandan Rd.', '', 'Greenbelt', '20770', 'MD', 'US', '301-345-4458', 'kcmoraff@live.com', 'kcmoraff@live.com', 'lola1234', '02-15-2010', 'Y'), (167, 'Andrew', 'Ford', '5347 Bristol Parke Dr.', '', 'Clarkston', '48348', 'MI', 'US', '248 922-0453', 'ajfpk3@att.net', 'ajfpk3@att.net', 'aajack50', '02-15-2010', 'Y'), (168, 'Leanora', 'Long', '8313 Eden Park Drive', '', 'Raleigh', '27613', 'NC', 'US', '919-607-7980', 'leanora@nc.rr.com', 'leanora@nc.rr.com', 'salonbluhair', '02-15-2010', 'Y'), (169, 'Karen', 'Weldon', '725 Iris Gardens Ct.', '', 'San Jose', '95125', 'CA', 'US', '4089985007', 'kdweldon@aol.com', 'kdweldon@aol.com', '5613paige', '02-16-2010', 'Y'), (170, 'carlos', 'pina', '22030 boca place dr #626', '', 'boca raton', '33433', 'FL', 'US', '5617066956', 'carlosdicarlos1@mac.com', 'carlosdicarlos1@mac.com', 'giannip1999', '02-17-2010', 'Y'), (171, 'SUSAN', 'RASMUSSEN', '14812 AVERY RANCH BLVD', '#42', 'AUSTIN', '78717', 'TX', 'US', '512-243-7594', 'srasatx@att.net', 'srasatx@att.net', '1515lnbh', '02-17-2010', 'Y'), (172, 'Sandra', 'Luce', '1151 Manzanita Ln.', '', 'Manhattan Beach', '90266', 'CA', 'US', '310-469-2850', 'sandyluce@verizon.net', 'sandyluce@verizon.net', 'newfone1', '02-17-2010', 'Y'), (173, 'Anna', 'Lieberman', '8101 Greenspring Way #C', '', 'Owings Mills', '21117', 'MD', 'US', '410-960-7657', 'alieberman54@msn.com', 'alieberman54@msn.com', 'Bambi1954', '02-17-2010', 'Y'), (174, 'Starla', 'Ritchey', '602 W Main', '', 'Lewistown', '59457', 'MT', 'US', '406-538-9412', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', 'epiphone1', '02-18-2010', 'Y'), (175, 'Carolyn', 'DiPasquale', '22 Manor Rd. North', '', 'Greenlawn', '11740', 'NY', 'US', '631 754-1951', 'carolyndipasquale@yahoo.com', 'carolyndipasquale@yahoo.com', 'carolyn56', '02-18-2010', 'Y'), (176, 'Aynette', 'Carrion', 'Carr. 687 Suite 2 Tortuguero', '', 'Vega Baja', '00693', 'PR', 'US', '787-654-3147', 'portobellobeauty@yahoo.com', 'portobellobeauty@yahoo.com', 'beauty2010', '02-18-2010', 'Y'), (177, 'Lynette', 'Guardado', '9588 E. Sutherland Way', '', 'Scottsdale', '85262', 'AZ', 'US', '480 361-5820', 'lynneguardado@gmail.com', 'lynneguardado@gmail.com', 'fivekids', '02-18-2010', 'Y'), (178, 'joyce', 'crowe', '11920 Oden Court', '', 'Rockville', '20852', 'MD', 'US', '301 230-2625', 'joyce.crowe@wellsfargo.com', 'joyce.crowe@wellsfargo.com', 'theboss1', '02-18-2010', 'Y'), (179, 'sandra', 'marconi', '2998 sunrise lakes dr e #111', '', 'sunrise', '33322', 'FL', 'US', '9545330337', 'roni898@comcast.net', 'roni898@comcast.net', 'michael30', '02-19-2010', 'Y'), (180, 'Julie', 'MacDougall', '526 SW 26th Terrace', '', 'Cape Coral', 'FL', 'FL', 'US', '239-699-1000', 'juliecypress@earthlink.net', 'juliecypress@earthlink.net', 'Galoolie', '02-19-2010', 'Y'), (181, 'Vertelle', 'Kanyama', '1427 E 60th 424A', '', 'Chicago', '60637', 'IL', 'US', '773-702-7899', 'vkanyama@yahoo.com', 'vkanyama@yahoo.com', 'silverhair', '02-19-2010', 'Y'), (182, 'Nicole', 'Bolster', '1447 Bellevue Avenue', '', 'Los Angeles', 'CA', 'CA', 'US', '3105589584', 'silverlenses@aol.com', 'silverlenses@aol.com', 'zilber', '02-19-2010', 'Y'), (183, 'valerie', 'mcconville', '4015 West 212', '', 'Fairview Park', '44126', 'OH', 'US', '440 333 1780 ', 'vemcconville@netzero.net', 'vemcconville@netzero.net', 'valeriee', '02-20-2010', 'Y'), (184, 'Carol', 'Solomon', '1864 Felicity Lane', '', 'Hellertown', '18055', 'PA', 'US', '646-555-1312', 'cbs1019@aol.com', 'cbs1019@aol.com', 'hairbrush', '02-20-2010', 'Y'), (185, 'Jessica', 'Dueno', '16 Main Street', 'Unit C', 'Vineyard Haven', '02568', 'MA', 'US', '6318363882', 'lijessy@aol.com', 'lijessy@aol.com', 'spornette', '02-20-2010', 'Y'), (186, 'Grace', 'Landy', '100 Myrtle Ave', 'Apt 309', 'Whitman', '02382', 'MA', 'US', '508-521-8296', 'gslandy@yahoo.com', 'gslandy@yahoo.com', 'snowball', '02-20-2010', 'Y'), (187, 'Mike', 'Webb', '203 Hanover Street', '', 'Williamston', '27892', 'NC', 'US', '252-741-0239', 'ncsu8695fan@yahoo.com', 'ncsu8695fan@yahoo.com', 'gregandjeff1', '02-20-2010', 'Y'), (188, 'Judi', 'Jennetten', '7674 Bordeaux Drive', '', 'Edwardsville', '62025', 'IL', 'US', '6183075383', 'jjennetten@yahoo.com', 'jjennetten@yahoo.com', 'vassar01', '02-21-2010', 'Y'), (189, 'Michelle', 'Saputo', '20 Nethermont Ave', '', 'White Plains', '10603', 'NY', 'US', '917 6938071', 'mikamichelle2@yahoo.com', 'mikamichelle2@yahoo.com', '1650694', '02-21-2010', 'Y'), (190, 'renee', 'tharpe', '739 south fairfield dr', '', 'peachtree city ga', '30269', 'GA', 'US', '7703093978', 'lrt66@comcast.net', 'lrt66@comcast.net', 'Backhand1', '02-22-2010', 'Y'), (191, 'susan', 'ocampo', '28013 arastradero road', '', 'los altos', '94022', 'CA', 'US', '6507144717', 'socampo@gaaslabs.com', 'socampo@gaaslabs.com', 'arastradero', '02-22-2010', 'Y'), (192, 'Sandra', 'Woolard', '331 Heritage Point Road', '', 'Deltaville', '23043', 'VA', 'US', '804-776-0941', 'deltaville1@aol.com', 'deltaville1@aol.com', 'seafoam1', '02-23-2010', 'Y'), (193, 'Sue', 'Matherne', '16725 Lena Lane', '', 'French Settlement', '70733', 'LA', 'US', '225-753-8575', 'sue@vipinc.com', 'sue@vipinc.com', 'lsutigers11', '02-23-2010', 'Y'), (194, 'Kathy', 'Whitley', '12210 N 53rd St', '', 'Temple Terrace', '33617', 'FL', 'US', '813-899-1490', 'whitleykathy@gmail.com', 'whitleykathy@gmail.com', 'pum8pkin', '02-24-2010', 'Y'), (195, 'Alyson', 'Driscoll', '3413 Melissa Country Way', '', 'Lutz', '33559', 'FL', 'US', '813-843-4273', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', 'goodbye1', '02-24-2010', 'Y'), (196, 'Maureen', 'Davis', '7 King Street', '', 'Toms River', '08753', 'NJ', 'US', '732-349-7788', 'ollerubmat@aol.com', 'ollerubmat@aol.com', 'davis7788', '02-24-2010', 'Y'), (197, 'catherine', 'leopold', '3481 exley dr', '', 'fairview', '16415', 'PA', 'US', '8144741058', 'lcatsrule@roadrunner.com', 'lcatsrule@roadrunner.com', 'barney5232003', '02-24-2010', 'Y'), (198, 'lorraine', 'colella', '183 shiel ave', '', 'staten island', '10309', 'NY', 'US', '7182278399', 'lolo26543@aol.com', 'lolo26543@aol.com', 'danamarie', '02-24-2010', 'Y'), (199, 'Margaret', 'Maynard', '152 Rockland Ave', '', 'Belmont Hills', '19004', 'PA', 'US', '3219178989', 'pmaynard6@comcast.net', 'pmaynard6@comcast.net', 'victor07', '02-25-2010', 'Y'), (200, 'Angela', 'Smith', '2157 Ridgewood Circle', '', 'Ingleside', '78362', 'TX', 'US', '3617761838', 'roserj1731@yahoo.com', 'roserj1731@yahoo.com', 'spornette17', '02-26-2010', 'Y'), (201, 'Pamela', 'Westerberg', '2120 Harbourside Dr Unit 652', '', 'Longboat Key', '34228', 'FL', 'US', '612 799 5930', 'pwesterberg@mchsi.com', 'pwesterberg@mchsi.com', 'boscoone', '02-27-2010', 'Y'), (202, 'Travis ', 'Gillen', '311 eel river', '', 'purcell', '73080', 'OK', 'US', '4056041124', 'tj.gillen@hotmail.com', 'tj.gillen@hotmail.com', 'drugfr33', '02-27-2010', 'Y'), (203, 'julie', 'ross', '4035 taylor avenue', '', 'drexel hill', '19026', 'PA', 'US', '6106264862', 'julieross@comcast.net', 'julieross@comcast.net', 'natalie1', '02-27-2010', 'Y'), (204, 'Christye ', 'VanHorn', '539 Sawyer Rd', '', 'Winona', '38967', 'MS', 'US', '662-283-4650', 'jvanhorn@bellsouth.net', 'jvanhorn@bellsouth.net', 'parker14', '02-28-2010', 'Y'), (205, 'myra', 'goodstein', '451 raymond st', '', 'rockville centre', '11570', 'NY', 'US', '516-639-8929', 'myraggood@hotmail.com', 'myraggood@hotmail.com', '46288888', '02-28-2010', 'Y'), (206, 'kathy', 'gastaldo', '5629 st george ave', '', 'westerville', '43082', 'OH', 'US', '6148183583', 'kathg@insight.rr.com', 'kathg@insight.rr.com', 'kathpath', '02-28-2010', 'Y'), (207, 'jeannine', 'welton', '2721 buckingham', '', 'clovis', '93611', 'CA', 'US', '5599700612', 'jeanninewelton@comcast.net', 'jeanninewelton@comcast.net', 'ryanchad', '02-28-2010', 'Y'), (208, 'Nisha', 'Patel', '13239 orchard harvest drive', '', 'richmond', '77407', 'TX', 'US', '832-363-2388', 'nishapatel85@gmail.com', 'nishapatel85@gmail.com', 'mumdad3185', '03-01-2010', 'Y'), (209, 'Patti', 'Kurak', '15001 Sunfish Lake Blvd NW', '', 'Ramsey', '55303', 'MN', 'US', '763-422-9843', 'twcorp@comcast.net', 'twcorp@comcast.net', '1damiandog', '03-01-2010', 'Y'), (210, 'Amanda', 'Williamson', '4384 Mountain Dale Road', '', 'Birmingham ', '35213', 'AL', 'US', '205 454-1261', 'williamson.amanda.s@gmail.com', 'williamson.amanda.s@gmail.com', 'Annefrances1', '03-02-2010', 'Y'), (211, 'kelly', 'heffernan', '2651 Brierwood Rd', '', 'Broomall', '19008', 'PA', 'US', '610-633-7299', 'angeleyes@sprint.blackberry.com', 'angeleyes@sprint.blackberry.com', 'mountain', '03-04-2010', 'Y'), (212, 'Belinda', 'Moton', '2619 Havasu Trace', '', 'Norcross', '30071', 'GA', 'US', '678-691-5746', 'lovely247@comcast.net', 'lovely247@comcast.net', 'pinkice1', '03-05-2010', 'Y'), (213, 'Nancy', 'Pollak', '4 Ridge Farm Road', '', 'Burr Ridge', '60527', 'IL', 'US', '630 301-2091', 'nancypollak@me.com', 'nancypollak@me.com', 'samson3598', '03-05-2010', 'Y'), (214, 'Kathy', 'Toews', '202 Orchard Lane', '', 'Carrboro', '27510', 'NC', 'US', '9199675423', 'nc_toews@earthlink.net', 'nc_toews@earthlink.net', 'enidok11', '03-06-2010', 'Y'), (215, 'Christine', 'Stafford', '1112 Cornwell Avenue', '', 'Baldwin', '11510', 'NY', 'US', '516-639-6828', 'cstafford5@yahoo.com', 'cstafford5@yahoo.com', 'staff100', '03-07-2010', 'Y'), (216, 'Jayne', 'Hums', '1 Oak Terrace', '', 'Middletown', '10940', 'NY', 'US', '845-412-5258', 'jaynehums@yahoo.com', 'jaynehums@yahoo.com', 'smoke444', '03-07-2010', 'Y'), (217, 'Judith', 'Feinleib', '87 Oakley Road', '', 'Belmont', '02478', 'MA', 'US', '617-484-5304', 'feinleib@gmail.com', 'feinleib@gmail.com', 'judith15', '03-07-2010', 'Y'), (218, 'Liattpype', 'Liattpype', '', '', '', '', '', 'Canada', '', 'lionnklss@gmail.com', 'lionnklss@gmail.com', '7zwIdhY879', '03-09-2010', 'Y'), (219, 'Baharak', 'Amiri', '20 Castaic Ct.', '', 'Roseville', '95678', 'CA', 'US', '530-979-7595', 'bbamiri@hotmail.com', 'bbamiri@hotmail.com', 'meymooni', '03-10-2010', 'Y'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `hotbeauty_discount` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hotbeauty_discount`; CREATE TABLE `hotbeauty_discount` ( `DiscountID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `Couponcode` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Type` enum('$','%') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Rate` float NOT NULL, `Date` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Status` enum('Y','N') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`DiscountID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=14 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hotbeauty_discount` -- INSERT INTO `hotbeauty_discount` (`DiscountID`, `Couponcode`, `Type`, `Rate`, `Date`, `Status`) VALUES (5, 'GCUSTOMER', '$', 5.95, '11-30-2009', 'Y'), (9, 'GALAXY2', '%', 20, '11-30-2009', 'Y'), (10, 'HAYLEY25', '%', 25, '11-30-2009', 'Y'), (11, 'JODI3', '%', 30, '11-30-2009', 'Y'), (12, 'SHAMPOO4', '%', 40, '11-30-2009', 'Y'), (13, 'BLUE2', '%', 10, '12-14-2009', 'Y'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `hotbeauty_member` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hotbeauty_member`; CREATE TABLE `hotbeauty_member` ( `MemberID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `MemberName` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `MemberEmail` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Date` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Status` enum('Y','N') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`MemberID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=10 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hotbeauty_member` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `hotbeauty_newsletter` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hotbeauty_newsletter`; CREATE TABLE `hotbeauty_newsletter` ( `NewsletterID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `Subject` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Content` text NOT NULL, `Newsletter` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `Date` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `Status` enum('Y','N') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`NewsletterID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=2 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hotbeauty_newsletter` -- INSERT INTO `hotbeauty_newsletter` (`NewsletterID`, `Subject`, `Content`, `Newsletter`, `Date`, `Status`) VALUES (1, 'Hello', 'Hello', 'the-impact-of-violent-video-games-2.jpg', '10-05-2009', 'Y'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `hotbeauty_offer` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hotbeauty_offer`; CREATE TABLE `hotbeauty_offer` ( `OfferID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `Type` enum('%','$') NOT NULL, `Amount` float NOT NULL, `Status` enum('Y','N') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`OfferID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=2 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hotbeauty_offer` -- INSERT INTO `hotbeauty_offer` (`OfferID`, `Type`, `Amount`, `Status`) VALUES (1, '%', 10, 'N'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `hotbeauty_orderdetails` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hotbeauty_orderdetails`; CREATE TABLE `hotbeauty_orderdetails` ( `OrderDetailsID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `OrderPaymentID` int(11) NOT NULL, `ProductID` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `ProductName` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Size` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Qut` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `Price` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `Discount` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Offer` float NOT NULL, `Shipping` float NOT NULL, `NetTotal` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `CustomerID` int(11) NOT NULL, `DateTime` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `Month` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Year` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Codition` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `ViewStatus` enum('Y','N') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Status` enum('Y','N') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default 'Y', PRIMARY KEY (`OrderDetailsID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=235 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hotbeauty_orderdetails` -- INSERT INTO `hotbeauty_orderdetails` (`OrderDetailsID`, `OrderPaymentID`, `ProductID`, `ProductName`, `Size`, `Qut`, `Price`, `Discount`, `Offer`, `Shipping`, `NetTotal`, `CustomerID`, `DateTime`, `Month`, `Year`, `Codition`, `ViewStatus`, `Status`) VALUES (1, 1, '121/', 'Japanese Cushion/', '898/', '1/', '0/', '', 1.8, 5.95, '0', 1, '11-25-2009', '11', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (2, 2, '121/', 'Japanese Cushion/', '898/', '1/', '18/', '', 1.8, 5.95, '22.15', 1, '11-25-2009', '11', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (3, 3, '104,', 'Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,', '110 1-1/2" shortest,', '1,', '7.5,', '', 0.75, 5.95, '12.7', 1, '11-26-2009', '11', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (4, 4, '104,', 'Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,', '110 1-1/2" shortest,', '1,', '7.5,', '', 0.75, 5.95, '12.7', 1, '11-26-2009', '11', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (5, 5, '104,', 'Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,', '110 1-1/2" shortest,', '1,', '7.5,', '', 0.75, 5.95, '12.7', 1, '11-26-2009', '11', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (6, 6, '104,', 'Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,', '110 1-1/2" shortest,', '1,', '7.5,', '', 0.75, 5.95, '12.7', 1, '11-26-2009', '11', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (7, 7, '104,', 'Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,', '110 1-1/2" shortest,', '1,', '7.5,', '', 0.75, 5.95, '12.7', 1, '11-26-2009', '11', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (8, 8, '104,', 'Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,', '110 1-1/2" shortest,', '1,', '7.5,', '', 0.75, 5.95, '12.7', 1, '11-26-2009', '11', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (9, 9, '104,', 'Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,', '110 1-1/2" shortest,', '5,', '7.5,', '', 3.75, 5.95, '39.7', 4, '11-27-2009', '11', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (10, 10, '103,110,99,', 'Pico,Prego'',Taegu,', '42 1-1/2" short,275 3" med,12 1-1/2" short - medium,', '2,1,1,', '11,15.25,7.25,', '', 0, 5.95, '50.45', 8, '11-27-2009', '11', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (11, 11, '103,110,99,', 'Pico,Prego'',Taegu,', '42 1-1/2" short,275 3" med,12 1-1/2" short - medium,', '2,1,1,', '11,15.25,7.25,', '', 0, 5.95, '50.45', 8, '11-27-2009', '11', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (12, 12, '103,110,99,', 'Pico,Prego'',Taegu,', '42 1-1/2" short,275 3" med,12 1-1/2" short - medium,', '2,1,1,', '11,15.25,7.25,', '', 0, 5.95, '50.45', 8, '11-27-2009', '11', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (13, 13, '110,', 'Prego'',', '275 3" med,', '1,', '15.25,', '', 0, 5.95, '21.2', 9, '11-28-2009', '11', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (14, 14, '110,', 'Prego'',', '260 1-1/2" very short,', '1,', '12,', '', 0, 5.95, '17.95', 7, '11-30-2009', '11', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (15, 15, '110,', 'Prego'',', '260 1-1/2" very short,', '1,', '12,', '', 0, 5.95, '17.95', 7, '11-30-2009', '11', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (16, 16, '110,', 'Prego'',', '260 1-1/2" very short,', '1,', '12,', '', 0, 5.95, '17.95', 11, '12-02-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (17, 17, '110,', 'Prego'',', '260 1-1/2" very short,', '1,', '12,', '', 0, 5.95, '17.95', 11, '12-02-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (18, 18, '104,99,', 'Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,Taegu,', '110 1-1/2" shortest,16 2-1/2" med - long,', '1,1,', '7.5,8.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '22.2', 7, '12-02-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (19, 19, '110,', 'Prego'',', '260 1-1/2" very short,', '1,', '12,', '', 0, 5.95, '17.95', 11, '12-02-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (20, 20, '99,', 'Taegu,', '6 3/4" very short,', '1,', '6.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '12.45', 16, '12-02-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (21, 21, '104,', 'Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,', '110 1-1/2" shortest,', '1,', '7.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '13.45', 7, '12-02-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (22, 22, '100,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,', '11 Medium,', '1,', '7,', '', 0, 5.95, '12.95', 9, '12-02-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (23, 23, '100,100,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,Oval Cushion Collection,', '21 Large,21-BW Large,', '3,3,', '7,12,', '', 0, 6.95, '63.95', 17, '12-05-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (24, 24, '100,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,', '21 Large,', '2,', '7,', '', 0, 5.95, '19.95', 18, '12-05-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (25, 25, '170,131,112,183,', 'Carbon Clips,Aerated Ceramic/Ionic Stylers,DeVille,Zhu,', '91-C 12 pack,Vectra 69 3” XL,344 paddle,#2120 2.5",', '1,1,1,1,', '6,13.5,16,15,', '', 0, 0, '50.5', 20, '12-06-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (26, 26, '105,', 'Little Wonder,', '111,', '4,', '4.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '23.95', 24, '12-07-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (27, 27, '100,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,', '11 Medium,', '2,', '7,', '', 0, 5.95, '19.95', 25, '12-08-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (28, 28, '100,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,', '21 Large,', '1,', '7,', '', 0, 5.95, '12.95', 26, '12-08-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (29, 29, '121,', 'Japanese Cushion,', '898,', '1,', '18,', '7.2', 0, 5.95, '16.75', 27, '12-08-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (30, 30, '121,', 'Japanese Cushion,', '898,', '2,', '18,', '14.4', 0, 5.95, '27.55', 27, '12-09-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (31, 31, '124,111,102,161,129,118,117,175,191,132,', 'Italian #955-XL,Rotary,German Porcupine Cushion,614B,Ceramic Boar/Tourmaline Rounders And Ceramic Vent,Italian #855,Italian #854,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Assorted Vents,Domed Aerated Rounders,', '955-XL 3",282 4-1/4",25 Large,614B,Vectra 57 3-1/4” large,855 3",854 2-1/4",#964-XL 2-1/2",#9200-G ,Vectra 89 3” XL,', '1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,2,', '28,21.5,16,3.6,15.75,24,20,7.5,3.75,15,', '', 0, 8.95, '218.8', 29, '12-12-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (32, 32, '124,111,102,161,129,118,117,175,191,132,', 'Italian #955-XL,Rotary,German Porcupine Cushion,614B,Ceramic Boar/Tourmaline Rounders And Ceramic Vent,Italian #855,Italian #854,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Assorted Vents,Domed Aerated Rounders,', '955-XL 3",282 4-1/4",25 Large,614B,Vectra 57 3-1/4” large,855 3",854 2-1/4",#964-XL 2-1/2",#9200-G ,Vectra 89 3” XL,', '1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,2,', '28,21.5,16,3.6,15.75,24,20,7.5,3.75,15,', '', 0, 8.95, '218.8', 29, '12-12-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (33, 33, '115,120,', 'Calais Collection,Silverado Collection,', '415 2-1/2" longer,891 2-1/2" longer,', '1,1,', '14.5,17.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '37.95', 33, '12-17-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (34, 34, '100,100,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,Oval Cushion Collection,', '21 Large,21-BW Large,', '1,1,', '7,12,', '', 0, 5.95, '24.95', 34, '12-17-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (35, 35, '119,', 'Italian #856,', '856 2",', '1,', '19,', '', 0, 5.95, '24.95', 35, '12-17-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (36, 36, '100,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,', '21-BW Large,', '1,', '12,', '', 0, 5.95, '17.95', 36, '12-17-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (37, 37, '100,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,', '21-BW Large,', '1,', '12,', '', 0, 5.95, '17.95', 36, '12-17-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (38, 38, '100,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,', '21-BW Large,', '1,', '12,', '', 0, 5.95, '17.95', 36, '12-17-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (39, 39, '102,', 'German Porcupine Cushion,', '25 Large,', '1,', '16,', '', 0, 5.95, '21.95', 37, '12-18-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (40, 40, '100,100,100,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,Oval Cushion Collection,Oval Cushion Collection,', '11 Medium,21 Large,21-BW Large,', '1,1,1,', '7,7,12,', '', 0, 5.95, '31.95', 38, '12-18-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (41, 41, '112,', 'DeVille,', '342 oval,', '1,', '16,', '', 0, 5.95, '21.95', 40, '12-21-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (42, 42, '100,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,', '21 Large,', '2,', '7,', '', 0, 5.95, '19.95', 41, '12-22-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (43, 43, '110,', 'Prego'',', '265 2" short,', '1,', '12,', '', 0, 5.95, '17.95', 43, '12-23-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (44, 44, '110,110,', 'Prego'',Prego'',', '275 3" med,279 4" longest,', '2,1,', '15.25,25,', '', 0, 6.95, '62.45', 44, '12-24-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (45, 45, '99,', 'Taegu,', '16-XL 3" long,', '1,', '9.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '15.45', 45, '12-24-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (46, 46, '99,', 'Taegu,', '16-XL 3" long,', '1,', '9.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '15.45', 45, '12-24-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (47, 47, '99,', 'Taegu,', '16-XL 3" long,', '1,', '9.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '15.45', 45, '12-24-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (48, 48, '119,', 'Italian #856,', '856 2",', '2,', '19,', '', 0, 5.95, '43.95', 47, '12-26-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (49, 49, '175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#964-XL 2-1/2",', '2,', '7.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.95', 48, '12-26-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (50, 50, '121,176,100,', 'Japanese Cushion,Small Nylon Cushion,Oval Cushion Collection,', '898,#1000 Personal size,21 Large,', '1,1,1,', '18,4,7,', '', 0, 5.95, '34.95', 49, '12-26-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (51, 51, '191,', 'Assorted Vents,', '#9300 Large ,', '10,', '3.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '40.95', 51, '12-27-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (52, 52, '191,', 'Assorted Vents,', '#9300 Large ,', '10,', '3.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '40.95', 51, '12-27-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (53, 53, '191,', 'Assorted Vents,', '#9300 Large ,', '10,', '3.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '40.95', 51, '12-27-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (54, 54, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-9 1-3/4",', '1,', '6.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '12.7', 50, '12-28-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (55, 55, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-9 1-3/4",', '1,', '6.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '12.7', 50, '12-28-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (56, 56, '119,', 'Italian #856,', '856 2",', '1,', '19,', '', 0, 5.95, '24.95', 53, '12-28-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (57, 57, '119,', 'Italian #856,', '856 2",', '1,', '19,', '', 0, 5.95, '24.95', 53, '12-28-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (58, 58, '191,', 'Assorted Vents,', '#9300 Large ,', '10,', '3.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '40.95', 51, '12-28-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (59, 59, '124,111,102,161,110,110,118,117,175,191,103,', 'Italian #955-XL,Rotary,German Porcupine Cushion,614B,Prego'',Prego'',Italian #855,Italian #854,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Assorted Vents,Pico,', '955-XL 3",282 4-1/4",25 Large,614B,277 3-1/2" med-long,275 3" med,855 3",854 2-1/4",#964-XL 2-1/2",#9200-G ,48 3" longest,', '1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,', '28,21.5,16,3.6,20,15.25,24,20,7.5,3.75,13.5,', '63.18', 0, 8.95, '156.37', 57, '12-29-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (60, 60, '100,105,124,98,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,Little Wonder,Italian #955-XL,Styling Brushes,', '11 Medium,111,955-XL 3",V-7 7 row,', '2,5,2,4,', '7,4.5,28,2.5,', '', 0, 8.95, '111.45', 58, '12-31-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (61, 61, '175,175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#962-XL 2",#960-XL 1-3/4",', '1,1,', '7,6,', '', 0, 5.95, '18.95', 59, '12-31-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (62, 62, '175,175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#962-XL 2",#960-XL 1-3/4",', '1,1,', '7,6,', '', 0, 5.95, '18.95', 59, '12-31-2009', '12', '2009', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (63, 63, '175,175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#964-XL 2-1/2",#962-XL 2",', '3,1,', '7.5,7,', '', 0, 5.95, '35.45', 60, '01-01-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (64, 64, '100,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,', '21 Large,', '3,', '7,', '', 0, 5.95, '26.95', 61, '01-03-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (65, 65, '124,', 'Italian #955-XL,', '955-XL 3",', '3,', '28,', '', 0, 6.95, '90.95', 62, '01-03-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (66, 66, '175,175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#964-XL 2-1/2",#962-XL 2",', '1,1,', '7.5,7,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.45', 64, '01-03-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (67, 67, '180,', 'Coco,', '#1510 3",', '1,', '15,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.95', 65, '01-03-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (68, 68, '110,110,', 'Prego'',Prego'',', '275 3" med,270 2-1/2" short-med,', '1,1,', '15.25,15.25,', '', 0, 5.95, '36.45', 68, '01-04-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (69, 69, '117,', 'Italian #854,', '854 2-1/4",', '1,', '20,', '', 0, 5.95, '25.95', 69, '01-05-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (70, 70, '165,166,161,162,154,177,190,153,', 'I-30,I-40,614B,806B,401B,Wire Pin,Metro Collection,349B,', 'I-30,I-40,614B,806B,401B,#1204-PT ,#9000-MF ,349B,', '2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,', '3.75,3.75,3.6,5.98,1.79,6.75,5,3.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '44.07', 67, '01-06-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (71, 71, '110,110,110,110,105,151,123,125,', 'Prego'',Prego'',Prego'',Prego'',Little Wonder,105GB,Italian #955,Italian #956,', '270 2-1/2" short-med,275 3" med,277 3-1/2" med-long,265 2" short,111,105GB,955 2-3/4",956 2",', '1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,', '15.25,15.25,20,12,4.5,3.75,27,24,', '', 0, 8.95, '130.7', 70, '01-06-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (72, 72, '175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#962-XL 2",', '3,', '7,', '', 0, 5.95, '26.95', 72, '01-08-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (73, 73, '104,104,', 'Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,', '114 2" med-long,116 2-1/2" long,', '1,1,', '9,9.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '24.45', 75, '01-11-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (74, 74, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-36 2" ,', '5,', '8.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '48.45', 76, '01-11-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (75, 75, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-36 2" ,', '5,', '8.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '48.45', 76, '01-11-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (76, 76, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-36 2" ,', '5,', '8.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '48.45', 76, '01-11-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (77, 77, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-36 2" ,', '5,', '8.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '48.45', 76, '01-11-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (78, 78, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-36 2" ,', '5,', '8.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '48.45', 76, '01-11-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (79, 79, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-36 2" ,', '5,', '8.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '48.45', 76, '01-11-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (80, 80, '99,', 'Taegu,', '16-XL 3" long,', '4,', '9.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '43.95', 77, '01-12-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (81, 81, '162,', '806B,', '806B,', '2,', '5.98,', '', 0, 5.95, '17.91', 78, '01-12-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (82, 82, '110,', 'Prego'',', '279 4" longest,', '1,', '25,', '', 0, 5.95, '30.95', 79, '01-13-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (83, 83, '108,108,', 'Super Looper,Super Looper,', '215 Large,213 Small,', '1,1,', '9,8,', '', 0, 5.95, '22.95', 80, '01-13-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (84, 84, '192,192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-9 1-3/4",#G-36 2" ,', '5,2,', '6.75,8.5,', '15.225', 0, 0, '35.525', 73, '01-14-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (85, 85, '192,192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-9 1-3/4",#G-36 2" ,', '5,2,', '6.75,8.5,', '15.225', 0, 0, '35.525', 73, '01-14-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (86, 86, '192,192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-9 1-3/4",#G-36 2" ,', '5,2,', '6.75,8.5,', '15.225', 0, 0, '35.525', 73, '01-14-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (87, 87, '192,192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-9 1-3/4",#G-36 2" ,', '5,2,', '6.75,8.5,', '15.225', 0, 0, '35.525', 73, '01-14-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (88, 88, '181,', 'Ovation,', '#1605 2-1/2",', '1,', '19.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '25.45', 81, '01-14-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (89, 89, '162,', '806B,', '806B,', '7,', '5.98,', '', 0, 5.95, '47.81', 82, '01-15-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (90, 90, '110,110,110,', 'Prego'',Prego'',Prego'',', '270 2-1/2" short-med,265 2" short,277 3-1/2" med-long,', '1,1,1,', '15.25,12,20,', '', 0, 5.95, '53.2', 83, '01-15-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (91, 91, '106,', 'Touché Boar Reinforced Bristle Rounder,', '136 3-1/2" longest,', '2,', '21,', '', 0, 5.95, '47.95', 84, '01-16-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (92, 92, '175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#962-XL 2",', '3,', '7,', '', 0, 5.95, '26.95', 85, '01-16-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (93, 93, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-36 2" ,', '1,', '8.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '14.45', 86, '01-16-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (94, 94, '98,', 'Styling Brushes,', 'V-5 5 row,', '2,', '2.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '10.95', 88, '01-17-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (95, 95, '103,', 'Pico,', '46 2-1/2" med-long,', '2,', '13.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '32.95', 89, '01-17-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (96, 96, '192,192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-36XL 3",#G-36 2" ,', '1,1,', '10,8.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '24.45', 90, '01-17-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (97, 97, '177,', 'Wire Pin,', '#1204,', '1,', '6.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '12.7', 91, '01-18-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (98, 98, '116,192,184,', 'Italian #813,Assorted Porcupines,Zhu II,', '813 1-3/4" ,#G-9 1-3/4",#2240 1-3/4",', '1,1,1,', '16,6.75,18,', '', 0, 5.95, '46.7', 92, '01-18-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (99, 99, '175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#960-XL 1-3/4",', '1,', '6,', '', 0, 5.95, '11.95', 94, '01-19-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (100, 100, '126,', 'Vectra Aerated Stylers,', 'Vectra 9 3” jumbo,', '1,', '12.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '18.7', 96, '01-20-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (101, 101, '105,111,', 'Little Wonder,Rotary,', '111,282 4-1/4",', '1,1,', '4.5,21.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '31.95', 97, '01-20-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (102, 102, '106,106,103,', 'Touché Boar Reinforced Bristle Rounder,Touché Boar Reinforced Bristle Rounder,Pico,', '120 1-3/4" short,125 2-1/4" short-med,42 1-1/2" short,', '2,2,1,', '13,13,11,', '', 0, 6.95, '69.95', 99, '01-20-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (103, 103, '104,', 'Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,', '118 3" very long,', '2,', '11,', '', 0, 5.95, '27.95', 100, '01-20-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (104, 104, '102,', 'German Porcupine Cushion,', '25 Large,', '1,', '16,', '', 0, 5.95, '21.95', 101, '01-21-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (105, 105, '116,', 'Italian #813,', '813 1-3/4" ,', '1,', '16,', '', 0, 5.95, '21.95', 102, '01-22-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (106, 106, '193,', '1" Boar Rounder,', '#G-40 1" ,', '1,', '7,', '', 0, 5.95, '12.95', 104, '01-23-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (107, 107, '100,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,', '21 Large,', '1,', '7,', '', 0, 5.95, '12.95', 107, '01-24-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (108, 108, '193,97,116,', '1" Boar Rounder,Mini Styling Tools,Italian #813,', '#G-40 1" ,HB-2 3/4" Boar,813 1-3/4" ,', '1,1,1,', '7,6,16,', '', 0, 5.95, '34.95', 108, '01-25-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (109, 109, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-36 2" ,', '1,', '8.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '14.45', 111, '01-26-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (110, 110, '177,', 'Wire Pin,', '#1204-PT ,', '1,', '6.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '12.7', 91, '01-26-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (111, 111, '181,', 'Ovation,', '#1600 1-3/4",', '1,', '15,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.95', 81, '01-26-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (112, 112, '181,', 'Ovation,', '#1600 1-3/4",', '1,', '15,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.95', 81, '01-26-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (113, 113, '181,', 'Ovation,', '#1600 1-3/4",', '1,', '15,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.95', 81, '01-26-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (114, 114, '181,', 'Ovation,', '#1600 1-3/4",', '1,', '15,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.95', 81, '01-26-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (115, 115, '175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#962-XL 2",', '2,', '7,', '', 0, 5.95, '19.95', 114, '01-26-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (116, 116, '181,', 'Ovation,', '#1600 1-3/4",', '1,', '15,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.95', 81, '01-26-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (117, 117, '181,', 'Ovation,', '#1600 1-3/4",', '1,', '15,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.95', 81, '01-26-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (118, 118, '181,', 'Ovation,', '#1600 1-3/4",', '1,', '15,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.95', 81, '01-26-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (119, 119, '181,', 'Ovation,', '#1600 1-3/4",', '1,', '15,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.95', 81, '01-26-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (120, 120, '181,', 'Ovation,', '#1600 1-3/4",', '1,', '15,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.95', 81, '01-26-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (121, 121, '99,', 'Taegu,', '16 2-1/2" med - long,', '1,', '8.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '14.7', 115, '01-26-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (122, 122, '113,117,', 'Mini DeVille,Italian #854,', '352 Rounder,854 2-1/4",', '1,1,', '6,20,', '', 0, 5.95, '31.95', 116, '01-27-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (123, 123, '107,', 'Touché Styling Assortment,', '139 Flexible Nylon,', '4,', '8.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '39.95', 117, '01-27-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (124, 124, '126,110,', 'Vectra Aerated Stylers,Prego'',', 'Vectra 5 2” medium,265 2" short,', '1,1,', '12.75,12,', '', 0, 5.95, '30.7', 118, '01-27-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (125, 125, '126,110,', 'Vectra Aerated Stylers,Prego'',', 'Vectra 5 2” medium,265 2" short,', '1,1,', '12.75,12,', '', 0, 5.95, '30.7', 118, '01-27-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (126, 126, '116,', 'Italian #813,', '813 1-3/4" ,', '1,', '16,', '', 0, 5.95, '21.95', 120, '01-29-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (127, 127, '99,', 'Taegu,', '12 1-1/2" short - medium,', '2,', '7.25,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.45', 121, '01-29-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (128, 128, '110,112,171,', 'Prego'',DeVille,Gripper Aluminum Clips,', '275 3" med,344 paddle,90,', '1,1,1,', '15.25,16,4.25,', '', 0, 5.95, '41.45', 122, '01-29-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (129, 129, '106,', 'Touché Boar Reinforced Bristle Rounder,', '125 2-1/4" short-med,', '1,', '13,', '', 0, 5.95, '18.95', 123, '01-30-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (130, 130, '177,', 'Wire Pin,', '#1204,', '13,', '6.75,', '', 0, 6.95, '94.7', 124, '01-30-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (131, 131, '123,', 'Italian #955,', '955 2-3/4",', '1,', '27,', '', 0, 5.95, '32.95', 125, '01-30-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (132, 132, '99,', 'Taegu,', '12 1-1/2" short - medium,', '2,', '7.25,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.45', 126, '01-30-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (133, 133, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-36XL 3",', '1,', '10,', '', 0, 5.95, '15.95', 127, '01-31-2010', '01', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (134, 134, '104,', 'Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,', '118-XL 3-1/2" longest,', '1,', '14.25,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.2', 128, '02-01-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (135, 135, '126,132,133,', 'Vectra Aerated Stylers,Domed Aerated Rounders,Aerated Ceramic/Tourmaline/Nano-Silver Stylers,', 'Vectra 7 2-1/2” large,Vectra 89 3” XL,Vectra 118 2-3/4” large,', '1,1,1,', '12.75,15,15,', '', 0, 5.95, '48.7', 129, '02-02-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (136, 136, '112,171,107,189,', 'DeVille,Gripper Aluminum Clips,Touché Styling Assortment,Icera Boar,', '344 paddle,90,138 Paddle,#6040 2-1/2",', '1,1,1,1,', '16,4.25,10.5,22,', '', 0, 6.95, '59.7', 130, '02-03-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (137, 137, '191,', 'Assorted Vents,', '#9300 Large ,', '24,', '3.5,', '', 0, 6.95, '90.95', 132, '02-03-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (138, 138, '102,', 'German Porcupine Cushion,', '25 Large,', '2,', '16,', '', 0, 5.95, '37.95', 133, '02-03-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (139, 139, '177,', 'Wire Pin,', '#1204-PT ,', '6,', '6.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '46.45', 134, '02-03-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (140, 140, '110,', 'Prego'',', '275 3" med,', '3,', '15.25,', '', 0, 5.95, '51.7', 136, '02-04-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (141, 141, '181,181,', 'Ovation,Ovation,', '#1600 1-3/4",#1605 2-1/2",', '1,1,', '15,19.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '40.45', 137, '02-04-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (142, 142, '122,', 'Italian #954,', '954 2-1/4",', '1,', '24,', '', 0, 5.95, '29.95', 138, '02-04-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (143, 143, '191,', 'Assorted Vents,', '#9300 Large ,', '7,', '3.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '30.45', 140, '02-04-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (144, 144, '175,175,175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#960-XL 1-3/4",#962-XL 2",#964-XL 2-1/2",', '2,1,1,', '6,7,7.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '32.45', 141, '02-05-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (145, 145, '99,99,99,104,99,104,', 'Taegu,Taegu,Taegu,Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,Taegu,Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,', '16-XL 3" long,16 2-1/2" med - long,14 2" medium,114 2" med-long,12 1-1/2" short - medium,116 2-1/2" long,', '1,1,1,1,1,1,', '9.5,8.75,7.25,9,7.25,9.5,', '', 0, 6.95, '58.2', 142, '02-06-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (146, 146, '175,175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#960-XL 1-3/4",#964-XL 2-1/2",', '1,1,', '6,7.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '19.45', 143, '02-06-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (147, 147, '132,132,', 'Domed Aerated Rounders,Domed Aerated Rounders,', 'Vectra 87 2-1/2” large,Vectra 85 2” medium,', '1,1,', '15,15,', '', 0, 5.95, '35.95', 144, '02-06-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (148, 148, '189,', 'Icera Boar,', '#6040 2-1/2",', '1,', '22,', '', 0, 5.95, '27.95', 146, '02-08-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (149, 149, '123,125,', 'Italian #955,Italian #956,', '955 2-3/4",956 2",', '1,1,', '27,24,', '', 0, 6.95, '57.95', 148, '02-09-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (150, 150, '105,', 'Little Wonder,', '111,', '2,', '4.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '14.95', 150, '02-09-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (151, 151, '185,', 'Nylon Tipped Paddle,', '#5161 Large,', '2,', '8,', '', 0, 5.95, '21.95', 151, '02-10-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (152, 152, '132,132,', 'Domed Aerated Rounders,Domed Aerated Rounders,', 'Vectra 85 2” medium,Vectra 87 2-1/2” large,', '1,1,', '15,15,', '', 0, 5.95, '35.95', 152, '02-10-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (153, 153, '126,', 'Vectra Aerated Stylers,', 'Vectra 5 2” medium,', '2,', '12.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '31.45', 153, '02-10-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (154, 154, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-36 2" ,', '1,', '8.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '14.45', 154, '02-11-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (155, 155, '99,99,', 'Taegu,Taegu,', '14 2" medium,16 2-1/2" med - long,', '1,1,', '7.25,8.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '21.95', 157, '02-12-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (156, 156, '99,99,', 'Taegu,Taegu,', '8 1" short,14 2" medium,', '1,2,', '6.5,7.25,', '', 0, 5.95, '26.95', 159, '02-13-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (157, 157, '116,', 'Italian #813,', '813 1-3/4" ,', '1,', '16,', '', 0, 5.95, '21.95', 160, '02-13-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (158, 158, '175,175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#962-XL 2",#964-XL 2-1/2",', '1,1,', '7,7.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.45', 161, '02-14-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (159, 159, '175,175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#962-XL 2",#964-XL 2-1/2",', '1,1,', '7,7.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.45', 161, '02-14-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (160, 160, '175,175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#962-XL 2",#964-XL 2-1/2",', '1,1,', '7,7.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.45', 161, '02-14-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (161, 161, '175,175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#962-XL 2",#964-XL 2-1/2",', '1,1,', '7,7.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.45', 161, '02-14-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (162, 162, '175,175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#962-XL 2",#964-XL 2-1/2",', '1,1,', '7,7.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.45', 161, '02-14-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (163, 163, '154,', '401B,', '401B,', '12,', '1.79,', '', 0, 5.95, '27.43', 162, '02-14-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (164, 164, '175,175,118,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Italian #855,', '#962-XL 2",#964-XL 2-1/2",855 3",', '1,2,1,', '7,7.5,24,', '', 0, 5.95, '51.95', 163, '02-14-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (165, 165, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-36XL 3",', '1,', '10,', '', 0, 5.95, '15.95', 164, '02-14-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (166, 166, '102,', 'German Porcupine Cushion,', '25 Large,', '4,', '16,', '', 0, 6.95, '70.95', 165, '02-15-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (167, 167, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-36XXL 3-1/2",', '2,', '13,', '', 0, 5.95, '31.95', 166, '02-15-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (168, 168, '102,192,', 'German Porcupine Cushion,Assorted Porcupines,', '25 Large,#G-9 1-3/4",', '1,1,', '16,6.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '28.7', 167, '02-15-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (169, 169, '132,130,', 'Domed Aerated Rounders,Vectra 75,', 'Vectra 89 3” XL,Vectra 75,', '1,1,', '15,12.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '33.7', 168, '02-15-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (170, 170, '126,', 'Vectra Aerated Stylers,', 'Vectra 9 3” jumbo,', '2,', '12.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '31.45', 169, '02-16-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (171, 171, '192,180,185,', 'Assorted Porcupines,Coco,Nylon Tipped Paddle,', '#G-36XL 3",#1505 2-1/4",#5161 Large,', '1,1,1,', '10,15,8,', '', 0, 5.95, '38.95', 139, '02-17-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (172, 172, '114,143,139,138,', 'Pronto,MCB-21 Double-Sided Lash and Brow Brush,MCB-7 Wet & Dry Double Sided Concealer,MCB-5 Foundation Liquid Cream,', '365 2" med,MCB-21,MCB-7,MCB-5,', '1,1,1,1,', '13.5,9,12,15,', '', 0, 5.95, '55.45', 171, '02-17-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (173, 173, '98,', 'Styling Brushes,', 'V-7 7 row,', '4,', '2.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '15.95', 172, '02-17-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (174, 174, '99,', 'Taegu,', '12 1-1/2" short - medium,', '1,', '7.25,', '', 0, 5.95, '13.2', 173, '02-17-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (175, 175, '108,', 'Super Looper,', '215 Large,', '6,', '9,', '', 0, 6.95, '60.95', 174, '02-18-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (176, 176, '108,', 'Super Looper,', '215 Large,', '6,', '9,', '', 0, 6.95, '60.95', 174, '02-18-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (177, 177, '108,', 'Super Looper,', '215 Large,', '6,', '9,', '', 0, 6.95, '60.95', 174, '02-18-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (178, 178, '108,', 'Super Looper,', '215 Large,', '6,', '9,', '', 0, 6.95, '60.95', 174, '02-18-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (179, 179, '108,', 'Super Looper,', '215 Large,', '7,', '9,', '', 0, 6.95, '69.95', 174, '02-18-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (180, 180, '102,105,113,176,', 'German Porcupine Cushion,Little Wonder,Mini DeVille,Small Nylon Cushion,', '25 Large,111,354 Cushion Brush,#1000 Personal size,', '1,1,1,1,', '16,4.5,6,4,', '', 0, 5.95, '36.45', 175, '02-18-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (181, 181, '102,105,113,176,', 'German Porcupine Cushion,Little Wonder,Mini DeVille,Small Nylon Cushion,', '25 Large,111,354 Cushion Brush,#1000 Personal size,', '1,1,1,1,', '16,4.5,6,4,', '', 0, 5.95, '36.45', 175, '02-18-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (182, 182, '116,122,', 'Italian #813,Italian #954,', '813 1-3/4" ,954 2-1/4",', '1,1,', '16,24,', '', 0, 5.95, '45.95', 177, '02-18-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (183, 183, '118,', 'Italian #855,', '855 3",', '1,', '24,', '', 0, 5.95, '29.95', 178, '02-18-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (184, 184, '175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#962-XL 2",', '2,', '7,', '', 0, 5.95, '19.95', 179, '02-19-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (185, 185, '192,192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-9 1-3/4",#G-36 2" ,', '1,1,', '6.75,8.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '21.2', 180, '02-19-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (186, 186, '182,', 'Opera,', '#2004,', '1,', '5,', '', 0, 5.95, '10.95', 181, '02-19-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (187, 187, '182,', 'Opera,', '#2004,', '1,', '5,', '', 0, 5.95, '10.95', 181, '02-19-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (188, 188, '182,', 'Opera,', '#2004,', '1,', '5,', '', 0, 5.95, '10.95', 181, '02-19-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (189, 189, '178,', 'Prix,', '#1305 2.5",', '1,', '15,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.95', 182, '02-19-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (190, 190, '175,175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#964-XL 2-1/2",#962-XL 2",', '2,1,', '7.5,7,', '', 0, 5.95, '27.95', 183, '02-20-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (191, 191, '105,117,', 'Little Wonder,Italian #854,', '111,854 2-1/4",', '1,1,', '4.5,20,', '', 0, 5.95, '30.45', 184, '02-20-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (192, 192, '100,180,106,114,193,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,Coco,Touché Boar Reinforced Bristle Rounder,Pronto,1" Boar Rounder,', '21-BW Large,#1505 2-1/4",135 3" long,365 2" med,#G-40 1" ,', '1,1,1,1,1,', '12,15,18,13.5,7,', '', 0, 6.95, '72.45', 185, '02-20-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (193, 193, '100,180,106,114,193,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,Coco,Touché Boar Reinforced Bristle Rounder,Pronto,1" Boar Rounder,', '21-BW Large,#1505 2-1/4",135 3" long,365 2" med,#G-40 1" ,', '1,1,1,1,1,', '12,15,18,13.5,7,', '', 0, 6.95, '72.45', 185, '02-20-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (194, 194, '100,180,106,114,193,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,Coco,Touché Boar Reinforced Bristle Rounder,Pronto,1" Boar Rounder,', '21-BW Large,#1505 2-1/4",135 3" long,365 2" med,#G-40 1" ,', '1,1,1,1,1,', '12,15,18,13.5,7,', '', 0, 6.95, '72.45', 185, '02-20-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (195, 195, '100,180,106,114,193,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,Coco,Touché Boar Reinforced Bristle Rounder,Pronto,1" Boar Rounder,', '21-BW Large,#1505 2-1/4",135 3" long,365 2" med,#G-40 1" ,', '1,1,1,1,1,', '12,15,18,13.5,7,', '', 0, 6.95, '72.45', 185, '02-20-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (196, 196, '100,180,106,114,193,', 'Oval Cushion Collection,Coco,Touché Boar Reinforced Bristle Rounder,Pronto,1" Boar Rounder,', '21-BW Large,#1505 2-1/4",135 3" long,365 2" med,#G-40 1" ,', '1,1,1,1,1,', '12,15,18,13.5,7,', '', 0, 6.95, '72.45', 185, '02-20-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (197, 197, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-9 1-3/4",', '1,', '6.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '12.7', 186, '02-20-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (198, 198, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-9 1-3/4",', '2,', '6.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '19.45', 186, '02-20-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (199, 199, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-9 1-3/4",', '1,', '6.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '12.7', 186, '02-20-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (200, 200, '175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#964-XL 2-1/2",', '1,', '7.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '13.45', 187, '02-20-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (201, 201, '104,104,104,', 'Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,', '114 2" med-long,112 1-3/4" short to med,116 2-1/2" long,', '1,1,1,', '9,7.5,9.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '31.95', 188, '02-21-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (202, 202, '104,104,104,', 'Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,', '114 2" med-long,112 1-3/4" short to med,116 2-1/2" long,', '1,1,1,', '9,7.5,9.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '31.95', 188, '02-21-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (203, 203, '104,104,104,', 'Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,', '114 2" med-long,112 1-3/4" short to med,116 2-1/2" long,', '1,1,1,', '9,7.5,9.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '31.95', 188, '02-21-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (204, 204, '192,192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-36XXL 3-1/2",#G-36J 4-1/2",', '1,1,', '13,18,', '', 0, 5.95, '36.95', 191, '02-22-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (205, 205, '175,175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#962-XL 2",#964-XL 2-1/2",', '3,1,', '7,7.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '34.45', 192, '02-23-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (206, 206, '190,175,160,', 'Metro Collection,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,611B,', '#9020-MT,#964-XL 2-1/2",611B,', '1,2,1,', '7.5,7.5,2.99,', '', 0, 5.95, '31.44', 193, '02-23-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (207, 207, '175,105,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Little Wonder,', '#964-XL 2-1/2",111,', '2,2,', '7.5,4.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '29.95', 195, '02-24-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (208, 208, '175,105,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Little Wonder,', '#964-XL 2-1/2",111,', '2,2,', '7.5,4.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '29.95', 195, '02-24-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (209, 209, '175,105,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Little Wonder,', '#964-XL 2-1/2",111,', '2,2,', '7.5,4.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '29.95', 195, '02-24-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (210, 210, '175,105,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Little Wonder,', '#964-XL 2-1/2",111,', '2,2,', '7.5,4.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '29.95', 195, '02-24-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (211, 211, '99,', 'Taegu,', '14 2" medium,', '2,', '7.25,', '', 0, 5.95, '20.45', 196, '02-24-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (212, 212, '109,', 'Optical,', '224 short-med,', '1,', '13,', '', 0, 5.95, '18.95', 197, '02-24-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (213, 213, '110,', 'Prego'',', '270 2-1/2" short-med,', '1,', '15.25,', '', 0, 5.95, '21.2', 198, '02-24-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (214, 214, '126,126,', 'Vectra Aerated Stylers,Vectra Aerated Stylers,', 'Vectra 9 3” jumbo,Vectra 5 2” medium,', '1,1,', '12.75,12.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '31.45', 199, '02-25-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (215, 215, '126,126,', 'Vectra Aerated Stylers,Vectra Aerated Stylers,', 'Vectra 9 3” jumbo,Vectra 5 2” medium,', '1,1,', '12.75,12.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '31.45', 199, '02-25-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (216, 216, '112,113,', 'DeVille,Mini DeVille,', '344 paddle,352 Rounder,', '1,1,', '16,6,', '', 0, 5.95, '27.95', 200, '02-26-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (217, 217, '99,', 'Taegu,', '6 3/4" very short,', '3,', '6.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '25.45', 201, '02-27-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (218, 218, '162,', '806B,', '806B,', '1,', '5.98,', '', 0, 5.95, '11.93', 202, '02-27-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (219, 219, '162,', '806B,', '806B,', '1,', '5.98,', '', 0, 5.95, '11.93', 202, '02-27-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (220, 220, '162,', '806B,', '806B,', '1,', '5.98,', '', 0, 5.95, '11.93', 202, '02-27-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (221, 221, '126,126,', 'Vectra Aerated Stylers,Vectra Aerated Stylers,', 'Vectra 7 2-1/2” large,Vectra 9 3” jumbo,', '1,1,', '12.75,12.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '31.45', 203, '02-27-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (222, 222, '99,', 'Taegu,', '14 2" medium,', '1,', '7.25,', '', 0, 5.95, '13.2', 204, '02-28-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (223, 223, '120,139,', 'Silverado Collection,MCB-7 Wet & Dry Double Sided Concealer,', '887 2" short-med,MCB-7,', '1,1,', '13.5,12,', '', 0, 5.95, '31.45', 206, '02-28-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (224, 224, '105,', 'Little Wonder,', '111,', '4,', '4.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '23.95', 207, '02-28-2010', '02', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (225, 225, '105,117,', 'Little Wonder,Italian #854,', '111,854 2-1/4",', '1,1,', '4.5,20,', '', 0, 5.95, '30.45', 208, '03-01-2010', '03', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (226, 226, '99,99,99,99,', 'Taegu,Taegu,Taegu,Taegu,', '8 1" short,14 2" medium,16 2-1/2" med - long,12 1-1/2" short - medium,', '1,1,1,1,', '6.5,7.25,8.75,7.25,', '', 0, 5.95, '35.7', 209, '03-01-2010', '03', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (227, 227, '99,99,99,99,', 'Taegu,Taegu,Taegu,Taegu,', '8 1" short,14 2" medium,16 2-1/2" med - long,12 1-1/2" short - medium,', '1,1,1,1,', '6.5,7.25,8.75,7.25,', '', 0, 5.95, '35.7', 209, '03-01-2010', '03', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (228, 228, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-9 1-3/4",', '1,', '6.75,', '', 0, 5.95, '12.7', 210, '03-02-2010', '03', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (229, 229, '107,107,', 'Touché Styling Assortment,Touché Styling Assortment,', '121 Large Nylon, 122 Large Boar,', '1,1,', '10.5,13,', '', 0, 5.95, '29.45', 212, '03-05-2010', '03', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (230, 230, '110,110,', 'Prego'',Prego'',', '275 3" med,277 3-1/2" med-long,', '1,1,', '15.25,20,', '', 0, 5.95, '41.2', 213, '03-05-2010', '03', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (231, 231, '175,175,175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#960-XL 1-3/4",#962-XL 2",#964-XL 2-1/2",', '1,1,1,', '6,7,7.5,', '', 0, 5.95, '26.45', 214, '03-06-2010', '03', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (232, 232, '110,104,', 'Prego'',Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder,', '275 3" med,118 3" very long,', '1,1,', '15.25,11,', '', 0, 5.95, '32.2', 215, '03-07-2010', '03', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (233, 233, '175,175,', 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders,', '#960-XL 1-3/4",#962-XL 2",', '1,1,', '6,7,', '', 0, 5.95, '18.95', 216, '03-07-2010', '03', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'), (234, 234, '192,', 'Assorted Porcupines,', '#G-36XL 3",', '1,', '10,', '', 0, 5.95, '15.95', 219, '03-10-2010', '03', '2010', 'Not Done', 'Y', 'Y'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `hotbeauty_orderpayment` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hotbeauty_orderpayment`; CREATE TABLE `hotbeauty_orderpayment` ( `OrderPaymentID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `ShipAddressID` int(11) NOT NULL, `BillAddressID` int(11) NOT NULL, `Amount` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `PaymentStatus` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `TokenID` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `Tax` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `Address` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `PaymentDate` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `Zip` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `FirstName` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `CountryCode` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `PayerEmailID` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `LastName` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `State` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `ReceiverEmailID` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `Currency` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `Status` enum('Y','N') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default 'Y', PRIMARY KEY (`OrderPaymentID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=235 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hotbeauty_orderpayment` -- INSERT INTO `hotbeauty_orderpayment` (`OrderPaymentID`, `ShipAddressID`, `BillAddressID`, `Amount`, `PaymentStatus`, `TokenID`, `Tax`, `Address`, `PaymentDate`, `Zip`, `FirstName`, `CountryCode`, `PayerEmailID`, `LastName`, `State`, `ReceiverEmailID`, `Currency`, `Status`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, '22.15', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '11-25-2009', '', 'Suman', '', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', 'Nandy', 'NY', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (2, 2, 2, '22.15', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '11-25-2009', '', 'Suman', '', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', 'Nandy', 'NY', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (3, 3, 3, '12.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '11-26-2009', '', 'Suman', '', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', 'Nandy', 'NY', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (4, 4, 4, '12.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '11-26-2009', '', 'Suman', '', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', 'Nandy', 'NY', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (5, 5, 5, '12.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '11-26-2009', '', 'Suman', '', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', 'Nandy', 'NY', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (6, 6, 6, '12.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '11-26-2009', '', 'Suman', '', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', 'Nandy', 'NY', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (7, 7, 7, '12.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '11-26-2009', '', 'Suman', '', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', 'Nandy', 'NY', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (8, 8, 8, '12.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '11-26-2009', '', 'Suman', '', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', 'Nandy', 'NY', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (9, 9, 9, '39.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '11-27-2009', '', 'Michael', '', 'michael@petwebdesigner.com', 'Ayalon', 'NY', 'michael@petwebdesigner.com', 'USD', 'N'), (10, 10, 10, '50.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '11-27-2009', '', 'Janet', '', 'jjjcc', 'Missano', 'NY', 'jjjcc', 'USD', 'N'), (11, 11, 11, '50.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '11-27-2009', '', 'Janet', '', 'jjjcc', 'Missano', 'NY', 'jjjcc', 'USD', 'N'), (12, 12, 12, '50.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '11-27-2009', '', 'Janet', '', 'jjjcc', 'Missano', 'NY', 'jjjcc', 'USD', 'N'), (13, 13, 13, '21.2', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '11-28-2009', '', 'JEFF', '', 'DIAMONDBEAUTY', 'TRICHON', 'NY', 'DIAMONDBEAUTY', 'USD', 'N'), (14, 14, 14, '17.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '11-30-2009', '', 'john', '', 'jmissano', 'missano', 'NY', 'jmissano', 'USD', 'N'), (15, 15, 15, '17.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '11-30-2009', '', 'john', '', 'jmissano', 'missano', 'NY', 'jmissano', 'USD', 'N'), (16, 16, 16, '17.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-02-2009', '', 'Danielle', '', 'dhelinski41@gmail.com', 'Helinski', 'New York', 'dhelinski41@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (17, 17, 17, '17.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-02-2009', '', 'Danielle', '', 'dhelinski41@gmail.com', 'Helinski', 'New York', 'dhelinski41@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (18, 18, 18, '22.2', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-02-2009', '', 'john', '', 'jmissano', 'missano', 'NY', 'jmissano', 'USD', 'N'), (19, 19, 19, '17.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-02-2009', '', 'Danielle', '', 'dhelinski41@gmail.com', 'Helinski', 'New York', 'dhelinski41@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (20, 20, 20, '12.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-02-2009', '', '1', '', '1', '1', '1', '1', 'USD', 'N'), (21, 21, 21, '13.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-02-2009', '', 'john', '', 'jmissano', 'missano', 'NY', 'jmissano', 'USD', 'N'), (22, 22, 22, '12.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-02-2009', '', 'JEFF', '', 'DIAMONDBEAUTY', 'TRICHON', 'NY', 'DIAMONDBEAUTY', 'USD', 'N'), (23, 16, 23, '63.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-05-2009', '', 'Raymond E', '', 'shellfox31@hotmail.com', 'Johns', 'FL', 'shellfox31@hotmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (24, 17, 24, '19.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-05-2009', '', 'CHRISTINE', '', 'CHRISTINESGOLDCANDLES@YAHOO.COM', 'GALLEGOS', 'NM', 'CHRISTINESGOLDCANDLES@YAHOO.COM', 'USD', 'N'), (25, 18, 25, '50.5', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-06-2009', '', 'LUCIA', '', 'FLORYVYANU@GMAIL.COM', 'KEMOKAI', 'IL', 'FLORYVYANU@GMAIL.COM', 'USD', 'N'), (26, 19, 26, '23.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-07-2009', '', 'Virginia ', '', 'vmendezjp@gmail.com', 'Mendez', 'TX', 'vmendezjp@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (27, 20, 27, '19.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-08-2009', '', 'Deb', '', 'catndogs@comcast.net', 'Newell', 'FL', 'catndogs@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (28, 21, 28, '12.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-08-2009', '', 'Stephanie', '', 'stephaniefrink@att.net', 'Frink', 'CA', 'stephaniefrink@att.net', 'USD', 'N'), (29, 22, 29, '16.75', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-08-2009', '', 'laura', '', 'laurapotgeter', 'potgeter', 'MI', 'laurapotgeter', 'USD', 'N'), (30, 23, 30, '27.55', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-09-2009', '', 'laura', '', 'laurapotgeter', 'potgeter', 'MI', 'laurapotgeter', 'USD', 'N'), (31, 24, 31, '218.8', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-12-2009', '', 'antoinette', '', 'chebe4567@aol.com', 'termini', 'FL', 'chebe4567@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (32, 25, 32, '218.8', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-12-2009', '', 'antoinette', '', 'chebe4567@aol.com', 'termini', 'FL', 'chebe4567@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (33, 26, 33, '37.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-17-2009', '', 'aviva', '', 'kanenator@gmail.com', 'kane', 'NY', 'kanenator@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (34, 27, 34, '24.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-17-2009', '', 'Benita', '', 'Benita@email.com', 'Low', 'CA', 'Benita@email.com', 'USD', 'N'), (35, 28, 35, '24.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-17-2009', '', 'Nancy', '', 'nancy.bryant2@verizon.net', 'Bryant', 'DC', 'nancy.bryant2@verizon.net', 'USD', 'N'), (36, 29, 36, '17.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-17-2009', '', 'Pamela', '', 'cpjburk@sbcglobal.net', 'Burkhart', 'TX', 'cpjburk@sbcglobal.net', 'USD', 'N'), (37, 30, 37, '17.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-17-2009', '', 'Pamela', '', 'cpjburk@sbcglobal.net', 'Burkhart', 'TX', 'cpjburk@sbcglobal.net', 'USD', 'N'), (38, 31, 38, '17.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-17-2009', '', 'Pamela', '', 'cpjburk@sbcglobal.net', 'Burkhart', 'TX', 'cpjburk@sbcglobal.net', 'USD', 'N'), (39, 32, 39, '21.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-18-2009', '', 'Lyndsay', '', 'lyndsayfred007@yahoo.com', 'Katauskas', 'MD', 'lyndsayfred007@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (40, 33, 40, '31.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-18-2009', '', 'Sally', '', 'sallygarber@comcast.net', 'Garber', 'PA', 'sallygarber@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (41, 34, 41, '21.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-21-2009', '', 'betty', '', 'bettydukes670@gmail.com', 'dukes', 'FL', 'bettydukes670@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (42, 35, 42, '19.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-22-2009', '', 'craig', '', 'veryfurry12@yahoo.com', 'seitz', 'CA', 'veryfurry12@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (43, 36, 43, '17.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-23-2009', '', 'Ann', '', 'tjw4@cornell.edu', 'Wieber', 'MI', 'tjw4@cornell.edu', 'USD', 'N'), (44, 37, 44, '62.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-24-2009', '', 'sherry', '', 'slavin35@hotmail.com', 'lavin', 'AZ', 'slavin35@hotmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (45, 38, 45, '15.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-24-2009', '', 'ali', '', 'blondyap177@yahoo.com', 'pickens', 'OK', 'blondyap177@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (46, 39, 46, '15.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-24-2009', '', 'ali', '', 'blondyap177@yahoo.com', 'pickens', 'OK', 'blondyap177@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (47, 40, 47, '15.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-24-2009', '', 'ali', '', 'blondyap177@yahoo.com', 'pickens', 'OK', 'blondyap177@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (48, 41, 48, '43.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-26-2009', '', 'Carol Lee', '', 'clwax@aol.com', 'Wax', 'IL', 'clwax@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (49, 42, 49, '20.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-26-2009', '', 'Kristin', '', 'kmjen66@gmail.com', 'Jenkins', 'OH', 'kmjen66@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (50, 43, 50, '34.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-26-2009', '', 'NIna', '', 'gedoxey@gmail.com', 'Doxey', 'UT', 'gedoxey@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (51, 44, 51, '40.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-27-2009', '', 'Ellen ', '', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', 'McLean', 'MD', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (52, 45, 52, '40.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-27-2009', '', 'Ellen ', '', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', 'McLean', 'MD', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (53, 46, 53, '40.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-27-2009', '', 'Ellen ', '', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', 'McLean', 'MD', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (54, 47, 54, '12.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-28-2009', '', 'Xiaoying', '', 'xylu05chem@yahoo.com', 'Lu', 'MN', 'xylu05chem@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (55, 48, 55, '12.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-28-2009', '', 'Xiaoying', '', 'xylu05chem@yahoo.com', 'Lu', 'MN', 'xylu05chem@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (56, 49, 56, '24.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-28-2009', '', 'kathleen', '', 'ajahk9@verizon.net', 'schwartzman', 'MD', 'ajahk9@verizon.net', 'USD', 'N'), (57, 50, 57, '24.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-28-2009', '', 'kathleen', '', 'ajahk9@verizon.net', 'schwartzman', 'MD', 'ajahk9@verizon.net', 'USD', 'N'), (58, 51, 58, '40.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-28-2009', '', 'Ellen ', '', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', 'McLean', 'MD', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (59, 52, 59, '156.37', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-29-2009', '', 'antoinette', '', 'whatshotbeauty', 'termini', 'FL', 'whatshotbeauty', 'USD', 'N'), (60, 53, 60, '111.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-31-2009', '', 'Amy', '', 'burkettinc@hotmail.com', 'Burkett', 'CO', 'burkettinc@hotmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (61, 54, 61, '18.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-31-2009', '', 'allyson', '', 'paccpj@aol.com', 'glass', 'TX', 'paccpj@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (62, 55, 62, '18.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '12-31-2009', '', 'allyson', '', 'paccpj@aol.com', 'glass', 'TX', 'paccpj@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (63, 56, 63, '35.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-01-2010', '', 'Karen ', '', 'karenm964@charter.net', 'McCuddin', 'MN', 'karenm964@charter.net', 'USD', 'N'), (64, 57, 64, '26.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-03-2010', '', 'Jodie', '', 'jodie@gardnerinsurance.com', 'Kurilic', 'OH', 'jodie@gardnerinsurance.com', 'USD', 'N'), (65, 58, 65, '90.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-03-2010', '', 'christine', '', 'tinastonisch@hotmail.com', 'stonisch', 'MI', 'tinastonisch@hotmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (66, 59, 66, '20.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-03-2010', '', 'Robert', '', 'xrprice@gmail.com', 'Price', 'FL', 'xrprice@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (67, 60, 67, '20.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-03-2010', '', 'Karissa', '', 'joka0303@gmail.com', 'Johnsen', 'VA', 'joka0303@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (68, 61, 68, '36.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-04-2010', '', 'joy', '', 'jwall63@embarqmail.com', 'wall', 'NC', 'jwall63@embarqmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (69, 62, 69, '25.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-05-2010', '', 'Pamela', '', 'pmarrache@yahoo.com', 'Marrache', 'WI', 'pmarrache@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (70, 63, 70, '44.07', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-06-2010', '', 'Lynn', '', 'lyntel@bellsouth.net', 'Miller', 'TN', 'lyntel@bellsouth.net', 'USD', 'N'), (71, 64, 71, '130.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-06-2010', '', 'Jason', '', 'jjr12564@gmail.com', 'Riley', 'PA', 'jjr12564@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (72, 65, 72, '26.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-08-2010', '', 'Michelle', '', 'calhounmi@yahoo.com', 'Calhoun', 'IL', 'calhounmi@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (73, 66, 73, '24.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-11-2010', '', 'Marylou', '', 'maryloulouro@yahoo.com', 'Louro', 'CA', 'maryloulouro@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (74, 67, 74, '48.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-11-2010', '', 'Jamie', '', 'Jmendave@aol.com', 'Duke', 'CA', 'Jmendave@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (75, 68, 75, '48.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-11-2010', '', 'Jamie', '', 'Jmendave@aol.com', 'Duke', 'CA', 'Jmendave@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (76, 69, 76, '48.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-11-2010', '', 'Jamie', '', 'Jmendave@aol.com', 'Duke', 'CA', 'Jmendave@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (77, 70, 77, '48.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-11-2010', '', 'Jamie', '', 'Jmendave@aol.com', 'Duke', 'CA', 'Jmendave@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (78, 71, 78, '48.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-11-2010', '', 'Jamie', '', 'Jmendave@aol.com', 'Duke', 'CA', 'Jmendave@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (79, 72, 79, '48.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-11-2010', '', 'Jamie', '', 'Jmendave@aol.com', 'Duke', 'CA', 'Jmendave@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (80, 73, 80, '43.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-12-2010', '', 'mary', '', 'madawh@suddenlink.net', 'davis', 'TX', 'madawh@suddenlink.net', 'USD', 'N'), (81, 74, 81, '17.91', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-12-2010', '', 'Michelle', '', 'Fitzmabel@aol.com', 'Fitzgerald', 'NH', 'Fitzmabel@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (82, 75, 82, '30.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-13-2010', '', 'Alina', '', 'alina.driver@yahoo.com', 'Driver', 'FL', 'alina.driver@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (83, 76, 83, '22.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-13-2010', '', 'Bea', '', 'abellacooper@gmail.com', 'Cote', 'NC', 'abellacooper@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (84, 77, 84, '35.525', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-14-2010', '', 'Wade', '', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', 'Fleming', 'MD', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', 'USD', 'N'), (85, 78, 85, '35.525', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-14-2010', '', 'Wade', '', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', 'Fleming', 'MD', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', 'USD', 'N'), (86, 79, 86, '35.525', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-14-2010', '', 'Wade', '', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', 'Fleming', 'MD', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', 'USD', 'N'), (87, 80, 87, '35.525', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-14-2010', '', 'Wade', '', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', 'Fleming', 'MD', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', 'USD', 'N'), (88, 81, 88, '25.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-14-2010', '', 'Loucinda', '', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'Lovato', 'AZ', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (89, 82, 89, '47.81', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-15-2010', '', 'Sandra', '', 'sandrastar84@comcast.net', 'Borges', 'MA', 'sandrastar84@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (90, 83, 90, '53.2', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-15-2010', '', 'Irene', '', 'valandirene@gmail.com', 'Ostrovsky', 'NY', 'valandirene@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (91, 84, 91, '47.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-16-2010', '', 'David ', '', 'dlafountain2kc.rr.com', 'LaFountain', 'MO', 'dlafountain2kc.rr.com', 'USD', 'N'), (92, 85, 92, '26.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-16-2010', '', 'Marianne', '', 'marianneburkhead@comcast.net', 'Burkhead', 'CA', 'marianneburkhead@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (93, 86, 93, '14.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-16-2010', '', 'Jeri', '', 'jeri.delvecchio-mosnick@novartis.com', 'Mosnick', 'NJ', 'jeri.delvecchio-mosnick@novartis.com', 'USD', 'N'), (94, 87, 94, '10.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-17-2010', '', 'Joe', '', 'cjem14@comcast.net', 'Godlewski', 'MD', 'cjem14@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (95, 88, 95, '32.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-17-2010', '', 'Patricia', '', 'psuastegui@verizon.net', 'Suastegui', 'CA', 'psuastegui@verizon.net', 'USD', 'N'), (96, 89, 96, '24.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-17-2010', '', 'Lori ', '', 'Lori.Hoeffner@gmail.com', 'Wright', 'IL', 'Lori.Hoeffner@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (97, 90, 97, '12.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-18-2010', '', 'Lizbeth', '', 'meofcours@comcast.net', 'Overton', 'CA', 'meofcours@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (98, 91, 98, '46.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-18-2010', '', 'Colleen', '', 'cocohawes@hotmail.com', 'Hawes', 'WA', 'cocohawes@hotmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (99, 92, 99, '11.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-19-2010', '', 'Judith', '', 'jude9090@live.com', 'Englehardt', 'FL', 'jude9090@live.com', 'USD', 'N'), (100, 93, 100, '18.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-20-2010', '', 'Corrie', '', 'clhoup@comcast.net', 'Houp', 'PA', 'clhoup@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (101, 94, 101, '31.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-20-2010', '', 'Domenica', '', 'domenica12@comcast.net', 'Benacquista', 'MI', 'domenica12@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (102, 95, 102, '69.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-20-2010', '', 'santa', '', 'cocomarcobia@gmail.com', 'Quintana', 'FL', 'cocomarcobia@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (103, 96, 103, '27.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-20-2010', '', 'Micah', '', 'mja73@ymail.com', 'Alvarez', 'NM', 'mja73@ymail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (104, 97, 104, '21.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-21-2010', '', 'Lynne', '', 'shelito123@yahoo.com', 'Jones', 'NY', 'shelito123@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (105, 98, 105, '21.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-22-2010', '', 'Eileen W', '', 'eworsini@comcast.net', 'Orsini', 'NJ', 'eworsini@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (106, 99, 106, '12.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-23-2010', '', 'alison', '', 'awood96@aol.com', 'wood', 'NY', 'awood96@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (107, 100, 107, '12.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-24-2010', '', 'Robert', '', 'WhiteRandL@aol.com', 'White', 'MD', 'WhiteRandL@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (108, 101, 108, '34.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-25-2010', '', 'Dean', '', 'dwlskier@kc.rr.com', 'Lawrence', 'CO', 'dwlskier@kc.rr.com', 'USD', 'N'), (109, 102, 109, '14.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-26-2010', '', 'Carolyn', '', 'carolynmillerpope@gmail.com', 'Miller Pope', 'TX', 'carolynmillerpope@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (110, 103, 110, '12.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-26-2010', '', 'Lizbeth', '', 'meofcours@comcast.net', 'Overton', 'CA', 'meofcours@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (111, 104, 111, '20.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-26-2010', '', 'Loucinda', '', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'Lovato', 'AZ', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (112, 105, 112, '20.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-26-2010', '', 'Loucinda', '', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'Lovato', 'AZ', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (113, 106, 113, '20.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-26-2010', '', 'Loucinda', '', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'Lovato', 'AZ', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (114, 107, 114, '20.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-26-2010', '', 'Loucinda', '', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'Lovato', 'AZ', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (115, 108, 115, '19.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-26-2010', '', 'judith', '', 'judy.fobes@yahoo.com', 'fobes', 'NH', 'judy.fobes@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (116, 109, 116, '20.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-26-2010', '', 'Loucinda', '', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'Lovato', 'AZ', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (117, 110, 117, '20.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-26-2010', '', 'Loucinda', '', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'Lovato', 'AZ', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (118, 111, 118, '20.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-26-2010', '', 'Loucinda', '', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'Lovato', 'AZ', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (119, 112, 119, '20.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-26-2010', '', 'Loucinda', '', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'Lovato', 'AZ', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (120, 113, 120, '20.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-26-2010', '', 'Loucinda', '', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'Lovato', 'AZ', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (121, 114, 121, '14.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-26-2010', '', 'Michelle', '', 'milesmaxo@aol.com', 'Ohala', 'NV', 'milesmaxo@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (122, 115, 122, '31.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-27-2010', '', 'denise', '', 'denisestefan@aol.com', 'Stefan', 'IL', 'denisestefan@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (123, 116, 123, '39.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-27-2010', '', 'Jennifer ', '', 'jenbaldenegro', 'Baldenegro', 'CA', 'jenbaldenegro', 'USD', 'N'), (124, 117, 124, '30.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-27-2010', '', 'Trang', '', 'trang.vo1@gmail.com', 'Vo', 'MD', 'trang.vo1@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (125, 118, 125, '30.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-27-2010', '', 'Trang', '', 'trang.vo1@gmail.com', 'Vo', 'MD', 'trang.vo1@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (126, 119, 126, '21.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-29-2010', '', 'Patricia', '', 'glorymom48@aol.com', 'Harnly', 'NE', 'glorymom48@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (127, 120, 127, '20.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-29-2010', '', 'Daryl', '', 'dbirkie@cfl.rr.com', 'Howard', 'FL', 'dbirkie@cfl.rr.com', 'USD', 'N'), (128, 121, 128, '41.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-29-2010', '', 'Michele', '', 'Michele.Gunn@gs.com', 'Gunn', 'NJ', 'Michele.Gunn@gs.com', 'USD', 'N'), (129, 122, 129, '18.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-30-2010', '', 'Jeanne', '', 'jeannesanko@hotmail.com', 'Sanko', 'NY', 'jeannesanko@hotmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (130, 123, 130, '94.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-30-2010', '', 'jerry', '', 'smthhague@aol.com', 'smith', 'AZ', 'smthhague@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (131, 124, 131, '32.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-30-2010', '', 'Mari Ann ', '', 'Marilauron@hotmail.com', 'Lauron', 'WA', 'Marilauron@hotmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (132, 125, 132, '20.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-30-2010', '', 'Dawn', '', 'dberg001@cfl.rr.com', 'Berg', 'FL', 'dberg001@cfl.rr.com', 'USD', 'N'), (133, 126, 133, '15.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '01-31-2010', '', 'michelle', '', 'michellehg@comcast.net', 'garliss', 'MD', 'michellehg@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (134, 127, 134, '20.2', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-01-2010', '', 'Lisa Belle', '', 'kaufman_lisabelle@Hotmail.com', 'Kaufman', 'CA', 'kaufman_lisabelle@Hotmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (135, 128, 135, '48.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-02-2010', '', 'susan', '', 'ozzies322@verizon.net', 'osborne', 'PA', 'ozzies322@verizon.net', 'USD', 'N'), (136, 129, 136, '59.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-03-2010', '', 'Denice', '', 'dd_charette@comcast.net', 'Weil', 'WA', 'dd_charette@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (137, 130, 137, '90.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-03-2010', '', 'Lisa', '', 'hensleyfamily@bellsouth.net', 'Hensley', 'MS', 'hensleyfamily@bellsouth.net', 'USD', 'N'), (138, 131, 138, '37.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-03-2010', '', 'Joan', '', 'joan_serr@hotmail.com', 'Serr', 'CA', 'joan_serr@hotmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (139, 132, 139, '46.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-03-2010', '', 'Darrel', '', 'dvwillet@aol.com', 'Willet', 'LA', 'dvwillet@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (140, 133, 140, '51.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-04-2010', '', 'steven', '', 'degostyl@aol.com', 'mariucci', 'FM', 'degostyl@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (141, 134, 141, '40.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-04-2010', '', 'Melanie', '', 'mdoulames@comcast.net', 'Doulames', 'MA', 'mdoulames@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (142, 135, 142, '29.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-04-2010', '', 'lockie', '', 'lbmarkusen@aol.com', 'markusen', 'MN', 'lbmarkusen@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (143, 136, 143, '30.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-04-2010', '', 'Bonnie', '', 'bbmcclellan64@yahoo.com', 'Mcclellan', 'OH', 'bbmcclellan64@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (144, 137, 144, '32.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-05-2010', '', 'chris', '', 'chrissauer@msn.com', 'sauer', 'OR', 'chrissauer@msn.com', 'USD', 'N'), (145, 138, 145, '58.2', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-06-2010', '', 'Grace', '', 'graceyalong@yahoo.com', 'Yalong', 'TX', 'graceyalong@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (146, 139, 146, '19.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-06-2010', '', 'Sue', '', 'slovejazz@aol.com', 'Vonderheide', 'FL', 'slovejazz@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (147, 140, 147, '35.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-06-2010', '', 'Michelle', '', 'mowglibones@yahoo.com', 'Patterson', 'MN', 'mowglibones@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (148, 141, 148, '27.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-08-2010', '', 'laura', '', 'lavonglahn@yahoo.com', 'von glahn', 'NJ', 'lavonglahn@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (149, 142, 149, '57.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-09-2010', '', 'Amy ', '', 'amybraem@aol.com', 'Braem', 'CA', 'amybraem@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (150, 143, 150, '14.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-09-2010', '', 'kristy', '', 'kristy.cheslick@sbcglobal.net', 'cheslick', 'MI', 'kristy.cheslick@sbcglobal.net', 'USD', 'N'), (151, 144, 151, '21.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-10-2010', '', 'Zohra', '', 'zohrakhwaja@aol.com', 'khwaja', 'VA', 'zohrakhwaja@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (152, 145, 152, '35.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-10-2010', '', 'Debby', '', 'debbymclaughlin@comcast.net', 'McLaughlin', 'CA', 'debbymclaughlin@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (153, 146, 153, '31.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-10-2010', '', 'Roxanne', '', 'redelen@pacbell.net', 'Edelen', 'CA', 'redelen@pacbell.net', 'USD', 'N'), (154, 147, 154, '14.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-11-2010', '', 'Catherine', '', 'countesskat2@aol.com', 'Evans', 'MA', 'countesskat2@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (155, 148, 155, '21.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-12-2010', '', 'JUNE', '', 'SBATULIS@OPTONLINE.NET', 'BATULIS', 'NY', 'SBATULIS@OPTONLINE.NET', 'USD', 'N'), (156, 149, 156, '26.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-13-2010', '', 'TAMMY', '', 'DOGSROCKBAR122@MSN.COM', 'VANCE', 'MN', 'DOGSROCKBAR122@MSN.COM', 'USD', 'N'), (157, 150, 157, '21.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-13-2010', '', 'JENNY', '', 'JAB8859@YAHOO.COM', 'LI', 'CA', 'JAB8859@YAHOO.COM', 'USD', 'N'), (158, 151, 158, '20.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-14-2010', '', 'J M', '', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', 'Jones', 'NH', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (159, 152, 159, '20.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-14-2010', '', 'J M', '', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', 'Jones', 'NH', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (160, 153, 160, '20.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-14-2010', '', 'J M', '', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', 'Jones', 'NH', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (161, 154, 161, '20.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-14-2010', '', 'J M', '', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', 'Jones', 'NH', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (162, 155, 162, '20.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-14-2010', '', 'J M', '', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', 'Jones', 'NH', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (163, 156, 163, '27.43', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-14-2010', '', 'Robert E.', '', 'buckygd@netzero.net', 'Silva', 'TN', 'buckygd@netzero.net', 'USD', 'N'), (164, 157, 164, '51.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-14-2010', '', 'Susie', '', 'sellwood@dnps.com', 'Ellwood', 'MI', 'sellwood@dnps.com', 'USD', 'N'), (165, 158, 165, '15.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-14-2010', '', 'Jennifer', '', 'jenjlk15@comcast.net', 'Hoffman', 'PA', 'jenjlk15@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (166, 159, 166, '70.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-15-2010', '', 'Linda', '', 'shrstou@gmail.com', 'Stanojevic', 'IL', 'shrstou@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (167, 160, 167, '31.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-15-2010', '', 'Kathleen', '', 'kcmoraff@live.com', 'Moraff', 'MD', 'kcmoraff@live.com', 'USD', 'N'), (168, 161, 168, '28.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-15-2010', '', 'Andrew', '', 'ajfpk3@att.net', 'Ford', 'MI', 'ajfpk3@att.net', 'USD', 'N'), (169, 162, 169, '33.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-15-2010', '', 'Leanora', '', 'leanora@nc.rr.com', 'Long', 'NC', 'leanora@nc.rr.com', 'USD', 'N'), (170, 163, 170, '31.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-16-2010', '', 'Karen', '', 'kdweldon@aol.com', 'Weldon', 'CA', 'kdweldon@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (171, 164, 171, '38.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-17-2010', '', 'Melanie', '', 'swellmel1000@msn.com', 'Carnes', 'CA', 'swellmel1000@msn.com', 'USD', 'N'), (172, 165, 172, '55.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-17-2010', '', 'SUSAN', '', 'srasatx@att.net', 'RASMUSSEN', 'TX', 'srasatx@att.net', 'USD', 'N'), (173, 166, 173, '15.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-17-2010', '', 'Sandra', '', 'sandyluce@verizon.net', 'Luce', 'CA', 'sandyluce@verizon.net', 'USD', 'N'), (174, 167, 174, '13.2', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-17-2010', '', 'Anna', '', 'alieberman54@msn.com', 'Lieberman', 'MD', 'alieberman54@msn.com', 'USD', 'N'), (175, 168, 175, '60.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-18-2010', '', 'Starla', '', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', 'Ritchey', 'MT', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', 'USD', 'N'), (176, 169, 176, '60.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-18-2010', '', 'Starla', '', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', 'Ritchey', 'MT', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', 'USD', 'N'), (177, 170, 177, '60.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-18-2010', '', 'Starla', '', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', 'Ritchey', 'MT', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', 'USD', 'N'), (178, 171, 178, '60.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-18-2010', '', 'Starla', '', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', 'Ritchey', 'MT', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', 'USD', 'N'), (179, 172, 179, '69.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-18-2010', '', 'Starla', '', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', 'Ritchey', 'MT', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', 'USD', 'N'), (180, 173, 180, '36.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-18-2010', '', 'Carolyn', '', 'carolyndipasquale@yahoo.com', 'DiPasquale', 'NY', 'carolyndipasquale@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (181, 174, 181, '36.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-18-2010', '', 'Carolyn', '', 'carolyndipasquale@yahoo.com', 'DiPasquale', 'NY', 'carolyndipasquale@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (182, 175, 182, '45.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-18-2010', '', 'Lynette', '', 'lynneguardado@gmail.com', 'Guardado', 'AZ', 'lynneguardado@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (183, 176, 183, '29.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-18-2010', '', 'joyce', '', 'joyce.crowe@wellsfargo.com', 'crowe', 'MD', 'joyce.crowe@wellsfargo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (184, 177, 184, '19.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-19-2010', '', 'sandra', '', 'roni898@comcast.net', 'marconi', 'FL', 'roni898@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (185, 178, 185, '21.2', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-19-2010', '', 'Julie', '', 'juliecypress@earthlink.net', 'MacDougall', 'FL', 'juliecypress@earthlink.net', 'USD', 'N'), (186, 179, 186, '10.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-19-2010', '', 'Vertelle', '', 'vkanyama@yahoo.com', 'Kanyama', 'IL', 'vkanyama@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (187, 180, 187, '10.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-19-2010', '', 'Vertelle', '', 'vkanyama@yahoo.com', 'Kanyama', 'IL', 'vkanyama@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (188, 181, 188, '10.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-19-2010', '', 'Vertelle', '', 'vkanyama@yahoo.com', 'Kanyama', 'IL', 'vkanyama@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (189, 182, 189, '20.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-19-2010', '', 'Nicole', '', 'silverlenses@aol.com', 'Bolster', 'CA', 'silverlenses@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (190, 183, 190, '27.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-20-2010', '', 'valerie', '', 'vemcconville@netzero.net', 'mcconville', 'OH', 'vemcconville@netzero.net', 'USD', 'N'), (191, 184, 191, '30.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-20-2010', '', 'Carol', '', 'cbs1019@aol.com', 'Solomon', 'PA', 'cbs1019@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (192, 185, 192, '72.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-20-2010', '', 'Jessica', '', 'lijessy@aol.com', 'Dueno', 'MA', 'lijessy@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (193, 186, 193, '72.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-20-2010', '', 'Jessica', '', 'lijessy@aol.com', 'Dueno', 'MA', 'lijessy@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (194, 187, 194, '72.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-20-2010', '', 'Jessica', '', 'lijessy@aol.com', 'Dueno', 'MA', 'lijessy@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (195, 188, 195, '72.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-20-2010', '', 'Jessica', '', 'lijessy@aol.com', 'Dueno', 'MA', 'lijessy@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (196, 189, 196, '72.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-20-2010', '', 'Jessica', '', 'lijessy@aol.com', 'Dueno', 'MA', 'lijessy@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (197, 190, 197, '12.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-20-2010', '', 'Grace', '', 'gslandy@yahoo.com', 'Landy', 'MA', 'gslandy@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (198, 191, 198, '19.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-20-2010', '', 'Grace', '', 'gslandy@yahoo.com', 'Landy', 'MA', 'gslandy@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (199, 192, 199, '12.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-20-2010', '', 'Grace', '', 'gslandy@yahoo.com', 'Landy', 'MA', 'gslandy@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (200, 193, 200, '13.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-20-2010', '', 'Mike', '', 'ncsu8695fan@yahoo.com', 'Webb', 'NC', 'ncsu8695fan@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (201, 194, 201, '31.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-21-2010', '', 'Judi', '', 'jjennetten@yahoo.com', 'Jennetten', 'IL', 'jjennetten@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (202, 195, 202, '31.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-21-2010', '', 'Judi', '', 'jjennetten@yahoo.com', 'Jennetten', 'IL', 'jjennetten@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (203, 196, 203, '31.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-21-2010', '', 'Judi', '', 'jjennetten@yahoo.com', 'Jennetten', 'IL', 'jjennetten@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (204, 197, 204, '36.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-22-2010', '', 'susan', '', 'socampo@gaaslabs.com', 'ocampo', 'CA', 'socampo@gaaslabs.com', 'USD', 'N'), (205, 198, 205, '34.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-23-2010', '', 'Sandra', '', 'deltaville1@aol.com', 'Woolard', 'VA', 'deltaville1@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (206, 199, 206, '31.44', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-23-2010', '', 'Sue', '', 'sue@vipinc.com', 'Matherne', 'LA', 'sue@vipinc.com', 'USD', 'N'), (207, 200, 207, '29.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-24-2010', '', 'Alyson', '', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', 'Driscoll', 'FL', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (208, 201, 208, '29.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-24-2010', '', 'Alyson', '', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', 'Driscoll', 'FL', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (209, 202, 209, '29.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-24-2010', '', 'Alyson', '', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', 'Driscoll', 'FL', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (210, 203, 210, '29.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-24-2010', '', 'Alyson', '', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', 'Driscoll', 'FL', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (211, 204, 211, '20.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-24-2010', '', 'Maureen', '', 'ollerubmat@aol.com', 'Davis', 'NJ', 'ollerubmat@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (212, 205, 212, '18.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-24-2010', '', 'catherine', '', 'lcatsrule@roadrunner.com', 'leopold', 'PA', 'lcatsrule@roadrunner.com', 'USD', 'N'), (213, 206, 213, '21.2', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-24-2010', '', 'lorraine', '', 'lolo26543@aol.com', 'colella', 'NY', 'lolo26543@aol.com', 'USD', 'N'), (214, 207, 214, '31.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-25-2010', '', 'Margaret', '', 'pmaynard6@comcast.net', 'Maynard', 'PA', 'pmaynard6@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (215, 208, 215, '31.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-25-2010', '', 'Margaret', '', 'pmaynard6@comcast.net', 'Maynard', 'PA', 'pmaynard6@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (216, 209, 216, '27.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-26-2010', '', 'Angela', '', 'roserj1731@yahoo.com', 'Smith', 'TX', 'roserj1731@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (217, 210, 217, '25.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-27-2010', '', 'Pamela', '', 'pwesterberg@mchsi.com', 'Westerberg', 'FL', 'pwesterberg@mchsi.com', 'USD', 'N'), (218, 211, 218, '11.93', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-27-2010', '', 'Travis ', '', 'tj.gillen@hotmail.com', 'Gillen', 'OK', 'tj.gillen@hotmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (219, 212, 219, '11.93', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-27-2010', '', 'Travis ', '', 'tj.gillen@hotmail.com', 'Gillen', 'OK', 'tj.gillen@hotmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (220, 213, 220, '11.93', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-27-2010', '', 'Travis ', '', 'tj.gillen@hotmail.com', 'Gillen', 'OK', 'tj.gillen@hotmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (221, 214, 221, '31.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-27-2010', '', 'julie', '', 'julieross@comcast.net', 'ross', 'PA', 'julieross@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (222, 215, 222, '13.2', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-28-2010', '', 'Christye ', '', 'jvanhorn@bellsouth.net', 'VanHorn', 'MS', 'jvanhorn@bellsouth.net', 'USD', 'N'), (223, 216, 223, '31.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-28-2010', '', 'kathy', '', 'kathg@insight.rr.com', 'gastaldo', 'OH', 'kathg@insight.rr.com', 'USD', 'N'), (224, 217, 224, '23.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '02-28-2010', '', 'jeannine', '', 'jeanninewelton@comcast.net', 'welton', 'CA', 'jeanninewelton@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (225, 218, 225, '30.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '03-01-2010', '', 'Nisha', '', 'nishapatel85@gmail.com', 'Patel', 'TX', 'nishapatel85@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (226, 219, 226, '35.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '03-01-2010', '', 'Patti', '', 'twcorp@comcast.net', 'Kurak', 'MN', 'twcorp@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (227, 220, 227, '35.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '03-01-2010', '', 'Patti', '', 'twcorp@comcast.net', 'Kurak', 'MN', 'twcorp@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (228, 221, 228, '12.7', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '03-02-2010', '', 'Amanda', '', 'williamson.amanda.s@gmail.com', 'Williamson', 'AL', 'williamson.amanda.s@gmail.com', 'USD', 'N'), (229, 222, 229, '29.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '03-05-2010', '', 'Belinda', '', 'lovely247@comcast.net', 'Moton', 'GA', 'lovely247@comcast.net', 'USD', 'N'), (230, 223, 230, '41.2', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '03-05-2010', '', 'Nancy', '', 'nancypollak@me.com', 'Pollak', 'IL', 'nancypollak@me.com', 'USD', 'N'), (231, 224, 231, '26.45', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '03-06-2010', '', 'Kathy', '', 'nc_toews@earthlink.net', 'Toews', 'NC', 'nc_toews@earthlink.net', 'USD', 'N'), (232, 225, 232, '32.2', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '03-07-2010', '', 'Christine', '', 'cstafford5@yahoo.com', 'Stafford', 'NY', 'cstafford5@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (233, 226, 233, '18.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '03-07-2010', '', 'Jayne', '', 'jaynehums@yahoo.com', 'Hums', 'NY', 'jaynehums@yahoo.com', 'USD', 'N'), (234, 227, 234, '15.95', 'Not Complite', '', '', '', '03-10-2010', '', 'Baharak', '', 'bbamiri@hotmail.com', 'Amiri', 'CA', 'bbamiri@hotmail.com', 'USD', 'N'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `hotbeauty_product` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hotbeauty_product`; CREATE TABLE `hotbeauty_product` ( `ProductID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `CategoryID` int(11) NOT NULL, `BrandID` int(11) NOT NULL, `ProductName` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `ProductDescription` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `ProductImage` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Date` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Price` float NOT NULL, `Weight` float NOT NULL, `Quantity` int(11) NOT NULL, `Featured` enum('N','Y') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Rank` int(11) NOT NULL, `BestSeller` enum('N','Y') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Status` enum('Y','N') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ProductID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=194 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hotbeauty_product` -- INSERT INTO `hotbeauty_product` (`ProductID`, `CategoryID`, `BrandID`, `ProductName`, `ProductDescription`, `ProductImage`, `Date`, `Price`, `Weight`, `Quantity`, `Featured`, `Rank`, `BestSeller`, `Status`) VALUES (174, 6, 21, 'Expansion Rods', 'Soft, spongy core allows hair section to expand during the chemical process resulting in soft and natural curls.

\r\n\r\nEXR-6 Blue - Pack of 5

\r\nEXR-5 Lilac - Pack of 6

\r\nEXR-4 Peach - Pack of 6

\r\nEXR-3 Pink - Pack of 6

\r\nEXR-2 Yellow - Pack of 6

\r\nEXR-1 Lime - Pack of 6

', 'cls_4aea56c81512c.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (173, 6, 21, 'Extra Long Thermal Rollers', 'Battalia Ceramic Thermal Rollers are designed so professionals can create innovative hair styles. Each Battalia roller has an aluminum sheet that is coated with ceramic powders which greatly improves heating properties. The ceramic surface also helps hair retain moisture as it smoothes hair cuticles. There is no need for pins or clips as these light-weight Battalia rollers have stick on materials over the plastic cage.

\r\nCRXL-1 28mm Light Blue - Pack of 2

\r\nCRXL-2 32mm Yellow - Pack of 2

\r\nCRXL-3 36mm Red - Pack of 2

\r\nCRXL-4 40mm Blue - Pack of 2

', 'cls_4aea55c61921f.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (170, 6, 21, 'Carbon Clips', 'Battalia Carbon Clips have superior hold for sectioning, styling, and cutting. Chemical and heat resistant. 4 pieces per pack. 12 packs per display box.

\r\n\r\n91-C Box of 12 packs', 'cls_4aea524f113e4.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (171, 6, 21, 'Gripper Aluminum Clips', 'Gripper Aluminum Clips have super strong hold for sectioning, styling, and cutting. 4 pieces of 1 color per pack. 12 packs per display box.

\r\n\r\n90 Box of 12 packs', 'cls_4aea52a98667d.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (172, 6, 21, 'Standard Thermal Rollers', 'Battalia Ceramic Thermal Rollers are designed so professionals can create innovative hair styles. Each Battalia roller has an aluminum sheet that is coated with ceramic powders which greatly improves heating properties. The ceramic surface also helps hair retain moisture as it smoothes hair cuticles. There is no need for pins or clips as these light-weight Battalia rollers have stick on materials over the plastic cage.

\r\n\r\nCR-0 24mm Pink - Pack of 5

\r\nCR-1 28mm Light Blue - Pack of 4

\r\nCR-2 32mm Yellow - Pack of 4

\r\nCR-3 36mm Red - Pack of 4

\r\nCR-4 40mm Blue - Pack of 3

\r\nCR-5 48mm Green - Pack of 3

\r\nCR-6 54mm Light Blue - Pack of 2

\r\nCR-7 68mm Red - Pack of 2

', 'cls_4aea53f504211.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (167, 6, 21, 'I-50', 'I-50 7" cutting and styling comb with sectioning teeth', 'cls_4aea50ade0d0d.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (168, 6, 21, 'I-60', 'I-60 8" metal pin tail comb', 'cls_4aea50fb49418.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (169, 7, 21, 'Foot Implements', 'BRB-1000 Triangle Foot File

\r\nRF-1000 Corn Planer - Includes 2 blades!

\r\nRG-1000 Sapphire Foot File

', 'cls_4aea518fb2ae3.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (165, 6, 21, 'I-30', 'I-30 8" all purpose comb with sectioning teeth', 'cls_4aea501de52d2.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (166, 6, 21, 'I-40', 'I-40 8" Dressing comb with sectioning teeth', 'cls_4aea506a27413.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (155, 6, 21, '409B', '409B 7" tapering and barber comb', 'cls_4aea4c02aee60.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (156, 6, 21, '500B', '500B 8" tail comb with medium spaced teeth', 'cls_4aea4c875dd6d.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (157, 6, 21, '502B', '502B 8" tail comb with serrated teeth', 'cls_4aea4cd75e634.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (158, 6, 21, '510B', '510B 8" stainless steel pin tail comb with regular spaced teeth', 'cls_4aea4d2fc1499.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (159, 6, 21, '512B', '512B 8" stainless steel pin tail comb with serrated teeth', 'cls_4aea4d85ca517.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (160, 6, 21, '611B', '611B Wide tooth detangling comb with handle', 'cls_4aea4dd52fc4c.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (161, 6, 21, '614B', '614B Large wide tooth detangling comb', 'cls_4aea4e214cd53.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (162, 6, 21, '806B', '806B Tease-ez 3 row tease/styling brush with 5 prong stainless steel lift', 'cls_4aea4ec64b248.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (163, 6, 21, 'I-10', 'I-10 8" Barber comb with sectioning teeth', 'cls_4aea4f54370e3.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (164, 6, 21, 'I-20', 'I-20 8" classic cutting comb with sectioning teeth', 'cls_4aea4fa6404d0.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (152, 6, 21, '301B', '301B Styling comb with 5 prong plastic lift, teasing ridges on teeth', 'cls_4aea48e624591.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (153, 6, 21, '349B', '349B 8" cutting, dressing comb', 'cls_4aea4a6b0b0ac.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (154, 6, 21, '401B', '401B 7" cutting comb with reg. spaced teeth', 'cls_4aea4ad17122d.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (150, 6, 21, '102GB', '102GB Styling comb with 5 prong stainless steel lift, teasing ridges on teeth, comfort grip', 'cls_4aea47d00093f.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (151, 6, 21, '105GB', '102B Styling comb with 5 prong stainless steel lift, teasing ridges on teeth, with comfort grip', 'cls_4aea488ceef12.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (149, 6, 21, '102B', '102B Styling comb with 5 prong stainless steel lift, teasing ridges on teeth', 'cls_4aea473c7c629.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (148, 8, 22, 'MCB-41 Retractable Lip Brush', 'The small pointed bristle tip is ideal for smoothing in lip colors and lip lines.', 'cls_4aea45524e634.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (145, 8, 22, 'MCB-25 Basic Shadow', 'Designed to apply and blend eye shadow colors.', 'cls_4aea440cdb34d.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (146, 8, 22, 'MCB-27 Eye Line & Definer', 'Nylon bristles make it easy to apply eye liner and to fill in creases by your eyes.', 'cls_4aea446986c35.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (147, 8, 22, 'MCB-29 Hi-Lite/Blender', 'Great for application of a single color or for blending several eye shadow colors.', 'cls_4aea44bbae0e9.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (144, 8, 22, 'MCB-23 Crease Definer', 'Small bristle head is ideal for applying makeup into the eye’s creases. Great for smoothing colors too.', 'cls_4aea43b19e124.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (143, 8, 22, 'MCB-21 Double-Sided Lash and Brow Brush', 'The natural bristles blend liquids and eyebrow pencil color and help shape and contour your eyebrows. The curled brush is ideal for working on eyelashes, for separating eyelashes, removing mascara clots and can be used to brush your eyelashes from the center of the brow to the end.', 'cls_4aea434508226.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (142, 8, 22, 'MCB-13 Kabuki Brush', 'With a full head of the luxuriously soft, natural bristles, the Kabuki Brush provides a medium to full application for both the face and body. A must have for mineral and other powder applications.', 'cls_4aea42dbcf33f.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (141, 8, 22, 'MCB-11 Cheek Blusher', 'Angled bristles help in applying and smoothing in the colors you apply to your cheek.', 'cls_4aea4276b877d.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (140, 8, 22, 'MCB-9 Face Powder', 'The most basic brush for applying loose, unpacked powder to your face. Creates a smooth application.', 'cls_4aea41f58da6d.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (138, 8, 22, 'MCB-5 Foundation Liquid Cream', 'Made with nylon bristles so that liquid foundations are applied evenly, smoothly, and effortlessly.', 'cls_4aea40cca2939.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (139, 8, 22, 'MCB-7 Wet & Dry Double Sided Concealer', 'The one and only concealer brush. Use the large nylon bristle side for larger areas. Use the smaller nylon bristle side for more detail. Can be used with powder or liquid concealer.', 'cls_4aea41995167c.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (137, 8, 22, 'MCB-3 Powder Foundation Bronzer', 'Applies powder on all skin types. Gives a finished, professionally applied appearance and may be used to brush off excess powder, reducing or eliminating a “caked on” look.', 'cls_4aea4035990a1.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (136, 6, 23, 'Vented Air Styler', 'Vectra 137

\r\nTourmaline Bristles condition hair. Wonderful Brush for drying and styling.\r\nIdeal for volumizing.', 'cls_4aea3d9621dac.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (135, 6, 23, 'Ceramic/Tourmaline/Nano-Silver Boar & Nylon Rounders', 'Pre Softened penetrating boar distributes hair''s natural oils.Tourmaline Nylon bristles condition hair and are enforced for penetration. The handle holds a pic for sectioning and aid in styling hair.

\r\nVectra 125 (2” dia.)

\r\nVectra 130 (2-3/4” dia.)

\r\nVectra 135 (3” dia.)

', 'cls_4aea3cd75d8c1.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (134, 6, 23, 'Cushion Based Brushes - Nano Silver', 'Vectra 121 Nylon Cushion

\r\nTourmaline nylon bristles condition hair. Ideal "brush-out" brush for roller sets. Great for scalp conditioning.

\r\n\r\nVectra 122 Boar Cushion

\r\n100% Boar Bristle Brush – Keeps hair shining bright. Great for cleaning your hair of dead strands.

\r\n\r\nVectra 138 Paddle Brush

\r\nTourmaline bristles condition hair. Ideal for brush outs and creating volume. Staggered rows distribute mousses and gels.

', 'cls_4aea3bb28fa1a.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (133, 6, 23, 'Aerated Ceramic/Tourmaline/Nano-Silver Stylers', 'Quick dry ceramic barrel distributes heat evenly and rapidly. Tourmaline nylon bristles condition hair. Ideal for flips, bangs, and tendrils. The handle holds a \r\npic for sectioning and aid in styling hair.

\r\nVectra 114 (2” dia.)

\r\nVectra 116 (2-1/2” dia.)

\r\nVectra 118 (2-3/4” dia.)

', 'cls_4aea3a05ddf36.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (132, 6, 23, 'Domed Aerated Rounders', 'Domed brushes let one get close to the scalp for intricate styling results. The ceramic barrel rapidly and evenly distributes heat from your hair dryer. The ionic bristles leave hair supple, shiny, and healthy and make hair very manageable. The anti-bacterial powders in the bristles promote a clean and healthy head of hair.

\r\n\r\nVectra 83 (1-1/2” dia.)

\r\nVectra 85 (2” dia.)

\r\nVectra 87 (2-1/2” dia.)

\r\nVectra 89 (3” dia.)

', 'cls_4aea38dfe45c3.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (131, 6, 23, 'Aerated Ceramic/Ionic Stylers', 'Space-age ceramics help to insure even heat distribution, giving you fast drying and professional styling results every time! The barrel is infused with special ion generating minerals which enable the brush to leave hair silky smooth and give a healthy, shiny glow.

\r\n\r\nVectra 63 (1-1/2” dia.)

\r\nVectra 65 (2” dia.)

\r\nVectra 67 (2-1/2” dia.)

\r\nVectra 69 (3” dia.)

', 'cls_4aea37a96a38c.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (130, 6, 23, 'Vectra 75', 'The ceramic barrel assists in quick styling and drying. The tunnel style enhances air flow for great results. Perfect for hair volumizing.', 'cls_4aea369a71fd4.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (129, 6, 23, 'Ceramic Boar/Tourmaline Rounders And Ceramic Vent', 'Pure boar bristles ‘hold’ hair for excellent styling results. Tourmaline nylon assist in promoting healthier, more moist strands. Opposing directional rows are great for styling and creating volume.

\r\n\r\nVectra 53 (2-1/4” dia.)

\r\nVectra 55 (2-1/2” dia.)

\r\nVectra 57 (3-1/4” dia.)

', 'cls_4aea316e129a7.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (127, 6, 23, 'Vented Air Styling Tool', 'Vectra 15

\r\n\r\nThe rapid dry metal barrel assists in quick styling and drying. The tunnel style enhances air flow for great results. Perfect for hair volumizing.', 'cls_4aea2fdbaa591.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (128, 6, 23, 'Cushion Based Brushes', 'Vectra 27

\r\n\r\nDiagonally set bristle rows assist in distributing mousse and gel. Rectangular shape allows long sections to be styled at one time. Ball-tipped bristles are very gentle. The ideal sculpting brush.

\r\n\r\nVectra 29

\r\n\r\nNon-aligned bristle rows assure that each hair strand is ‘brushed’ enabling mousse and gel distribution. The large size is great for brushing out all hair lengths. The definitive paddle brush.', 'cls_4aea30af0303f.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (126, 6, 23, 'Vectra Aerated Stylers', 'The metal barrel absorbs heat from styling tools and assist in faster drying and styling. The aerated barrel permits air to flow thru to prevent fly away’ hair during drying and styling. The short boar reinforced nylon bristles penetrate easily and are ideal for quick sets. Ideal for bangs, flips, curls and brush outs.

\r\nVectra 3 (1-1/2” dia.)

\r\nVectra 5 (2” dia.)

\r\nVectra 7 (2-1/2” dia.)

\r\nVectra 9 (3” dia.)

', 'cls_4aea2e54c444b.jpg', '10-29-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (125, 6, 20, 'Italian #956', 'Italian rounders feature the finest wood and boar bristle, hand selected and graded. Italian crafted brushes for those looking for THE BEST quality and workmanship one can buy.

\r\n\r\n#956 2" diameter reinforced double concentrated boar bristle rounder with pin tail handle for sectioning.', 'cls_4ae1e73979ea6.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 14, 'Y', 'Y'), (123, 6, 20, 'Italian #955', 'Italian rounders feature the finest wood and boar bristle, hand selected and graded. Italian crafted brushes for those looking for THE BEST quality and workmanship one can buy.

\r\n\r\n#955 2-3/4" diameter reinforced double concentrated boar (50% more rows) bristle brush.', 'cls_4ae1e693227f7.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (124, 6, 20, 'Italian #955-XL', 'Italian rounders feature the finest wood and boar bristle, hand selected and graded. Italian crafted brushes for those looking for THE BEST quality and workmanship one can buy.

\r\n\r\n#955-XL 3" diameter reinforced double concentrated boar (50% more rows) bristle brush.', 'cls_4ae1e6e2638ae.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (122, 6, 20, 'Italian #954', 'Italian rounders feature the finest wood and boar bristle, hand selected and graded. Italian crafted brushes for those looking for THE BEST quality and workmanship one can buy.

\r\n\r\n#954 2-1/4" diameter reinforced double concentrated (50% more rows) bristle brush.', 'cls_4ae1e63e4f149.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (121, 6, 20, 'Japanese Cushion', '#898 Made in Japan.

\r\nSuper gentle nylon bristles in long tapered shape. Shiny black handle and bright white cushion.', 'cls_4ae1e5d0740e9.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 18, 'Y', 'Y'), (119, 6, 20, 'Italian #856', 'Italian rounders feature the finest wood and boar bristle, hand selected and graded. Italian crafted brushes for those looking for THE BEST quality and workmanship one can buy.

\r\n\r\n#856 2" diameter reinforced boar bristle with pin tail handle for sectioning.', 'cls_4ae1e38ccf633.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 13, 'Y', 'Y'), (120, 6, 20, 'Silverado Collection', 'Metal barrel, 100% natural boar bristle brushes penetrate and hold hair for perfect thermal styling. The metal barrel works like a curling iron when used with a hot blow dryer. Bubble rubber grips by the brush neck assist in brush rolling. Ergonomically designed wood handle feels just right.

\r\n\r\n#885 1-1/2" diameter styler for short hair.

\r\n#887 2" diameter styler for short to medium hair.

\r\n#889 2-1/4" diameter styler for medium to long hair.

\r\n#891 2-1/2" diameter styler for longer hair.', 'cls_4ae1e522e12d5.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 8, 'Y', 'Y'), (118, 6, 20, 'Italian #855', 'Italian rounders feature the finest wood and boar bristle, hand selected and graded. Italian crafted brushes for those looking for THE BEST quality and workmanship one can buy.

\r\n\r\n#855 3" diameter reinforced boar bristle set into superbly finished wood handle.', 'cls_4ae1e33972858.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (117, 6, 20, 'Italian #854', 'Italian rounders feature the finest wood and boar bristle, hand selected and graded. Italian crafted brushes for those looking for THE BEST quality and workmanship one can buy.

\r\n\r\n#854 2-1/4" diameter reinforced boar bristle set into superbly finished wood handle.', 'cls_4ae1e2dd44830.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (116, 6, 20, 'Italian #813', 'Italian rounders feature the finest wood and boar bristle, hand selected and graded. Italian crafted brushes for those looking for THE BEST quality and workmanship one can buy.

\r\n\r\n#813 1-3/4" diameter reinforced boar bristle set into superbly finished wood handle.', 'cls_4ae1e2620e38b.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 22, 'Y', 'Y'), (115, 6, 20, 'Calais Collection', 'Thermo styler rounders, these one piece aluminum barrel nylon bristle rounders, absorb heat for rapid styling and drying, great styling tools.

\r\n\r\n#400 1-3/4" diameter for shorter hair.

\r\n#405 2" diameter for short to mid hair lengths.

\r\n#410 2-1/4" diameter for mid to long hair lengths.

\r\n#415 2-1/2" diameter for longer hair lengths.', 'cls_4ae1e1a9e9982.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 9, 'Y', 'Y'), (113, 6, 20, 'Mini DeVille', '#352 100% Boar Bristle Rounder

\r\n#354 100% Boar Bristle Cushion Brush

\r\n#356 100% Boar Bristle Styling Brush

', 'cls_4ae1de8c6b8c1.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (114, 6, 20, 'Pronto', '• Concave barrel keeps hair from falling off brush and prevents tangles

\r\n• Ceramic aerated barrel dries rapidly

\r\n• Tourmaline and Nano Silver bristles

\r\n• Unique crimped nylon bristles penetrate like boar and style with ease

\r\n• Great for curls, tendrils, and bangs

\r\n• Ideal for getting ‘into’ thickest sections for great styling results

\r\n\r\n#360 1-1/2" dia. for shorter sections

\r\n#365 2" dia. for medium length sections

\r\n#370 2-1/2" dia. for mid to longer sections

\r\n#375 3" dia. for longest sections

', 'cls_4ae1e0eea60cf.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 6, 'Y', 'Y'), (111, 6, 20, 'Rotary', 'Ceramic and ionic barrel assists in stimulating moisture absorption, and increasing hair and scalp cell metabolism. 100% boar bristles assist in distributing natural oils, mousses, and gels, holding hair for superb styling results.

\r\n\r\n#282 4-1/4" diameter.', 'cls_4ae1dd9a31f9d.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 11, 'Y', 'Y'), (112, 6, 20, 'DeVille', '#342 100% boar bristle oval cushion brush.

\r\n#344 100% boar bristle paddle brush.

', 'cls_4ae1de12dc80c.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 17, 'Y', 'Y'), (110, 6, 20, 'Prego''', 'America’s most popular ceramic aerated rounders. The Prego’s ceramic aerated barrel heats up rapidly to assist in creating flips and bangs. The Prego’ brushes are reinforced with Tourmaline additives to promote breaking down of water molecules for hair absorption. The Nano-Siver Technology added to the bristles help keep hair ‘clean’ and smelling good.

\r\n\r\n#260 1-1/2" diameter for very short hair lengths.

\r\n#265 2" diameter for short hair lengths.

\r\n#270 2-1/2" diameter for short to medium hair lengths.

\r\n#275 3" diameter for medium hair lengths.

\r\n#277 3-1/2" diameter for medium to longer hair lengths.

\r\n#279 4" diameter for longest hair lengths.', 'cls_4ae1dc56adcf4.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 1, 'Y', 'Y'), (109, 6, 20, 'Optical', 'The soft, foam ribbed grip handles may cause an “optical” illusion, but the results of these 2 brush families will be something worth seeing.

\r\n\r\nAll 6 Optical brushes feature a quick dry ceramic barrel which cuts styling and setting time. The ribbed grip feels good and makes it easy to rotate the brush.

\r\n\r\nOptical Boar and Tipped Penetrating Nylon Bristles

\r\n#222 1-3/4" diameter for short hair.

\r\n#224 2-1/4" diameter for short to medium hair.

\r\n#226 2-1/2" diameter for medium to long hair.', 'cls_4ae1da65719f9.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 7, 'Y', 'Y'), (108, 6, 20, 'Super Looper', 'People are buying extensions, wigs, you name it – by the millions. NOW... a brush that specializes in brushing and styling without damaging hair strands, bases, knots, or bonds. Each looped bristle is too large to ‘cut’ hair like ordinary pointed bristles. 2 sizes available: 1 for home and 1 for travel.

\r\n\r\n#213 Small

\r\n#215 Large

', 'cls_4ae1d958159eb.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 21, 'Y', 'Y'), (107, 6, 20, 'Touché Styling Assortment', 'Touché Styling Brushes feature ergonomically designed foam handles for lightweight fatigue-free use all day.

\r\n\r\n#121 Large oval nylon bristle general brush out cushion brush.

\r\n#122 Large oval 100% boar bristle styling and finishing brush.

\r\n#137 Tunnel Vent for drying and volumizing.

\r\n#138 Paddle Brush for mousse’ and gel distribution.

\r\n#139 Flexible nylon sculpting brush ideal for styling.', 'cls_4ae1d832544c2.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 10, 'Y', 'Y'), (106, 6, 20, 'Touché Boar Reinforced Bristle Rounder', 'Elegant styling tools with a unique bristle innovation. The reinforced boar bristles are slightly offset so they very effectively penetrate and hold hair for great styling results. This ‘offsetting of bristles’ makes the bristles feel very soft, too.

\r\n\r\n#120 1-3/4" diameter for short hair.

\r\n#125 2-1/4" diameter for short to medium hair.

\r\n#130 2-1/2" diameter for medium to long hair.

\r\n#135 3" diameter for long hair.

\r\n#136 3-1/2" diameter for longest hair.

', 'cls_4ae1d6296a6ba.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 5, 'Y', 'Y'), (105, 6, 20, 'Little Wonder', 'Elevated colorful Tourmaline enhanced nylon bristles penetrate any hair texture while emitting negative ions for hair conditioning. Adjacent rows of pure boar bristle easily pick up hair. Just right length tail handle for picking up hair sections. Created for back brushing, creating volume, and teasing.

', 'cls_4ae1d5b877739.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 12, 'Y', 'Y'), (104, 6, 20, 'Touché Nylon Bristle Aerated Thermo Rounder', 'The Aerated Touché Thermo Styler has a metal aerated barrel with nylon bristle for volumizing and thermo styling.

\r\n\r\n#110 1-1/2" diameter for short hair.

\r\n#112 1-3/4" diameter for short to medium hair.

\r\n#114 2" diameter for medium to long hair.

\r\n#116 2-1/2" diameter for long hair.

\r\n#118 3" diameter for very long hair.

\r\n#118-XL 3-1/2" diameter for longest hair.

', 'cls_4ae1d40a170b9.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 2, 'Y', 'Y'), (102, 6, 20, 'German Porcupine Cushion', 'OVAL

\r\n#25 Made in Germany. Large attractive wooden handle brush. Boar styling bristles leave hair with excellent shine and porcupine nylon bristles penetrate the hair.', 'cls_4ae1cde963efa.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 19, 'Y', 'Y'), (103, 6, 20, 'Pico', 'Pico domed rounders, nylon bristle and aluminum dome barrel allow for complete thermo styling control. Domed design allows the brush to get close to the scalp and hair line, and to pick up hair for styling with blow dryers. Adds volume and dries hair quickly.

\r\n\r\n#42 1-1/2" diameter for short hair.

\r\n#44 2" diameter for short to medium hair lengths.

\r\n#46 2-1/2" diameter for medium to long hair.

\r\n#48 3" diameter for longest hair length.

', 'cls_4ae1cf538f3c2.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 3, 'Y', 'Y'), (101, 6, 20, 'Pink Classic Cushion', 'Help us fight breast cancer!

\r\n• Soft, flexible cushion

\r\n• Gentle nylon bristles', 'cls_4ae1cd05be624.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (100, 6, 20, 'Oval Cushion Collection', 'Spornette International has a large selection of Classic Cushion brushes. These brushes all feature rubber cushions which give floating action to the bristle. The cushion creates “give” permitting hair to slide over the bristles. This reduces snarling and tangles.


\r\n#11 Medium oval nylon bristle brush out cushion brush.

\r\n#21 Large oval nylon bristle brush out cushion brush.

\r\n#21-BW Large oval 100% boar bristle styling and finishing brush.', 'cls_4ae1cc14dfe11.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 20, 'Y', 'Y'), (99, 6, 20, 'Taegu', 'The ideal brushes for thermo styling. The heat absorbing aluminum barrel helps the blow dryer add volume and style, short nylon bristles work easily thru hair. Open barrel design for quick drying.

\r\n\r\n#6 3/4" diameter for very short hair lengths.

\r\n#8 1" diameter for short hair length

\r\n#12 1-1/2" diameter for short to medium hair lengths.

\r\n#14 2" diameter for medium hair length.

\r\n#16 2-1/2" diameter for medium to longer hair lengths.

\r\n#16-XL 3" diameter for longest hair length.', 'cls_4ae1caae12b8a.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 4, 'Y', 'Y'), (97, 6, 20, 'Mini Styling Tools', '#HB-1 3/4" diameter nylon rounder. Ideal for brushing out shortest hair and curls.

\r\n#HB-2 3/4" diameter boar bristle rounder.

Ideal for picking up shortest hair and curls.

', 'cls_4ae1c892712dc.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 15, 'Y', 'Y'), (98, 6, 20, 'Styling Brushes', '#V-5 Popular 5 row nylon bristle basic styling brush.

\r\n#V-7 Popular 7 row nylon bristle basic styling brush.

', 'cls_4ae1c9ddd72c6.jpg', '10-23-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 16, 'Y', 'Y'), (175, 6, 20, 'Double Stranded XL Nylon Rounders', 'Double stranded nylon bristles are permanently ball tipped for gentleness. The bristles are soft and flexible, yet strong enough to penetrate any hair texture.

\r\n\r\nOften copied... never duplicated!

\r\n\r\n#960-XL 1-3/4" diameter double stranded ball tip nylon ideal for shorter hair lengths.

\r\n#962-XL 2" diameter double stranded ball tip nylon ideal for mid to long hair lengths.

\r\n#964-XL 2-1/2" diameter double stranded ball tip nylon for longer hair lengths.

', 'cls_4b19bab1615c7.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (176, 6, 20, 'Small Nylon Cushion', '#1000 Personal size nylon bristle cushion brush, ideal for travel.', 'cls_4b19bbd0595b0.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (177, 6, 20, 'Wire Pin', '#1204-PT Rectangular poly-tipped wire pin cushion brush.

\r\n#1204 Wire pin rectangular cushion brush.

\r\n\r\nDesigned for brushing out wigs', 'cls_4b19bc6ad38b4.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (178, 6, 20, 'Prix', '• Hour glass shaped bristle pattern

\r\n• Tipped tourmaline bristles penetrate

\r\n• Boar bristles hold for styling and setting

\r\n• Light weight foam handle for styling control

\r\n\r\n#1300 2" diameter

\r\n#1305 2.5" diameter

\r\n#1310 3" diameter

\r\n#1311 3.5" diameter', 'cls_4b19bed6de258.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (179, 6, 20, 'Provo Collection', 'Boar & Tourmaline enhanced nylon bristle. Contoured bristle pattern “centers” hair for great styling and “gripping” results. Light weight foam gripped contoured core makes using the PROVO a dream. 4 diameters - 1 for any hair length.

\r\n\r\n#1400 2" dia. for shorter hair sections

\r\n#1405 2-1/2" dia. for mid-length hair sections

\r\n#1410 3" dia. for longer hair sections

\r\n#1411 3-1/2" dia. for longest hair sections

\r\n\r\nProvo brushes feature HOUR GLASS SHAPED brush cores and bristle patterns for securely gathering hair for superior styling results. A quick TWIST OF THE WRIST for styling and holding. NO TWIST... JUST BRUSH for brushing out!', 'cls_4b19c2c46b0fd.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (180, 6, 20, 'Coco', 'Tipped Tourmaline nylon for penetration and Ion emitting properties combined with fine boar bristles that style and condition. Ceramic rapid “heat ‘n dry” barrel. Easy grip rubber handle. Unbreakable solid one piece wooden core handle.

\r\n\r\n#1500 2" dia. for shorter hair lengths

\r\n#1505 2-1/4" dia. for medium hair lengths

\r\n#1510 3" dia. for longer hair lengths

', 'cls_4b19c3a2ee792.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (181, 6, 20, 'Ovation', 'Boar rounders with Tourmaline enhanced conditioning nylon. Vented for faster drying and styling. Perfectly balanced handle and barrel section. 3 diameters, for all hair lengths.

\r\n\r\n#1600 1-3/4" dia. for shorter sections.

\r\n#1605 2-1/2" dia. for medium length sections.

\r\n#1610 3" dia. for longer sections.

', 'cls_4b19c4478c528.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (182, 6, 20, 'Opera', 'Patented pop-up cushion brush with last glance mirror! Colorful, attractive, functional, very compact and very useful. An ideal gift for any season, any reason!

\r\n\r\n#2004', 'cls_4b19c54418ce4.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (183, 6, 20, 'Zhu', '• The body of the brushes are made with rapidly replenishing bamboo.

\r\n\r\n• The paddle is made with permanently ball tipped, tourmaline nylon bristles and distributes mousses and gels while conditioning one’s scalp.

\r\n\r\n• The aerated rounders feature a ceramic barrel with tourmaline nylon bristles that create flips, bangs and curls with ease.

\r\n\r\n• The boar and ball tipped tourmaline nylon bristle rounders penetrate and style with ease and are great for straightening hair.

\r\n\r\n#2105 2.25" diameter aerated

\r\n#2110 2.5" diameter aerated

\r\n#2115 2" diameter boar/nylon round

\r\n#2120 2.5" diameter boar/nylon round

\r\n#2125 Large rectangular paddle', 'cls_4b19c61c53fb0.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (184, 6, 20, 'Zhu II', 'Spornette took the concept of combining rapidly reproducing bamboo and compressed cork (madeira) particles to make the new ZHU II Collection. Environmentally friendly. No slip grip makes it easy to hold and use the brush. Pure boar bristles hold for styling. Tourmaline enhanced nylon bristles help condition.

\r\n\r\n#2240 1-3/4" dia. boar rounder

\r\n#2250 2-1/2" dia. boar rounder

\r\n#2260 2-3/4" dia. boar rounder

\r\n#2270 Boar bristle cushion', 'cls_4b19c793da3a7.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (185, 6, 20, 'Nylon Tipped Paddle', '#5100 Convex shape lets you slightly roll the brush, which makes it easy to penetrate into a hairline for ease in mousse and gel distribution.

\r\n#5160 “My Favorite Brush” ideal medium-size rectangular anti-static wooden paddle \r\ncushion. Flexible bristles set in a random pattern ensures that every hair strand will be brushed.

\r\n#5161 Spornette’s original large wooden paddle cushion brush. Anti-static flexible bristles set in a random pattern.', 'cls_4b19c85d3748e.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (186, 6, 20, 'Pink Paddle', 'For every Pink Paddle brush purchased, Spornette will make a donation to Breast Cancer Research Centers.

\r\n\r\nSpornette’s Pink Paddle features permanently ball tipped nylon bristles that are offset on a flexible pad so that mousses and gels are thoroughly distributed while brushing out hair. The Pink Paddle brush is an ideal brush-out brush as well.

\r\n\r\n#5200', 'cls_4b19c9b294794.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (187, 6, 20, 'Pink Styling Tools', '#5601 Excellent volumizing vent

\r\n#5602 Superior sculpting tool

', 'cls_4b19ca2284e5b.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (188, 6, 20, 'Icera', 'Ionic CERAmic. Ionic bristles help break down water molecules for rapid absorption into the hair, which promotes healthier, shinier hair. The ceramic barrel absorbs heat so hair will dry faster and hair styles will last longer. Spornette’s Icera brushes combine both properties in 2 brush styles to give you great results.

\r\nCeramic aerated barrel with ionic nylon bristles

\r\n#6010 1-1/2" diameter for short hair.

\r\n#6015 2" diameter for medium to long hair.

\r\n#6020 2-1/2" diameter for long hair.

', 'cls_4b19cab4be6de.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (189, 6, 20, 'Icera Boar', 'Ceramic barrel with boar and ionic nylon bristles

\r\n#6035 2" diameter for short hair.

\r\n#6040 2-1/2" diameter for medium to long hair.

\r\n#6045 3" diameter for long hair.

', 'cls_4b19cb7c09a1f.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (190, 6, 20, 'Metro Collection', 'Anti-static rubberized grip professional styling tools.

\r\n\r\n#9000-MF Metro flow anti-static ‘basic’ vent styling tool penetrates easily for styling, drying and volumizing. Ball tipped for gentleness to scalp.

\r\n#9020-MT Metro anti-static brush features heat absorbing, aerated curved metal back which creates a tunnel resulting in greater air-flow for faster styling, drying, and volumizing.

\r\n#9050-MMF Mini flow anti-static, personal size vented airflow design styling tool.', 'cls_4b19cc0895560.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (191, 6, 20, 'Assorted Vents', 'Vent brushes all feature open vents which permit air, directed from blow dryers, to go through hair sections for ease in styling, volumizing and drying.

\r\n\r\n#9200-G Skeleton style open sided air styler allows airflow penetration thoroughly thru the hair.

\r\n#9300 Large “W” shape closed vent brush holds hair very well for easy styling. An excellent air styler.

', 'cls_4b19cc96bafe5.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (192, 6, 20, 'Assorted Porcupines', 'The Porcupine family of styling brushes feature a unique combination of boar and nylon bristles. The white nylon bristles are extended for deep penetrability into any hair texture. They are especially useful for penetrating damp hair. The black boar bristles can then hold the hair for super styling results, as well as assist in the distribution of natural oils. Five sizes of rounders are available including the aerated G-36J, a 4-1/2" diameter jumbo rounder!

\r\n\r\n#G-9 1-3/4" diameter size rounder, reinforced boar with nylon porcupine, spiral row bristle for short to mid-length hair. Pin tail handle for sectioning.

\r\n#G-36 2" diameter rounder for medium to long hair, reinforced boar with nylon porcupine bristle.

\r\n#G-36XL 3" diameter rounder for long hair lengths, reinforced boar with nylon porcupine bristle.

\r\n#G-36XXL 3-1/2" diameter rounder for longer hair lengths, reinforced boar with nylon porcupine bristle.

\r\n#G-36J 4-1/2" diameter rounder for longest hair lengths, reinforced boar with nylon porcupine bristle.

', 'cls_4b19cd2f9d34b.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), (193, 6, 20, '1" Boar Rounder', '#G-40 1" diameter aerated rounder— the always popular boar bristle bottle brush. Great for shorter hair lengths.', 'cls_4b19ce45dfff1.jpg', '12-04-2009', 0, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `hotbeauty_review` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hotbeauty_review`; CREATE TABLE `hotbeauty_review` ( `ReviewID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `CustomerID` int(11) NOT NULL, `ProductID` int(11) NOT NULL, `Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Review` text NOT NULL, `Date` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Status` enum('Y','N') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ReviewID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=7 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hotbeauty_review` -- INSERT INTO `hotbeauty_review` (`ReviewID`, `CustomerID`, `ProductID`, `Title`, `Review`, `Date`, `Status`) VALUES (3, 1, 2, 'Hello this is test review', 'Hello I am a goodboy.1', '10-15-2009, 04:10 am', 'Y'), (4, 1, 2, 'Hello', 'Hello I am a goodboy.', '10-15-2009, 04:10 am', 'N'), (5, 1, 2, 'Hello this is test review', 'It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters,', '10-15-2009, 06:10 am', 'Y'), (6, 1, 4, 'Best Product', 'This one is best product', '10-15-2009, 07:10 am', 'Y'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `hotbeauty_shipping` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hotbeauty_shipping`; CREATE TABLE `hotbeauty_shipping` ( `ShippingID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `MinRange` float NOT NULL, `MaxRange` float NOT NULL, `Price` float NOT NULL, `Status` enum('Y','N') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ShippingID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=4 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hotbeauty_shipping` -- INSERT INTO `hotbeauty_shipping` (`ShippingID`, `MinRange`, `MaxRange`, `Price`, `Status`) VALUES (1, 0, 50, 5.95, 'Y'), (2, 51, 99, 6.95, 'Y'), (3, 100, 10000, 8.95, 'Y'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `hotbeauty_shipping_address` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hotbeauty_shipping_address`; CREATE TABLE `hotbeauty_shipping_address` ( `ShipAddressId` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `OrderID` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Fname` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Lname` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Email` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `AddressLine1` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `AddressLine2` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Street Address Line 3` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `PostCode` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `City` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `State` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Country` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Phone` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Company Name` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Contact Tel Ext` int(11) NOT NULL, `Contact Fax` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `Res Ind` int(11) NOT NULL, `Loc ID` varchar(11) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '-1', `Cons Ind` int(11) NOT NULL, `Account Number` varchar(11) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '-1', `Acc Postal Cd` varchar(11) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '-1', `Export` enum('N','Y') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default 'N', `Status` enum('Y','N') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ShipAddressId`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=228 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hotbeauty_shipping_address` -- INSERT INTO `hotbeauty_shipping_address` (`ShipAddressId`, `OrderID`, `Fname`, `Lname`, `Email`, `AddressLine1`, `AddressLine2`, `Street Address Line 3`, `PostCode`, `City`, `State`, `Country`, `Phone`, `Company Name`, `Contact Tel Ext`, `Contact Fax`, `Res Ind`, `Loc ID`, `Cons Ind`, `Account Number`, `Acc Postal Cd`, `Export`, `Status`) VALUES (1, '', 'Suman', 'Nandy', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', '78, Bansdroni', '', '', '94043', 'Mountain View', 'NY', 'US', '000-000-0000', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (2, '', 'Suman', 'Nandy', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', '78, Bansdroni', '', '', '94043', 'Mountain View', 'NY', 'US', '000-000-0000', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (3, '', 'Suman', 'Nandy', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', '78, Bansdroni', '', '', '94043', 'Mountain View', 'NY', 'US', '000-000-0000', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (4, '', 'Suman', 'Nandy', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', '78, Bansdroni', '', '', '94043', 'Mountain View', 'NY', 'US', '000-000-0000', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (5, '', 'Suman', 'Nandy', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', '78, Bansdroni', '', '', '94043', 'Mountain View', 'NY', 'US', '000-000-0000', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (6, '', 'Suman', 'Nandy', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', '78, Bansdroni', '', '', '94043', 'Mountain View', 'NY', 'US', '000-000-0000', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (7, '', 'Suman', 'Nandy', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', '78, Bansdroni', '', '', '94043', 'Mountain View', 'NY', 'US', '000-000-0000', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (8, '', 'Suman', 'Nandy', 'smr.shib@gmail.com', '78, Bansdroni', '', '', '94043', 'Mountain View', 'NY', 'US', '000-000-0000', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (9, '', 'Michael', 'Ayalon', 'michael@petwebdesigner.com', '401 Cedar Lane', '', '', '11554', 'East Meadow', 'NY', 'US', '516-538-0933', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (10, '', 'Janet', 'Missano', 'jjjcc@gmail.com', '2828 Robert Lane', '', '', '11710', 'No. Bellmore', 'NY', 'US', '5162214340', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (11, '', 'Janet', 'Missano', 'jjjcc@gmail.com', '2828 Robert Lane', '', '', '11710', 'No. Bellmore', 'NY', 'US', '5162214340', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (12, '', 'Janet', 'Missano', 'jjjcc@gmail.com', '2828 Robert Lane', '', '', '11710', 'No. Bellmore', 'NY', 'US', '5162214340', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (13, '', 'JEFF', 'TRICHON', 'DIAMONDBEAUTY@gmail.com', '25 TIOGA DR', '', '', '11753', 'JERICHO', 'NY', 'US', '5169314985', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (14, '', 'john', 'missano', 'jmissano@gmail.com', '2828 Robert Lane', '', '', '11710', 'No. Bellmore', 'NY', 'US', '5162214340', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (15, '', 'john', 'missano', 'jmissano@gmail.com', '2828 Robert Lane', '', '', '11710', 'No. Bellmore', 'NY', 'US', '5162214340', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (16, '', 'Raymond E', 'Johns', 'shellfox31@hotmail.com', '6472 West Appomattox Lane', '', '', '34448-1646', 'Homosassa', 'FL', 'US', '3526282841', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (17, '', 'CHRISTINE', 'GALLEGOS', 'CHRISTINESGOLDCANDLES@YAHOO.COM', '4601 MESA ENCANTADA CT', '', '', '87120', 'ALBUQUERQUE', 'NM', 'US', '5052282305', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (18, '', 'LUCIA', 'KEMOKAI', 'FLORYVYANU@GMAIL.COM', '420 E OHIO ST., AP.13A', '', '', '60611', 'CHICAGO', 'IL', 'US', '3123074305', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (19, '', 'Virginia', 'Mendez', 'vmendezjp@gmail.com', '2914 Shadow Bend', '', '', '78230', 'San Antonio', 'TX', 'US', '210-264-2840', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (20, '', 'Deb', 'Newell', 'catndogs@comcast.net', '18 Winding River Lane', '', '', '34449', 'Inglis', 'FL', 'US', '352-302-0153', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (21, '', 'Stephanie', 'Frink', 'stephaniefrink@att.net', '1629 Calabasa Drive', '', '', '95648', 'Lincoln', 'CA', 'US', '916-316-8416', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (22, '', 'laura', 'potgeter', 'laurapotgeter@yahoo.com', '9367 shady creek lane', '', '', '49460', 'West Olive', 'MI', 'US', '616-892-4545', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (23, '', 'laura', 'potgeter', 'laurapotgeter@yahoo.com', '9367 shady creek lane', '', '', '49460', 'West Olive', 'MI', 'US', '616-892-4545', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (24, '', 'antoinette', 'termini', 'chebe4567@aol.com', '1940 N.e. 5th ave.', '', '', '33431', 'boca raton', 'FL', 'US', '716 553-5280', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (25, '', 'antoinette', 'termini', 'chebe4567@aol.com', '1940 N.e. 5th ave.', '', '', '33431', 'boca raton', 'FL', 'US', '716 553-5280', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (26, '', 'aviva', 'kane', 'kanenator@gmail.com', '200 lexington ave', 'apt 4f', '', '11771', 'oyster bay', 'NY', 'US', '5167702321', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (27, '', 'Benita', 'Low', 'Benita@email.com', '124 Fountain Ave.', 'Apt. B', '', '93950', 'Pacific Grove', 'CA', 'US', '831-372-8256', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (28, '', 'Nancy', 'Bryant', 'nancy.bryant2@verizon.net', '1 Las Olas Circle #1002', '', '', '33316', 'Ft. Lauderdale', 'FL', 'US', '954-828-1400', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (29, '', 'Pamela', 'Burkhart', 'cpjburk@sbcglobal.net', '1305 N. Mill St.', '', '', '76230', 'Bowie', 'TX', 'US', '940-872-6207', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (30, '', 'Pamela', 'Burkhart', 'cpjburk@sbcglobal.net', '1305 N. Mill St.', '', '', '76230', 'Bowie', 'TX', 'US', '940-872-6207', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (31, '', 'Pamela', 'Burkhart', 'cpjburk@sbcglobal.net', '1305 N. Mill St.', '', '', '76230', 'Bowie', 'TX', 'US', '940-872-6207', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (32, '', 'Lyndsay', 'Katauskas', 'lyndsayfred007@yahoo.com', '3 E Perry Circle', '', '', '21402', 'Annapolis', 'MD', 'US', '310-686-4194', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (33, '', 'Sally', 'Garber', 'sallygarber@comcast.net', '13451 Sunrise Dr', '', '', '17214', 'Blue Ridge Summit', 'PA', 'US', '7177942144', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (34, '', 'betty', 'dukes', 'bettydukes670@gmail.com', '63 coleman rd.', '', '', '33880', 'winter haven', 'FL', 'US', '8632991434', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (35, '', 'craig', 'seitz', 'veryfurry12@yahoo.com', '5209 konic ct', '', '', '92509', 'riverside', 'CA', 'US', '310 9900079', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (36, '', 'Ann', 'Wieber', 'tjw4@cornell.edu', '416 N Sheldon Rd', '', '', '48170', 'Plymouth', 'MI', 'US', '7344550859', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (37, '', 'sherry', 'lavin', 'slavin35@hotmail.com', '10505 east cactus rd', '', '', '85259', 'scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '4808073758', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (38, '', 'ali', 'pickens', 'blondyap177@yahoo.com', '223 s garfield st', '', '', '74074', 'stillwater', 'OK', 'US', '4692364845', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (39, '', 'ali', 'pickens', 'blondyap177@yahoo.com', '223 s garfield st', '', '', '74074', 'stillwater', 'OK', 'US', '4692364845', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (40, '', 'ali', 'pickens', 'blondyap177@yahoo.com', '223 s garfield st', '', '', '74074', 'stillwater', 'OK', 'US', '4692364845', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (41, '', 'Carol Lee', 'Wax', 'clwax@aol.com', '834 Marion', '', '', '60035', 'Highland Park', 'IL', 'US', '847-682-4640', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (42, '', 'Kristin', 'Jenkins', 'kmjen66@gmail.com', '2716 Mulberry Drive', '', '', '44870', 'Sandusky', 'OH', 'US', '4196256879', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (43, '', 'NIna', 'Doxey', 'gedoxey@gmail.com', '5544 S 3050 W', '', '', '84067', 'Roy', 'UT', 'US', '8015254641', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (44, '', 'Ellen', 'McLean', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', '1313 Aspen Drive', '', '', '21804', 'Salisbury', 'MD', 'US', '410-334-6280', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (45, '', 'Ellen', 'McLean', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', '1313 Aspen Drive', '', '', '21804', 'Salisbury', 'MD', 'US', '410-334-6280', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (46, '', 'Ellen', 'McLean', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', '1313 Aspen Drive', '', '', '21804', 'Salisbury', 'MD', 'US', '410-334-6280', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (47, '', 'Xiaoying', 'Lu', 'xylu05chem@yahoo.com', '1257 Gibbs Ave', '', '', '55108', 'Saint Paul', 'MN', 'US', '6124625747', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (48, '', 'Xiaoying', 'Lu', 'xylu05chem@yahoo.com', '1257 Gibbs Ave', '', '', '55108', 'Saint Paul', 'MN', 'US', '6124625747', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (49, '', 'kathleen', 'schwartzman', 'ajahk9@verizon.net', '74 oakway rd', '', '', '21093', 'lutherville', 'MD', 'US', '410-252-6055', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (50, '', 'kathleen', 'schwartzman', 'ajahk9@verizon.net', '74 oakway rd', '', '', '21093', 'lutherville', 'MD', 'US', '410-252-6055', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (51, '', 'Ellen', 'McLean', 'elliemclean@gmail.com', '1313 Aspen Drive', '', '', '21804', 'Salisbury', 'MD', 'US', '410-334-6280', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (52, '', 'antoinette', 'termini', 'whatshotbeauty@aol.com', '1940 NE 5th ave', '', '', '33431', 'boca raton', 'FL', 'US', '716-553-5280', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (53, '', 'Amy', 'Burkett', 'burkettinc@hotmail.com', '24286 Chokecherry Lane', '', '', '80401', 'Golden', 'CO', 'US', '303-898-5879', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (54, '', 'allyson', 'glass', 'paccpj@aol.com', '33 forest drive', '', '', '77320', 'huntsville', 'TX', 'US', '9362938780', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (55, '', 'allyson', 'glass', 'paccpj@aol.com', '33 forest drive', '', '', '77320', 'huntsville', 'TX', 'US', '9362938780', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (56, '', 'Karen', 'McCuddin', 'karenm964@charter.net', '17646 Iberia Avenue', '', '', '55044', 'Lakeville', 'MN', 'US', '952-236-9402', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (57, '', 'Jodie', 'Kurilic', 'jodie@gardnerinsurance.com', '503 E Stoneway Drive', '', '', '44870', 'Sandusky', 'OH', 'US', '419-626-8373', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (58, '', 'christine', 'stonisch', 'tinastonisch@hotmail.com', '545 west brown st', '', '', '48009', 'birmingham', 'MI', 'US', '248-723-9342', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (59, '', 'Robert', 'Price', 'xrprice@gmail.com', '1214 NW 19th Terrace', '', '', '33445', 'Delray Beach', 'FL', 'US', '561-445-3285', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (60, '', 'Karissa', 'Johnsen', 'joka0303@gmail.com', '4721 West Braddock Road', '', '', '22311', 'Alexandria', 'VA', 'US', '763-559-1071', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (61, '', 'joy', 'wall', 'jwall63@embarqmail.com', '405 arlington street', '', '', '27030', 'mount airy', 'NC', 'US', '3367865940', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (62, '', 'Pamela', 'Marrache', 'pmarrache@yahoo.com', '347 Eighth Street', '', '', '54952', 'Menasha', 'WI', 'US', '920-729-6437', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (63, '', 'Lynn', 'Miller', 'lyntel@bellsouth.net', '4388 Hwy 49 W', '', '', '37181', 'Vanleer', 'TN', 'US', '615-763-0275', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (64, '', 'Jason', 'Riley', 'jjr12564@gmail.com', '109 Overdale Road', '', '', '15221', 'Pittsburgh', 'PA', 'US', '412-626-1094', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (65, '', 'Michelle', 'Calhoun', 'calhounmi@yahoo.com', '7216 Brae Court', '', '', '60031', 'Gurnee', 'IL', 'US', '847-856-8096', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (66, '', 'Marylou', 'Louro', 'maryloulouro@yahoo.com', '1250 San Dieguito Dr', '', '', '92024', 'Encinitas', 'CA', 'US', '760-753-2140', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (67, '', 'Jamie', 'Duke', 'Jmendave@aol.com', '2190 Gibraltar Glen', '', '', '92029', 'Escondido', 'CA', 'US', '760-739-1595', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (68, '', 'Jamie', 'Duke', 'Jmendave@aol.com', '2190 Gibraltar Glen', '', '', '92029', 'Escondido', 'CA', 'US', '760-739-1595', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (69, '', 'Jamie', 'Duke', 'Jmendave@aol.com', '2190 Gibraltar Glen', '', '', '92029', 'Escondido', 'CA', 'US', '760-739-1595', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (70, '', 'Jamie', 'Duke', 'Jmendave@aol.com', '2190 Gibraltar Glen', '', '', '92029', 'Escondido', 'CA', 'US', '760-739-1595', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (71, '', 'Jamie', 'Duke', 'Jmendave@aol.com', '2190 Gibraltar Glen', '', '', '92029', 'Escondido', 'CA', 'US', '760-739-1595', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (72, '', 'Jamie', 'Duke', 'Jmendave@aol.com', '2190 Gibraltar Glen', '', '', '92029', 'Escondido', 'CA', 'US', '760-739-1595', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (73, '', 'mary', 'davis', 'madawh@suddenlink.net', '216 fairlawn', '', '', '75771', 'hideaway', 'TX', 'US', '903 881 8822', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (74, '', 'Michelle', 'Fitzgerald', 'Fitzmabel@aol.com', 'P. O. Box 35', '', '', '03284', 'Springfield', 'NH', 'US', '603-763-7349', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (75, '', 'Alina', 'Driver', 'alina.driver@yahoo.com', '1010 Seminole Drive #903', '', '', '33304', 'Fort Lauderdale', 'FL', 'US', '301-922-5130', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (76, '', 'Bea', 'Cote', 'abellacooper@gmail.com', '5922 Bayswater Lane', '', '', '28212', 'Charlotte', 'NC', 'US', '704-535-8481', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (77, '', 'Wade', 'Fleming', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', '4 Cedar Ave', '', '', '20877-1913', 'Gaithersburg', 'MD', 'US', '301.461.5818', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (78, '', 'Wade', 'Fleming', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', '4 Cedar Ave', '', '', '20877-1913', 'Gaithersburg', 'MD', 'US', '301.461.5818', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (79, '', 'Wade', 'Fleming', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', '4 Cedar Ave', '', '', '20877-1913', 'Gaithersburg', 'MD', 'US', '301.461.5818', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (80, '', 'Wade', 'Fleming', 'mrsureseal@usa.net', '4 Cedar Ave', '', '', '20877-1913', 'Gaithersburg', 'MD', 'US', '301.461.5818', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (81, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (82, '', 'Sandra', 'Borges', 'sandrastar84@comcast.net', '191 Pleasant Street', '', '', '01852', 'Lowell', 'MA', 'US', '9787104560', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (83, '', 'Irene', 'Ostrovsky', 'valandirene@gmail.com', 'c/o Louis Glick Co. 48th floor', '1271 Avenue of the Americas', '', '10020', 'New York', 'NY', 'US', '212-259-0315', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (84, '', 'David', 'LaFountain', 'dlafountain@kc.rr.com', '6429 Jefferson', '', '', '64113', 'Kansas City', 'MO', 'US', '816-523-6474', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (85, '', 'Marianne', 'Burkhead', 'marianneburkhead@comcast.net', '1809 Bancroft Way', '', '', '94703', 'Berkeley', 'CA', 'US', '510-325-0570', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (86, '', 'Jeri', 'Mosnick', 'jeri.delvecchio-mosnick@novartis.com', '32 Amendola Drive', '', '', '07857', 'Netcong', 'NJ', 'US', '973-769-6290', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (87, '', 'Joe', 'Godlewski', 'cjem14@comcast.net', '4524 Todd Pt La', '', '', '21219', 'Balto.', 'MD', 'US', '4104774362', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (88, '', 'Patricia', 'Suastegui', 'psuastegui@verizon.net', '10052 Sideview Dr.', '', '', '90240', 'Downey', 'CA', 'US', '562-923-8130', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (89, '', 'Lori', 'Wright', 'Lori.Hoeffner@gmail.com', '315 N Jefferson St #202', '', '', '60661', 'Chicago', 'IL', 'US', '3125750017', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (90, '', 'Lizbeth', 'Overton', 'meofcours@comcast.net', '10184 Gatemont Circle', '', '', '95624', 'Elk Grove', 'CA', 'US', '916-897-9567', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (91, '', 'Colleen', 'Hawes', 'cocohawes@hotmail.com', '6427 NE 129th Place', '', '', '98034', 'Kirkland', 'WA', 'US', '425.823.5329', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (92, '', 'Judith', 'Englehardt', 'jude9090@live.com', '9090 Brandy Lane', '', '', '33467', 'Lake Worth', 'FL', 'US', '5619651281', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (93, '', 'Corrie', 'Houp', 'clhoup@comcast.net', '4 Houp Ln', '', '', '15601', 'Greensburg', 'PA', 'US', '7242442911', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (94, '', 'Domenica', 'Benacquista', 'domenica12@comcast.net', '40050 Saddlewood', '', '', '48313', 'Sterling Heights', 'MI', 'US', '5864191303', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (95, '', 'santa', 'Quintana', 'cocomarcobia@gmail.com', '9964 nob hill ct', 'same', '', '33351', 'sunrise', 'FL', 'US', '754-422-6938', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (96, '', 'Micah', 'Alvarez', 'mja73@ymail.com', '3741 San Isidro N.W.', '', '', '87107', 'Albuquerque', 'NM', 'US', '210-365-3296', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (97, '', 'Lynne', 'Jones', 'shelito123@yahoo.com', '1270 East 51 Street', 'Apt 4E', '', '11234', 'Brooklyn', 'NY', 'US', '718-763-3114', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (98, '', 'Chuck', 'Rizzie', 'eworsini@comcast.net', 'Snip & Tip Salon', '', '', '07733', 'HOLMDEL', 'NJ', 'US', '732 3320870', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (99, '', 'alison', 'wood', 'awood96@aol.com', '5 mill court', '', '', '10502', 'ardsley', 'NY', 'US', '914-393-0555', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (100, '', 'Robert', 'White', 'WhiteRandL@aol.com', '809 Carson Ave.', '', '', '20745', 'Oxon Hill', 'MD', 'US', '301-404-7141', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (101, '', 'Dean', 'Lawrence', 'dwlskier@kc.rr.com', '527 West End St', 'Apt 2', '', '81611-4123', 'Aspen', 'CO', 'US', '970-925-2163', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (102, '', 'Carolyn', 'Miller Pope', 'carolynmillerpope@gmail.com', '17210 Lechlade Lane', '', '', '75252', 'Dallas', 'TX', 'US', '214 384 3044', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (103, '', 'Lizbeth', 'Overton', 'meofcours@comcast.net', '10184 Gatemont Circle', '', '', '95624', 'Elk Grove', 'CA', 'US', '916-897-9567', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (104, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (105, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (106, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (107, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (108, '', 'judith', 'fobes', 'judy.fobes@yahoo.com', '144 bruce rd', '', '', '03104', 'manchester', 'NH', 'US', '6038671042', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (109, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (110, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (111, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (112, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (113, '', 'Loucinda', 'Lovato', 'loucindalovato@gmail.com', '8585 E. Sweetwater Ave.', '', '', '85260', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480-391-3099', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (114, '', 'Michelle', 'Ohala', 'milesmaxo@aol.com', '3019 Scenic Valley Way', '', '', '89052', 'Henderson', 'NV', 'US', '702-306-2781', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (115, '', 'denise', 'Stefan', 'denisestefan@aol.com', '222 E. Chestnut Street', '15B', '', '60611', 'Chicago', 'IL', 'US', '312-498-2199', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (116, '', 'Jennifer', 'Baldenegro', 'jenbaldenegro@gmail.com', '1747 Live oak BLVD STE F', '', '', '95991', 'Yuba City', 'CA', 'US', '530-392-0821', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (117, '', 'Trang', 'Vo', 'trang.vo1@gmail.com', '12612 Taylor Court', '', '', '20904', 'Silver Spring', 'MD', 'US', '3016223975', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (118, '', 'Trang', 'Vo', 'trang.vo1@gmail.com', '12612 Taylor Court', '', '', '20904', 'Silver Spring', 'MD', 'US', '3016223975', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (119, '', 'Patricia', 'Harnly', 'glorymom48@aol.com', '3910 Pace Blvd', '', '', '68502', 'Lincoln', 'NE', 'US', '4028054106', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (120, '', 'Daryl', 'Howard', 'dbirkie@cfl.rr.com', '9028 SW 103 Ave', '', '', '34481', 'Ocala', 'FL', 'US', '352 237 7604', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (121, '', 'Michele', 'Gunn', 'Michele.Gunn@gs.com', 'Goldman Sachs', '85 Broad Street', '', '10004', 'New York', 'NY', 'US', '212-357-1905', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (122, '', 'Jeanne', 'Sanko', 'jeannesanko@hotmail.com', '63 Yale Place', '', '', '11570', 'Rockville Centre', 'NY', 'US', '516-510-7075', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (123, '', 'jerry', 'smith', 'smthhague@aol.com', '4556 e carob dr', '', '', '85298', 'gilbert', 'AZ', 'US', '4809884899', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (124, '', 'Mari Ann', 'Lauron', 'Marilauron@hotmail.com', '5007 9th Ave W', '', '', '98203', 'Everett', 'WA', 'US', '4252570851', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (125, '', 'Dawn', 'Berg', 'dberg001@cfl.rr.com', '485 Lake Bridge Drive', '', '', '32174', 'Ormond Beach', 'FL', 'US', '386-562-6166', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (126, '', 'michelle', 'garliss', 'michellehg@comcast.net', '35 Treadwell Ct.', '', '', '21093', 'Lutherville', 'MD', 'US', '410 560-6339', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (127, '', 'Lisa Belle', 'Kaufman', 'kaufman_lisabelle@Hotmail.com', '810 Fountain Ave', '', '', '93940', 'Monterey', 'CA', 'US', '8312242224', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (128, '', 'susan', 'osborne', 'ozzies322@verizon.net', '322 green briar lane', '', '', '19083', 'havertown', 'PA', 'US', '6107896626', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (129, '', 'Denice', 'Weil', 'dd_charette@comcast.net', '12707 NE 76th Street', '', '', '98682', 'Vancouver', 'WA', 'US', '360-771-5030', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (130, '', 'Lisa', 'Hensley', 'hensleyfamily@bellsouth.net', '120 High Forest Drive', '', '', '38801', 'Tupelo', 'MS', 'US', '662-840-7636', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (131, '', 'Joan', 'Serr', 'joan_serr@hotmail.com', '1070 Batavia #F606', '', '', '92867', 'Orange', 'CA', 'US', '714-259-7971', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (132, '', 'Darrel', 'Willet', 'dvwillet@aol.com', 'P.O. Box 4027', '', '', '71361', 'Pineville', 'LA', 'US', '318-613-8864', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (133, '', 'steven', 'mariucci', 'degostyl@aol.com', '1222 simonton st.', '1509 dennis st.', '', '33040', 'key west', 'FM', 'US', '305-293-2780', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (134, '', 'Melanie', 'Doulames', 'mdoulames@comcast.net', '677 Trull Road', 'Leave at Front Door', '', '01876', 'Tewksbury', 'MA', 'US', '9788517915', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (135, '', 'lockie', 'markusen', 'lbmarkusen@aol.com', '4617 townes cir', '', '', '55424', 'edina', 'MN', 'US', '952-920-8116', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (136, '', 'Bonnie', 'Mcclellan', 'bbmcclellan64@yahoo.com', '19155 w. Middletown rd.', '', '', '44609', 'Beloit', 'OH', 'US', '330-584-1953', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (137, '', 'chris', 'sauer', 'chrissauer@msn.com', '4119 sw tualatin ave', '', '', '97239', 'portland', 'OR', 'US', '503-295-3607', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (138, '', 'Grace', 'Yalong', 'graceyalong@yahoo.com', 'Avalon Salon', '7300 Lone Star Drive, Suite C138', '', '75024', 'Plano', 'TX', 'US', '2016475033', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'Y', 'Y'), (139, '', 'Sue', 'Vonderheide', 'slovejazz@aol.com', '2857 Soles Lane', '', '', '32539', 'Crestview', 'FL', 'US', '850-423-0024', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (140, '', 'Michelle', 'Patterson', 'mowglibones@yahoo.com', '500 E. Grant St. #1902', '', '', '55404', 'Minneapolis', 'MN', 'US', '518-330-7492', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (141, '', 'laura', 'von glahn', 'lavonglahn@yahoo.com', '4-5 atlanta ct', '', '', '07728', 'freehold', 'NJ', 'US', '732 780 5392', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (142, '', 'Amy', 'Braem', 'amybraem@aol.com', '2 Via Zaragoza', '', '', '93940', 'Monterey', 'CA', 'US', '503-888-6663', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (143, '', 'kristy', 'cheslick', 'kristy.cheslick@sbcglobal.net', '18655 andrew lane', '', '', '48164', 'New Boston', 'MI', 'US', '734-612-5317', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (144, '', 'Zohra', 'khwaja', 'zohrakhwaja@aol.com', '6203 Salisbury Dr', '', '', '22553', 'Spotsylvania', 'VA', 'US', '540-842-4688', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (145, '', 'Debby', 'McLaughlin', 'debbymclaughlin@comcast.net', '329 Monte Vista Lane', '', '', '94952', 'Petaluma', 'CA', 'US', '707 781-7181', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (146, '', 'Roxanne', 'Edelen', 'redelen@pacbell.net', '3927 Rincon Ridge Drive', '', '', '95404', 'Santa Rosa', 'CA', 'US', '7075456684', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (147, '', 'Catherine', 'Evans', 'countesskat2@aol.com', '719 Southbranch Parkway', '', '', '01118', 'springfield', 'MA', 'US', '413-736-3509', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (148, '', 'JUNE', 'BATULIS', 'SBATULIS@OPTONLINE.NET', '39 JOSEPH COURT', '', '', '10950', 'MONROE', 'NY', 'US', '8457814122', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (149, '', 'TAMMY', 'VANCE', 'DOGSROCKBAR122@MSN.COM', '2105 HALLMARK AVE N', '', '', '55128', 'OAKDALE', 'MN', 'US', '651 770 0969', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (150, '', 'JENNY', 'LI', 'JAB8859@YAHOO.COM', '108W 25TH AVE', '', '', '94403', 'SAN MATEO', 'CA', 'US', '650-345-4220', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (151, '', 'J M', 'Jones', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', '761 W Hollis St', '', '', '03062', 'Nashua', 'NH', 'US', '6038839622', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (152, '', 'J M', 'Jones', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', '761 W Hollis St', '', '', '03062', 'Nashua', 'NH', 'US', '6038839622', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (153, '', 'J M', 'Jones', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', '761 W Hollis St', '', '', '03062', 'Nashua', 'NH', 'US', '6038839622', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (154, '', 'J M', 'Jones', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', '761 W Hollis St', '', '', '03062', 'Nashua', 'NH', 'US', '6038839622', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (155, '', 'J M', 'Jones', 'jmlyn@comcast.net', '761 W Hollis St', '', '', '03062', 'Nashua', 'NH', 'US', '6038839622', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (156, '', 'Robert E.', 'Silva', 'buckygd@netzero.net', '793 Blakemore Rd.', '', '', '37055', 'Dickson', 'TN', 'US', '(615)740-9994', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (157, '', 'Susie', 'Ellwood', 'sellwood@dnps.com', '38313 Golf View Drive', '', '', '48331', 'Farmington Hills', 'MI', 'US', '248-848-1072', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (158, '', 'Jennifer', 'Hoffman', 'jenjlk15@comcast.net', '910 Daniel Street', '', '', '17042', 'Lebanon', 'PA', 'US', '717-926-8014', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (159, '', 'Linda', 'Stanojevic', 'shrstou@gmail.com', '7947 Redondo Lane', '', '', '60462', 'Orland Park', 'IL', 'US', '708-209-5353', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (160, '', 'Kathleen', 'Moraff', 'kcmoraff@live.com', '7210 Mandan Rd.', '', '', '20770', 'Greenbelt', 'MD', 'US', '301-345-4458', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (161, '', 'Andrew', 'Ford', 'ajfpk3@att.net', '5347 Bristol Parke Dr.', '', '', '48348', 'Clarkston', 'MI', 'US', '248 922-0453', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (162, '', 'Leanora', 'Long', 'leanora@nc.rr.com', '8313 Eden Park Drive', '', '', '27613', 'Raleigh', 'NC', 'US', '919-607-7980', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (163, '', 'Karen', 'Weldon', 'kdweldon@aol.com', '725 Iris Gardens Ct.', '', '', '95125', 'San Jose', 'CA', 'US', '4089985007', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (164, '', 'Melanie', 'Carnes', 'swellmel1000@msn.com', '471 Downs Court', '', '', '92225', 'Blythe', 'CA', 'US', '760-922-0017', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (165, '', 'SUSAN', 'RASMUSSEN', 'srasatx@att.net', '14812 AVERY RANCH BLVD', '#42', '', '78717', 'AUSTIN', 'TX', 'US', '512-243-7594', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (166, '', 'Sandra', 'Luce', 'sandyluce@verizon.net', '1151 Manzanita Ln.', '', '', '90266', 'Manhattan Beach', 'CA', 'US', '310-469-2850', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (167, '', 'Anna', 'Lieberman', 'alieberman54@msn.com', '8101 Greenspring Way #C', '', '', '21117', 'Owings Mills', 'MD', 'US', '410-960-7657', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (168, '', 'Starla', 'Ritchey', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', '602 W Main', '', '', '59457', 'Lewistown', 'MT', 'US', '406-538-9412', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (169, '', 'Starla', 'Ritchey', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', '602 W Main', '', '', '59457', 'Lewistown', 'MT', 'US', '406-538-9412', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (170, '', 'Starla', 'Ritchey', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', '602 W Main', '', '', '59457', 'Lewistown', 'MT', 'US', '406-538-9412', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (171, '', 'Starla', 'Ritchey', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', '602 W Main', '', '', '59457', 'Lewistown', 'MT', 'US', '406-538-9412', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (172, '', 'Starla', 'Ritchey', 'cntrystyle@midrivers.com', '602 W Main', '', '', '59457', 'Lewistown', 'MT', 'US', '406-538-9412', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (173, '', 'Carolyn', 'DiPasquale', 'carolyndipasquale@yahoo.com', '22 Manor Rd. North', '', '', '11740', 'Greenlawn', 'NY', 'US', '631 754-1951', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (174, '', 'Carolyn', 'DiPasquale', 'carolyndipasquale@yahoo.com', '22 Manor Rd. North', '', '', '11740', 'Greenlawn', 'NY', 'US', '631 754-1951', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (175, '', 'Lynette', 'Guardado', 'lynneguardado@gmail.com', '9588 E. Sutherland Way', '', '', '85262', 'Scottsdale', 'AZ', 'US', '480 361-5820', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (176, '', 'joyce', 'crowe', 'joyce.crowe@wellsfargo.com', '11920 Oden Court', '', '', '20852', 'Rockville', 'MD', 'US', '301 230-2625', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (177, '', 'sandra', 'marconi', 'roni898@comcast.net', '10770 w oakland park blvd', '', '', '33351', 'sunrise', 'FL', 'US', '9545330337', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (178, '', 'Julie', 'MacDougall', 'juliecypress@earthlink.net', '526 SW 26th Terrace', '', '', 'FL', 'Cape Coral', 'FL', 'US', '239-699-1000', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (179, '', 'Vertelle', 'Kanyama', 'vkanyama@yahoo.com', '1427 E 60th 424A', '', '', '60637', 'Chicago', 'IL', 'US', '773-702-7899', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (180, '', 'Vertelle', 'Kanyama', 'vkanyama@yahoo.com', '1427 E 60th 424A', '', '', '60637', 'Chicago', 'IL', 'US', '773-702-7899', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (181, '', 'Vertelle', 'Kanyama', 'vkanyama@yahoo.com', '1427 E 60th 424A', '', '', '60637', 'Chicago', 'IL', 'US', '773-702-7899', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (182, '', 'Nicole', 'Bolster', 'silverlenses@aol.com', '708 N Palm Drive', '', '', '90210', 'Beverly Hills', 'CA', 'US', '310-246-3464', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (183, '', 'valerie', 'mcconville', 'vemcconville@netzero.net', '4015 West 212', '', '', '44126', 'Fairview Park', 'OH', 'US', '440 333 1780', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (184, '', 'Carol', 'Solomon', 'cbs1019@aol.com', '1864 Felicity Lane', '', '', '18055', 'Hellertown', 'PA', 'US', '646-555-1312', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (185, '', 'Jessica', 'Dueno', 'lijessy@aol.com', '16 Main Street', 'Unit C', '', '02568', 'Vineyard Haven', 'MA', 'US', '6318363882', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (186, '', 'Jessica', 'Dueno', 'lijessy@aol.com', '16 Main Street', 'Unit C', '', '02568', 'Vineyard Haven', 'MA', 'US', '6318363882', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (187, '', 'Jessica', 'Dueno', 'lijessy@aol.com', '16 Main Street', 'Unit C', '', '02568', 'Vineyard Haven', 'MA', 'US', '6318363882', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (188, '', 'Jessica', 'Dueno', 'lijessy@aol.com', '16 Main Street', 'Unit C', '', '02568', 'Vineyard Haven', 'MA', 'US', '6318363882', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (189, '', 'Jessica', 'Dueno', 'lijessy@aol.com', '16 Main Street', 'Unit C', '', '02568', 'Vineyard Haven', 'MA', 'US', '6318363882', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (190, '', 'Grace', 'Landy', 'gslandy@yahoo.com', '42 Longwater Drive', 'Clean Harbors', '', '02061', 'Norwell', 'MA', 'US', '508-521-8296', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (191, '', 'Grace', 'Landy', 'gslandy@yahoo.com', '100 Myrtle Ave', 'Apt 309', '', '02382', 'Whitman', 'MA', 'US', '508-521-8296', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (192, '', 'Grace', 'Landy', 'gslandy@yahoo.com', '100 Myrtle Ave', 'Apt 309', '', '02382', 'Whitman', 'MA', 'US', '508-521-8296', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (193, '', 'Mike', 'Webb', 'ncsu8695fan@yahoo.com', '203 Hanover Street', '', '', '27892', 'Williamston', 'NC', 'US', '252-741-0239', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (194, '', 'Judi', 'Jennetten', 'jjennetten@yahoo.com', '7674 Bordeaux Drive', '', '', '62025', 'Edwardsville', 'IL', 'US', '6183075383', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (195, '', 'Judi', 'Jennetten', 'jjennetten@yahoo.com', '7674 Bordeaux Drive', '', '', '62025', 'Edwardsville', 'IL', 'US', '6183075383', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (196, '', 'Judi', 'Jennetten', 'jjennetten@yahoo.com', '7674 Bordeaux Drive', '', '', '62025', 'Edwardsville', 'IL', 'US', '6183075383', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (197, '', 'susan', 'ocampo', 'socampo@gaaslabs.com', '28013 arastradero road', '', '', '94022', 'los altos', 'CA', 'US', '6507144717', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (198, '', 'Sandra', 'Woolard', 'deltaville1@aol.com', '331 Heritage Point Road', '', '', '23043', 'Deltaville', 'VA', 'US', '804-776-0941', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (199, '', 'Sue', 'Matherne', 'sue@vipinc.com', '16725 Lena Lane', '', '', '70733', 'French Settlement', 'LA', 'US', '225-753-8575', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (200, '', 'Alyson', 'Driscoll', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', '3413 Melissa Country Way', '', '', '33559', 'Lutz', 'FL', 'US', '813-843-4273', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (201, '', 'Alyson', 'Driscoll', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', '3413 Melissa Country Way', '', '', '33559', 'Lutz', 'FL', 'US', '813-843-4273', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (202, '', 'Alyson', 'Driscoll', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', '3413 Melissa Country Way', '', '', '33559', 'Lutz', 'FL', 'US', '813-843-4273', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (203, '', 'Alyson', 'Driscoll', 'alydriscoll@aol.com', '3413 Melissa Country Way', '', '', '33559', 'Lutz', 'FL', 'US', '813-843-4273', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (204, '', 'Maureen', 'Davis', 'ollerubmat@aol.com', '1875 Swarthmore Ave.', '', '', '08701', 'Lakewood', 'NJ', 'US', '732-370-2900', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (205, '', 'catherine', 'leopold', 'lcatsrule@roadrunner.com', '3481 exley dr', '', '', '16415', 'fairview', 'PA', 'US', '8144741058', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (206, '', 'lorraine', 'colella', 'lolo26543@aol.com', '183 shiel ave', '', '', '10309', 'staten island', 'NY', 'US', '7182278399', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (207, '', 'Margaret', 'Maynard', 'pmaynard6@comcast.net', '152 Rockland Ave', '', '', '19004', 'Belmont Hills', 'PA', 'US', '3219178989', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (208, '', 'Margaret', 'Maynard', 'pmaynard6@comcast.net', '152 Rockland Ave', '', '', '19004', 'Belmont Hills', 'PA', 'US', '3219178989', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (209, '', 'Angela', 'Smith', 'roserj1731@yahoo.com', '2157 Ridgewood Circle', '', '', '78362', 'Ingleside', 'TX', 'US', '3617761838', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (210, '', 'Pamela', 'Westerberg', 'pwesterberg@mchsi.com', '2120 Harbourside Dr Unit 652', '', '', '34228', 'Longboat Key', 'FL', 'US', '612 799 5930', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (211, '', 'Travis', 'Gillen', 'tj.gillen@hotmail.com', '311 eel river', '', '', '73080', 'purcell', 'OK', 'US', '4056041124', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (212, '', 'Travis', 'Gillen', 'tj.gillen@hotmail.com', '311 eel river', '', '', '73080', 'purcell', 'OK', 'US', '4056041124', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (213, '', 'Travis', 'Gillen', 'tj.gillen@hotmail.com', '311 eel river', '', '', '73080', 'purcell', 'OK', 'US', '4056041124', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (214, '', 'julie', 'ross', 'julieross@comcast.net', '4035 taylor avenue', '', '', '19026', 'drexel hill', 'PA', 'US', '6106264862', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (215, '', 'Christye', 'VanHorn', 'jvanhorn@bellsouth.net', '539 Sawyer Rd', '', '', '38967', 'Winona', 'MS', 'US', '662-283-4650', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (216, '', 'kathy', 'gastaldo', 'kathg@insight.rr.com', '5629 st george ave', '', '', '43082', 'westerville', 'OH', 'US', '6148183583', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (217, '', 'jeannine', 'welton', 'jeanninewelton@comcast.net', '2721 buckingham', '', '', '93611', 'clovis', 'CA', 'US', '5599700612', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (218, '', 'Nisha', 'Patel', 'nishapatel85@gmail.com', '13239 orchard harvest drive', '', '', '77407', 'richmond', 'TX', 'US', '832-363-2388', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (219, '', 'Patti', 'Kurak', 'twcorp@comcast.net', '15001 Sunfish Lake Blvd NW', '', '', '55303', 'Ramsey', 'MN', 'US', '763-422-9843', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (220, '', 'Patti', 'Kurak', 'twcorp@comcast.net', '15001 Sunfish Lake Blvd NW', '', '', '55303', 'Ramsey', 'MN', 'US', '763-422-9843', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (221, '', 'Amanda', 'Williamson', 'williamson.amanda.s@gmail.com', '4384 Mountain Dale Road', '', '', '35213', 'Birmingham', 'AL', 'US', '205 454-1261', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (222, '', 'Belinda', 'Moton', 'lovely247@comcast.net', '2619 Havasu Trace', '', '', '30071', 'Norcross', 'GA', 'US', '678-691-5746', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (223, '', 'Nancy', 'Pollak', 'nancypollak@me.com', '4 Ridge Farm Road', '', '', '60527', 'Burr Ridge', 'IL', 'US', '630 301-2091', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (224, '', 'Kathy', 'Toews', 'nc_toews@earthlink.net', '202 Orchard Lane', '', '', '27510', 'Carrboro', 'NC', 'US', '9199675423', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (225, '', 'Christine', 'Stafford', 'cstafford5@yahoo.com', '1112 Cornwell Avenue', '', '', '11510', 'Baldwin', 'NY', 'US', '516-639-6828', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (226, '', 'Jayne', 'Hums', 'jaynehums@yahoo.com', '1 Oak Terrace', '', '', '10940', 'Middletown', 'NY', 'US', '845-412-5258', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'), (227, '', 'Baharak', 'Amiri', 'bbamiri@hotmail.com', '20 Castaic Ct.', '', '', '95678', 'Roseville', 'CA', 'US', '530-979-7595', '', 0, '', 0, '-1', 0, '-1', '-1', 'N', 'Y'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `hotbeauty_size` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hotbeauty_size`; CREATE TABLE `hotbeauty_size` ( `SizeID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `CategoryID` int(11) NOT NULL, `ProductID` int(11) NOT NULL, `Size` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `Price` float NOT NULL, `Quantity` int(11) NOT NULL, `Status` enum('Y','N') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`SizeID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=216 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hotbeauty_size` -- INSERT INTO `hotbeauty_size` (`SizeID`, `CategoryID`, `ProductID`, `Size`, `Price`, `Quantity`, `Status`) VALUES (5, 6, 97, 'HB-1 3/4" Nylon', 6, 9999, 'Y'), (4, 6, 97, 'HB-2 3/4" Boar', 6, 9999, 'Y'), (6, 6, 98, 'V-5 5 row', 2.5, 9999, 'Y'), (7, 6, 98, 'V-7 7 row', 2.5, 9999, 'Y'), (8, 6, 99, '6 3/4" very short', 6.5, 9999, 'Y'), (9, 6, 99, '8 1" short', 6.5, 9999, 'Y'), (10, 6, 99, '12 1-1/2" short - medium', 7.25, 9999, 'Y'), (11, 6, 99, '14 2" medium', 7.25, 9999, 'Y'), (12, 6, 99, '16 2-1/2" med - long', 8.75, 9999, 'Y'), (13, 6, 99, '16-XL 3" long', 9.5, 9999, 'Y'), (14, 6, 100, '11 Medium', 7, 9999, 'Y'), (15, 6, 100, '21 Large', 7, 9999, 'Y'), (16, 6, 100, '21-BW Large', 12, 9999, 'Y'), (17, 6, 101, '21-P Large', 7.5, 9999, 'Y'), (18, 6, 102, '25 Large', 16, 9999, 'Y'), (19, 6, 103, '42 1-1/2" short', 11, 9999, 'Y'), (20, 6, 103, '44 2" short-med', 11, 9999, 'Y'), (21, 6, 103, '46 2-1/2" med-long', 13.5, 9999, 'Y'), (22, 6, 103, '48 3" longest', 13.5, 9999, 'Y'), (23, 6, 104, '110 1-1/2" shortest', 7.5, 9999, 'Y'), (24, 6, 104, '112 1-3/4" short to med', 7.5, 9999, 'Y'), (25, 6, 104, '114 2" med-long', 9, 9999, 'Y'), (26, 6, 104, '116 2-1/2" long', 9.5, 9999, 'Y'), (27, 6, 104, '118 3" very long', 11, 9999, 'Y'), (28, 6, 104, '118-XL 3-1/2" longest', 14.25, 9999, 'Y'), (29, 6, 105, '111', 4.5, 9999, 'Y'), (30, 6, 106, '120 1-3/4" short', 13, 9999, 'Y'), (31, 6, 106, '125 2-1/4" short-med', 13, 9999, 'Y'), (32, 6, 106, '130 2-1/2" med-long', 14, 9999, 'Y'), (33, 6, 106, '135 3" long', 18, 9999, 'Y'), (34, 6, 106, '136 3-1/2" longest', 21, 9999, 'Y'), (35, 6, 107, '121 Large Nylon', 10.5, 9999, 'Y'), (36, 6, 107, ' 122 Large Boar', 13, 9999, 'Y'), (37, 6, 107, '137 Tunnel Vent', 8, 9999, 'Y'), (38, 6, 107, '138 Paddle', 10.5, 9999, 'Y'), (39, 6, 107, '139 Flexible Nylon', 8.5, 9999, 'Y'), (40, 6, 108, '213 Small', 8, 9999, 'Y'), (41, 6, 108, '215 Large', 9, 9999, 'Y'), (42, 6, 109, '222 1-3/4" short', 11, 9999, 'Y'), (43, 6, 109, '224 short-med', 13, 9999, 'Y'), (44, 6, 109, '226 2-1/2" med-long', 14, 9999, 'Y'), (45, 6, 110, '260 1-1/2" very short', 12, 9999, 'Y'), (46, 6, 110, '265 2" short', 12, 9999, 'Y'), (47, 6, 110, '270 2-1/2" short-med', 15.25, 9999, 'Y'), (48, 6, 110, '275 3" med', 15.25, 9999, 'Y'), (49, 6, 110, '277 3-1/2" med-long', 20, 9999, 'Y'), (50, 6, 110, '279 4" longest', 25, 9999, 'Y'), (51, 6, 111, '282 4-1/4"', 21.5, 9999, 'Y'), (52, 6, 112, '342 oval', 16, 9999, 'Y'), (53, 6, 112, '344 paddle', 16, 9999, 'Y'), (54, 6, 113, '352 Rounder', 6, 9999, 'Y'), (55, 6, 113, '354 Cushion Brush', 6, 9999, 'Y'), (56, 6, 113, '356 Styling Brush', 6, 9999, 'Y'), (57, 6, 114, '360 1-1/2" shortest', 13.5, 9999, 'Y'), (58, 6, 114, '365 2" med', 13.5, 9999, 'Y'), (59, 6, 114, '370 2-1/2" med-long', 16, 9999, 'Y'), (60, 6, 114, '375 3" longest', 16, 9999, 'Y'), (61, 6, 115, '400 1-3/4" short', 13.5, 9999, 'Y'), (62, 6, 115, '405 2" short-med', 13.5, 9999, 'Y'), (63, 6, 115, '410 2-1/4" med-long', 14.5, 9999, 'Y'), (64, 6, 115, '415 2-1/2" longer', 14.5, 9999, 'Y'), (65, 6, 116, '813 1-3/4" ', 16, 9999, 'Y'), (66, 6, 117, '854 2-1/4"', 20, 9999, 'Y'), (67, 6, 118, '855 3"', 24, 9999, 'Y'), (68, 6, 119, '856 2"', 19, 9999, 'Y'), (69, 6, 120, '885 1-1/2" shorter', 13, 9999, 'Y'), (70, 6, 120, '887 2" short-med', 13.5, 9999, 'Y'), (71, 6, 120, '889 2-1/4" med-long', 14.5, 9999, 'Y'), (72, 6, 120, '891 2-1/2" longer', 17.5, 9999, 'Y'), (73, 6, 121, '898', 18, 9999, 'Y'), (74, 6, 122, '954 2-1/4"', 24, 9999, 'Y'), (75, 6, 123, '955 2-3/4"', 27, 9999, 'Y'), (76, 6, 124, '955-XL 3"', 28, 9999, 'Y'), (77, 6, 125, '956 2"', 24, 9999, 'Y'), (78, 6, 126, 'Vectra 3 1-1/2” small', 12.75, 9999, 'Y'), (79, 6, 126, 'Vectra 5 2” medium', 12.75, 9999, 'Y'), (80, 6, 126, 'Vectra 7 2-1/2” large', 12.75, 9999, 'Y'), (81, 6, 126, 'Vectra 9 3” jumbo', 12.75, 9999, 'Y'), (82, 6, 127, 'Vectra 15', 12.75, 9999, 'Y'), (83, 6, 128, 'Vectra 27', 11.25, 9999, 'Y'), (84, 6, 128, 'Vectra 29 large paddle', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (85, 6, 129, 'Vectra 53 2-1/4” small', 12.75, 9999, 'Y'), (86, 6, 129, 'Vectra 55 2-1/2” medium', 15.75, 9999, 'Y'), (87, 6, 129, 'Vectra 57 3-1/4” large', 15.75, 9999, 'Y'), (88, 6, 130, 'Vectra 75', 12.75, 9999, 'Y'), (89, 6, 131, 'Vectra 63 1-1/2” small', 13.5, 9999, 'Y'), (90, 6, 131, 'Vectra 65 2” medium', 13.5, 9999, 'Y'), (91, 6, 131, 'Vectra 67 2-1/2” large', 13.5, 9999, 'Y'), (92, 6, 131, 'Vectra 69 3” XL', 13.5, 9999, 'Y'), (93, 6, 132, 'Vectra 83 1-1/2” small', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (94, 6, 132, 'Vectra 85 2” medium', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (95, 6, 132, 'Vectra 87 2-1/2” large', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (96, 6, 132, 'Vectra 89 3” XL', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (97, 6, 133, 'Vectra 114 2” small', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (98, 6, 133, 'Vectra 116 2-1/2” medium', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (99, 6, 133, 'Vectra 118 2-3/4” large', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (100, 6, 134, 'Vectra 121 Nylon ', 12, 9999, 'Y'), (101, 6, 134, 'Vectra 122 Boar', 13.5, 9999, 'Y'), (102, 6, 134, 'Vectra 138 Paddle ', 13.5, 9999, 'Y'), (103, 6, 135, 'Vectra 125 2” small', 18, 9999, 'Y'), (104, 6, 135, 'Vectra 130 2-3/4” medium', 18, 9999, 'Y'), (105, 6, 135, 'Vectra 135 3” large', 18, 9999, 'Y'), (106, 6, 136, 'Vectra 137', 12, 9999, 'Y'), (107, 8, 137, 'MCB-3', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (108, 8, 138, 'MCB-5', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (109, 8, 139, 'MCB-7', 12, 9999, 'Y'), (110, 8, 140, 'MCB-9', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (111, 8, 141, 'MCB-11', 12, 9999, 'Y'), (112, 8, 142, 'MCB-13', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (113, 8, 143, 'MCB-21', 9, 9999, 'Y'), (114, 8, 144, 'MCB-23', 8, 9999, 'Y'), (115, 8, 145, 'MCB-25', 8, 9999, 'Y'), (116, 8, 146, 'MCB-27', 9, 9999, 'Y'), (117, 8, 147, 'MCB-29', 8, 9999, 'Y'), (118, 8, 148, 'MCB-41', 8, 9999, 'Y'), (119, 6, 149, '102B', 2.99, 9999, 'Y'), (120, 6, 150, '102GB', 3.75, 9999, 'Y'), (121, 6, 151, '105GB', 3.75, 9999, 'Y'), (122, 6, 152, '301B', 2.39, 9999, 'Y'), (123, 6, 153, '349B', 3.75, 9999, 'Y'), (124, 6, 154, '401B', 1.79, 9999, 'Y'), (125, 6, 155, '409B', 1.79, 9999, 'Y'), (126, 6, 156, '500B', 1.79, 9999, 'Y'), (127, 6, 157, '502B', 1.79, 9999, 'Y'), (128, 6, 158, '510B', 2.99, 9999, 'Y'), (129, 6, 159, '512B', 2.99, 9999, 'Y'), (130, 6, 160, '611B', 2.99, 9999, 'Y'), (131, 6, 161, '614B', 3.6, 9999, 'Y'), (132, 6, 162, '806B', 5.98, 9999, 'Y'), (133, 6, 163, 'I-10', 3.75, 9999, 'Y'), (134, 6, 164, 'I-20', 3.75, 9999, 'Y'), (135, 6, 165, 'I-30', 3.75, 9999, 'Y'), (136, 6, 166, 'I-40', 3.75, 9999, 'Y'), (137, 6, 167, 'I-50', 3.75, 9999, 'Y'), (138, 6, 168, 'I-60', 3.75, 9999, 'Y'), (139, 7, 169, 'BRB-1000 Triangle Foot File', 6, 9999, 'Y'), (140, 7, 169, 'RF-1000 Corn Planer', 6, 9999, 'Y'), (141, 7, 169, 'RG-1000 Sapphire Foot File', 6, 9999, 'Y'), (142, 6, 170, '91-C 12 pack', 6, 9999, 'Y'), (143, 6, 171, '90', 4.25, 9999, 'Y'), (144, 6, 172, 'CR-0 24mm Pink ', 5.25, 9999, 'Y'), (145, 6, 172, 'CR-1 28mm Light Blue ', 5.25, 9999, 'Y'), (146, 6, 172, 'CR-2 32mm Yellow ', 5.25, 9999, 'Y'), (147, 6, 172, 'CR-3 36mm Red ', 5.25, 9999, 'Y'), (148, 6, 172, 'CR-4 40mm Blue ', 5.25, 9999, 'Y'), (149, 6, 172, 'CR-5 48mm Green ', 5.25, 9999, 'Y'), (150, 6, 172, 'CR-6 54mm Light Blue ', 5.25, 9999, 'Y'), (151, 6, 172, 'CR-7 68mm Red ', 5.25, 9999, 'Y'), (152, 6, 173, 'CRXL-1 28mm Light Blue ', 6, 9999, 'Y'), (153, 6, 173, 'CRXL-2 32mm Yellow ', 6, 9999, 'Y'), (154, 6, 173, 'CRXL-3 36mm Red ', 6, 9999, 'Y'), (155, 6, 173, 'CRXL-4 40mm Blue ', 6, 9999, 'Y'), (156, 6, 174, 'EXR-6 Blue ', 7.5, 9999, 'Y'), (157, 6, 174, 'EXR-5 Lilac ', 7.5, 9999, 'Y'), (158, 6, 174, 'EXR-4 Peach ', 7.5, 9999, 'Y'), (159, 6, 174, 'EXR-3 Pink ', 7.5, 9999, 'Y'), (160, 6, 174, 'EXR-2 Yellow ', 7.5, 9999, 'Y'), (161, 6, 174, 'EXR-1 Lime ', 7.5, 9999, 'Y'), (162, 6, 175, '#960-XL 1-3/4"', 6, 9999, 'Y'), (163, 6, 175, '#962-XL 2"', 7, 9999, 'Y'), (164, 6, 175, '#964-XL 2-1/2"', 7.5, 9999, 'Y'), (165, 6, 176, '#1000 Personal size', 4, 9999, 'Y'), (166, 6, 177, '#1204-PT ', 6.75, 9999, 'Y'), (167, 6, 177, '#1204', 6.75, 9999, 'Y'), (168, 6, 178, '#1300 2"', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (169, 6, 178, '#1300 2"', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (170, 6, 178, '#1305 2.5"', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (171, 6, 178, '#1310 3"', 18, 9999, 'Y'), (172, 6, 178, '#1311 3.5"', 18, 9999, 'Y'), (173, 6, 179, '#1400 2"', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (174, 6, 179, '#1405 2-1/2"', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (175, 6, 179, '#1410 3"', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (176, 6, 179, '#1411 3-1/2"', 18, 9999, 'Y'), (177, 6, 180, '#1500 2"', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (178, 6, 180, '#1505 2-1/4"', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (179, 6, 180, '#1510 3"', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (180, 6, 181, '#1600 1-3/4"', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (181, 6, 181, '#1605 2-1/2"', 19.5, 9999, 'Y'), (182, 6, 181, '#1610 3"', 22.5, 9999, 'Y'), (183, 6, 182, '#2004', 5, 9999, 'Y'), (184, 6, 183, '#2105 2.25"', 13.5, 9999, 'Y'), (185, 6, 183, '#2110 2.5"', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (186, 6, 183, '#2115 2"', 13.5, 9999, 'Y'), (187, 6, 183, '#2120 2.5"', 15, 9999, 'Y'), (188, 6, 183, '#2125 Paddle', 13.5, 9999, 'Y'), (189, 6, 184, '#2240 1-3/4"', 18, 9999, 'Y'), (190, 6, 184, '#2250 2-1/2"', 18, 9999, 'Y'), (191, 6, 184, '#2260 2-3/4"', 18, 9999, 'Y'), (192, 6, 184, '#2270 Boar ', 18, 9999, 'Y'), (193, 6, 185, '#5100 Convex ', 11.25, 9999, 'Y'), (194, 6, 185, '#5160 Medium', 6.75, 9999, 'Y'), (195, 6, 185, '#5161 Large', 8, 9999, 'Y'), (196, 6, 186, '#5200', 12, 9999, 'Y'), (197, 6, 187, '#5601', 9.5, 9999, 'Y'), (198, 6, 187, '#5602', 9.5, 9999, 'Y'), (199, 6, 188, '#6010 1-1/2"', 14.5, 9999, 'Y'), (200, 6, 188, '#6015 2"', 14.5, 9999, 'Y'), (201, 6, 188, '#6020 2-1/2"', 14.5, 9999, 'Y'), (202, 6, 189, '#6035 2"', 22, 9999, 'Y'), (203, 6, 189, '#6040 2-1/2"', 22, 9999, 'Y'), (204, 6, 189, '#6045 3"', 22, 9999, 'Y'), (205, 6, 190, '#9000-MF ', 5, 9999, 'Y'), (206, 6, 190, '#9020-MT', 7.5, 9999, 'Y'), (207, 6, 190, '#9050-MMF ', 3.5, 9999, 'Y'), (208, 6, 191, '#9200-G ', 3.75, 9999, 'Y'), (209, 6, 191, '#9300 Large ', 3.5, 9999, 'Y'), (210, 6, 192, '#G-9 1-3/4"', 6.75, 9999, 'Y'), (211, 6, 192, '#G-36 2" ', 8.5, 9999, 'Y'), (212, 6, 192, '#G-36XL 3"', 10, 9999, 'Y'), (213, 6, 192, '#G-36XXL 3-1/2"', 13, 9999, 'Y'), (214, 6, 192, '#G-36J 4-1/2"', 18, 9999, 'Y'), (215, 6, 193, '#G-40 1" ', 7, 9999, 'Y');