Customer Testimonials

1. Are the 60lb paper, 20lb wax and poly-coated paper safe for my pet?

Yes, the papers are dust free,dye free and safe for your bird. The poly-lined paper has a poly coating that is FDA approved and the 20lb wax coated paper has a FDA approved wax coating.

2. Which is better, poly, plain paper or wax coated?

There are two schools of thought and that is why we carry 3 types of paper. The 60lb paper product is a highly absorbent and many professionals feel it's better to have some absorption so that the birds feces and urine do not fully remain on the cage floor. Other professionals feel that nothing should be absorbed so that you can clearly see the characteristics of the urine and droppings to monitor any diseases, as they will remain on the poly coating and wax coating. The waxed paper is slightly less absorbent than the poly coated and is designed for smaller birds for smaller birds and is less expensive than the poly.

3. How do I use the liners?

We recommend stacking 10 sheets of the 60 lb on the bottom of the cage and 20 of the poly or wax coated paper.

4. How do I measure?

Simply measure the inside measurements of your tray in length and width or the diameter if you have a round cage.

Hawaiian, Canadian and Alaskan customers please call for freight quote.