1686 80th Street Brooklyn NY 11214
Call: 718-621-0948 Text: 718-306-4136

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Welcome to New Puppy's, where we home raise the finest Yorkie puppies. Our Yorkies are well socialized and are v eryaffectionate! We specialize in Toy Yorkies, and we now have teacup Yorkies available as well.

What's included with my Yorkie puppy?

Every Yorkie from Tracy's Yorkies goes home with a 1 year health guarantee. We also provide 2 free health exams! Our puppies are vaccinated according to age.We provide 14 days for you to have your puppy checked out by the vet of your choosing to confirm the health of your new puppy. You can call us 24 hours a day if you need help with your new puppy, we want to make sure you have all the advice and information you need.

Do you have any questions?
If so, call us now at 718-621-0948.
You can also come visit us at 1686 80th Street, in
Brooklyn, New York. We can't wait to see you!
Email: tracysyorkiesny@aol.com