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Physical Address:
2400 South Gloster St.
Tupelo, MS 38801

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1185
Tupelo, MS 38802

Phone: (662) 841-6500
FAX: (662) 841-6501


Mon - Fri: 9 am - 5:30 PM
Saturdays: 9 am - 2:30 PM
Closed Sundays


Our Success Stories

* If you would like to submit a story please email your story and photo to *

Our family keeps growing!

posted ‎‎Aug 11, 2009 7:56 PM‎‎ by Tupelo - Lee Humane Society   [ updated ‎‎Aug 11, 2009 8:32 PM‎‎ ]

Choco was in the shelter since Oct of 2008 - we brought her home to foster in Feb of 2009. This month we made it official and adopted her! She is so friendly and smart, already learned sit, lay down, and shake. I guess in a way we are "foster failures" since we didn't want to give her up, it was a good experience and we encourage everyone to try fostering!

We also brought home Niffy, she was a sick save,  she needed a couple rounds of antibiotics to get over a cold and now she is doing great! TLHS staff do y'all recognize her? She looks like a different kitty now!

Thanks for allowing us to volunteer and support y'all so much. We are so glad to have found another two members to add to our family!
Emily M.

Still doing GREAT!!!

posted ‎‎Jul 31, 2009 11:38 AM‎‎ by Tupelo - Lee Humane Society   [ updated ‎‎Jul 31, 2009 11:45 AM‎‎ ]

My name is William Fleming,I adopted my dog from you in late December of 2007. I just wanted to drop a line to let you know that we are doing GREAT!! His name was "TRAPPER" at the time,no offense but I changed it to"CLARK". This dog has brought me so much so much joy and again " Thank you" for bringing us together.

Jackson' the beloved pet saved at humane shelter

posted ‎‎May 13, 2009 1:37 PM‎‎ by Tupelo - Lee Humane Society

From the NEMS Daily Journal - Letters to the Editor Section:

During the week of Nov. 24, 2008, my beloved black lab "Jackson" mysteriously disappeared. He has been a family pet for about 5 years. He belongs to my son Cody.

After calling the veterinarians in the area, the police, the school bus drivers, plus a road by road search, our dog was gone.

By March, I went on line to the Savannah, Tenn., Humane Society to check for a dog. I also checked at Tupelo/Lee Humane Society. I saw a dog I was interested in and called them. I had told Cody I would not get another black dog because they were too plentiful which makes finding them too hard. As Cody and I walked through the kennels, I saw a beautiful black lab. Our eyes met, I looked at Cody , and I walked on, refusing to look at it any longer. I left empty handed. On the way back home, Cody told me that I should have looked closer at the dog because he acted really strange. When I started to leave, he said the dog got up on his back feet and started moaning real loud as I left the area. I could not get that thought out of my mind.

When I got back home to Marietta, I called the humane society and questioned them about the black lab. They said they called him "Natchez" because he was found on the Natchez Trace. My home is about 2 miles from the Trace.

I drove back to Tupelo the next morning. I had looked five months for my dog, and there he was in front of me.

Jackson is so happy to be at home once again; he went straight to his box, got his toy dog out, ran to see my husband, trying all the time to get in his lap.

If it had not been for the Tupelo/Lee Humane Society, my dog would have been lost forever.

Nancy Farrar


Bella is awesome!!

posted ‎‎May 13, 2009 1:33 PM‎‎ by Tupelo - Lee Humane Society

This Is Bella. I adopted her in April of 2008 from you guys. She Is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
- Amanda W.

Another Puppy Mill Happy Ending!

posted ‎‎Apr 2, 2009 9:11 AM‎‎ by Tupelo - Lee Humane Society   [ updated ‎‎Apr 2, 2009 9:13 AM‎‎ ]

We adopted a shih tzu from the Baretto puppy mill. When we first brought him home, he didn't understand love. When we petted him, he didn't know what to do. Now, he loves life and is spoiled. That's what dogs are for...spoiling. Thanks for bringing our baby to us. - Lisa Wood

Puppy Mill Thank You Note

posted ‎‎Mar 26, 2009 1:53 PM‎‎ by Tupelo - Lee Humane Society   [ updated ‎‎Apr 30, 2009 12:36 PM‎‎ ]

A Very Special Thank You to Sheila Horton with "Have A Heart Horse Rescue" for fostering the nursing moms and babies for us that were seized from the Bareto Puppy Mill. She and her volunteer staff have given of their time to see that these animals would not have to suffer anymore while their babies grew up. They groomed , dewormed, treated , and socialized the moms and babies until it was time to be adopted. We understand the value of time and the need for money in working with the neglected, abused and homeless animals in our area. "Have A Heart Rescue" works with horses that have been abused, neglected and abandoned. They are a small 501(c)3 non-profit charity in need of a open stock trailer to transport the rescued horses to their recovery home.

They also need donations of horse feed, hay, time and money. Anyone that would like to donate a stock trailer or other needs may contact Sheila at 871-5882.

Also thank you to all the breed specific rescue groups that have helped to find forever homes for the remaining Heartworm Positive adult dogs at our shelter from the Bareto puppy mill. We know that rescues are an important partner to any shelter and we have made at lot of new friends along the way. They are hardworking dedicated volunteers who know their specific breed and want what is best for the animal. It has been a rewarding experience for us to see so many people who care for these animals.

Izzy and Nora

posted ‎‎Mar 10, 2009 11:09 PM‎‎ by Tupelo - Lee Humane Society   [ updated ‎‎Aug 11, 2009 7:56 PM‎‎ ]

We adopted Izzy in August of 2007 when she was just a tiny baby beagle. Now she is a 1½ year old JOY to our family. In August 2008 we lost our beloved 13 year old beagle, Ellen, to cancer. Izzy has been such a comfort to all of us and knowing that she knew Ellen helps the pain. She is such a part of our family now and we don't know what we would do with out her!  She has the most wonderful smile and such a loving personality, our other dog Rosie and all 3 of our cats - Nora, Chester and Wyatt - get along with her and she just loves everyone.

We also adopted Nora (mentioned above) from the shelter as a kitten! She is a Maine Coon Mix and we call her Miss Diva. She loves to swish her long furry tail and show it off. She is such a sweet heart and loves to “talk” to all of us on a daily basis. No matter where you are she wants to be there with you even if it is just hanging out.

With out our local shelter Tupelo-Lee Humane Society we would have never met them. I volunteer regularly and commend them for their great work! Support your local shelter and you will find a friend (or possibly friends) for life, I know my family did!

Emily M.



posted ‎‎Mar 10, 2009 11:07 PM‎‎ by Tupelo - Lee Humane Society

It has been several years since we adopted our baby, but I know people like to hear success stories. We adopted Frazier from the Humane Society in Tupelo on 4/1/00 & got to bring him home on 4/4/00. As you can see from his pics, he is one of the family. We had him before we had our daughter, so technically he was the first "child" He had a hard time adjusting to sharing the attention when she was born, but as you can see they are big buddies now. He is one of the sweetest, smartest dogs I have ever owned or seen for that matter. I strongly recommend adopting from the Humane Society. There are so many animals that need homes. We are so glad we adopted Frazier-we love him with all of our heart & spoil him every day. If you are looking for a pet, check out TLHS before you check anywhere else, you just might fall in love like we did.

Thank you,

Tammy Roberts
Tupelo, MS


posted ‎‎Mar 10, 2009 11:06 PM‎‎ by Tupelo - Lee Humane Society


I wanted to write and tell you that we adopted a lab mix we named ‘Abby’ almost two years ago from the shelter.  She had just given birth to a litter (which we never saw) but she still had milk and was very malnourished looking.  It’s always hard to visit the shelter and see so many animals that want to be picked.  There was something in those sad eyes of hers that really called out to me and my husband.  We weren’t interested in a puppy and decided to take a chance on Abby.  We actually were given a ‘discount’ on her because she was so thin and might not make it.  Abby (or Girl-girl, as we called her for a while until we picked a name) has become a member of our family.  She’s the most lovable dog.  She goes with my husband, Robert, when he goes out riding horses and during a recent trip to Disney, he and the kids mentioned several times that they really missed her.  My husband is even insisting that Abby be in our Christmas pictures this year.  She’s just been a perfect fit for our family. 

Thanks so much for giving Abby a temporary home at the shelter and for all you do for animals like her.




Heather Wood

Saltillo, MS



posted ‎‎Mar 10, 2009 11:04 PM‎‎ by Tupelo - Lee Humane Society   [ updated ‎‎Mar 10, 2009 11:09 PM‎‎ ]


Here are some pictures of our new member of the Boozer family. I just had to share this with all of you. He is the best friend we have ever had. He is so well mannered. He actually thinks he owns the back yard now. As you can see, he does not like anyone playing with his toys. He really enjoys swimming with the kids. Again thanks for all of your help.

Chris & Dana

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