Donations can be sent too or dropped off at:
Tupelo-Lee Humane Society
2400 South Gloster St.
Tupelo, Mississippi 38801
TLHS is recognized as a 501 (c) 3 not for profit organization under the Internal Revenue Service code; therefore all donations are considered tax deductible.
- Professional Grade Large Shredder (for shredding paper for puppy pens)
- Bleach
- Heating Pads
- Kuranda dog beds.www.kuranda.com (donate from site)
- Newspapers
- Puppy Chow
- Kitten Chow
- Adult Dog Food
- Adult Cat Food
- Monetary Donations for medicine (7n1,rabies,wormer,etc...)
- Towels
- Canned dog and cat food
- Cat litter and litter pan
- Cleaning Supplies: wet mops,brooms,dust pans,scrub brushes and cleaning agents
- Collars and Leashes
- Dish washing detergent
- Dry and wet cat and dog food
- Laundry detergent
- Office Supplies(copy paper,pens,staples,etc.)
- Two sided Food bowls
- Old Socks
- Toilet Paper/Paper Towel Rolls
- Empty 2 liter bottles
- Plastic sacks (walmart/grocery sacks)
- Spay/Neuter sponsorships
- Adoption Sponsorships
- More Members / Volunteers
- Responsible ownership of pets