Contact Us! |
Physical Address:
2400 South Gloster St.
Tupelo, MS 38801
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1185
Tupelo, MS 38802
Phone: (662) 841-6500
FAX: (662) 841-6501
Mon - Fri: 9 am - 5:30 PM
Saturdays: 9 am - 2:30 PM
Closed Sundays |
Volunteering |
We have several regular volunteer tasks we need help with. These events are normally reoccurring and are on a pretty regular schedule. Please take a look at the events below and let us know if you would like to help. We also welcome comments on the events and how you think we could improve, what you would like to see etc. Our subscribe page is another a great way to get on our email list for event news and there is a section you can leave your personal comments to us.
If you have a regular volunteer event you would like to suggest please email us at info@tupeloleehumane.org or leave a comment below- we are always open to possible new regular events to help our animals find homes!
posted Aug 26, 2009 8:11 PM by Tupelo - Lee Humane Society [ updated Aug 27, 2009 6:55 AM ]
We can always use extra help around the shelter! We invite you to come by anytime during business hours and volunteer. Various tasks you can help out with could be any of the following:
- Walking/Playing with the dogs - they need to get out and get some fresh air and fun! It is not only good for the human spirit but also the canine spirit!
- Petting/Playing with the cats - our cats need attention and play time, it will help them with social skills and improve the quality of life for them!
- Answering Phones, Making Copies, Getting things ready for events and other various office tasks - some days you just can't "get it all done" and that is where your help is so truly appreciated!
- Bathing / Grooming- Our animals love the one on one attention and we love the results that are so helpful to the adoption process!
- Helping with various events through out the community such as our yard sale weekends, Petsmart Adoption Weekends, Parades etc. - This is a great way to get out there and support your community shelter, you get to meet new people from all over the area and maybe even venture to some new locations.
- Odd Jobs - occasionally we need an odd job done around our shelter, this is where you come in - like to paint? do you dabble in carpentry and remodeling work? do you landscape? maybe you would love to help us out with our plans for our new building? do you have the means to help transport some of our animals to new homes/rescues through out the state or other locations? if so we would love to have you help when the need arises!
posted Aug 26, 2009 7:52 PM by Tupelo - Lee Humane Society [ updated Aug 27, 2009 6:48 AM ]
We do have a regular photo volunteer but she needs support - not only does she help with out with our photos and web presence, she also works full time M-F, is married, has one human child, and 8 furry ones! In an effort to help her and to get more exposure for our animals we are asking anyone with good photography skills who would like to help with animal photos to contact us! You can call our shelter (662) 841-6500 or email us at info@tupeloleehumane.org This is a very valuable donation of your time to us - the possibility for increased adoption and less time in our shelter is VERY beneficial to our animals. Right now our volunteer can only come every other weekend to take photos, ideally we would love to have individuals to come help us with this daily - we intake new animals EVERY DAY so there are always photos to be taken.
From our director Debbie Hood:
If any photo buffs have an hour a day to take the days animals pics, they can enter them in at the shelter and I can show
them how to put them on our petpoint system.
Please let us know if you are interested in helping with this most important task! |
posted Aug 26, 2009 7:45 PM by Tupelo - Lee Humane Society [ updated Aug 27, 2009 6:48 AM ]
The Humane Society is currently looking for volunteers to help out with our Petsmart adoption events. We are at Petsmart every Saturday from 10am-4pm. This is
broken into two shifts 10am-1pm and 1pm-4pm. Even if you cannot come for an entire three hour shift that is fine ANY amount of your time is very appreciated. If you
are an animal lover there is nothing about the Petsmart adoption event that you will not like. The main tasks for the volunteers is making sure the puppies and kittens
are comfortable (walking the puppies around if they get restless and making sure everyone has plenty of water in their bowls) and getting the word out to the public
about our precious furry friends who are looking for good homes.
If you are interested (or have ANY questions and/or concerns about volunteering in general) please email me at carly4animals@yahoo.com I will send you a personal
email letting you know all of the details about the Petsmart event and answer any questions or concerns that you have.
Volunteering for the Humane Society is a very fun and rewarding thing to do. I recommend that everyone try it at least once :o)
We also welcome family volunteering and civic group support!
As always our volunteers are Greatly Appreciated; none of our events would be possible without your help.
Thanks so much!
Carly Fry
Tupelo-Lee Humane Society Volunteer Coordinator
carly4animals@yahoo.com |